
Dungeon Crusade - Book I: Genesis of Evil

Created by Groovus Games Unlimited

A solo/co-op sandbox adventure awaits you in the land of Avalon. Explore, mine and craft! Slay monsters, level-up and find rare loot!

Latest Updates from Our Project:

MEGA update! Pledge Manger is LIVE! LOWER shipping! New art! Plus much more!
almost 8 years ago – Sat, Aug 27, 2016 at 10:17:06 PM

I felt like an announcer on a megaphone typing that heading!

Hello everyone, Rodger here and welcome to the weekend! :) As always I hope everyone is doing great and enjoying what ever you may be doing in life. So wow...get yourself a sandwich, soda and pull up a chair...MEGA update time! ;)

As some of you know, the Dungeon Crusade pledge manager is now live. When it launched, there were some shipping rates only for the add-ons that had to be addressed. That is now fully resolved, and the pledge manager is running perfectly for everyone.

So what I did was post below in the comment section the other night for everyone. It talks about the lower prices I put in place for you guys on shipping for add ons. 

So if you HAVE checked out at pledge manager, READ THIS BELOW! If you have not checked out at pledge manager, this of course will not affect you. 


"Some people had some concerns with the shipping. As I said before if you guys got concerns, I have them to. LOL...we don't want concerns! ;)  

So for a good part of the night, I have been on a conference call with the truly awesome folks at pledge manager and i told them we have to fix up that shipping. I wanted it lowered for everyone. They were so helpful with my request. So let's get into what is going on for everyone.... 

NEW SHIPPING: These prices you are seeing is for the whole world. Real cut and dry, and this is of course across the board for ALL BACKERS.

Dungeon Pack - $4
Hero Pack - $2
Expert difficulty monster deck - $1
Heroic difficulty monster deck - $1
Patrol Route Die - $1

There you go. Lowered shipping for all. ;) So now we have to talk about a few groups of backers here.

PEOPLE WITH OPEN CARTS: You have not completed your order. Therefore when you checkout with pledge manager, you will be getting the lowered shipping prices. No issues there. 

PEOPLE WHO HAVE COMPLETED THEIR ORDER: You are going to have 3 options here. This was told to me by the folks at pledge manager.

 1) If you have completed your order, you are going to have a credit balance in your account. So you could open your account, and put that towards other add-ons if you wish. Extra patrol route die, difficulty monster decks , etc. Whatever you wish. :) 

2) Reach out for a refund for the difference in shipping. 

3) Just leave the funds there. Put it towards the project. So this situation is for the most part, all cleared up. But what ever you decide, myself and pledge manager will be right here with you, to get what ever you would like. :) 

I have asked pledge manager to implement a very cool feature for the patrol route dice for you guys.

When you go to the add-ons page, you can now select 1,2,3,4 or 5 patrol route dice to your order. You will only be charged $1.00 shipping. If you desire more, you can add up to 5 more for another $1.00, so on and so forth.

So for example, if you want 20 patrol route dice, shipping would be $4.00. Hopefully that all makes sense. It is a WAY better system. "

Ok...we should all be on the same page now right? So bottom line, I'm glad i could get that shipping adjusted for everyone. for the GREAT STUFF! ;)


So I may have created design docs for all these monsters and heroes, but it was Jesse Hansen, Joseph Arnold and Freddy Lopez from Cornerstone Creative Studios who truly brought these monsters to life for all of us to enjoy in the game.

I have written origin stories for all the monsters in the game that I will share later, but I would just like them to have the spotlight here, and let you guys admire their creativity and imagination in this batch of monsters for Dungeon Crusade. :) Truly outstanding work, that has exceeded my personal expectations. 


A Sister of the Faith. Just one of many monsters from the evil cult faction, "The Faith" in Dungeon Crusade.
A Sister of the Faith. Just one of many monsters from the evil cult faction, "The Faith" in Dungeon Crusade.



The massive hellhound "Nafarion". Just 1 of the 8 guardians in Dungeon Crusade!
The massive hellhound "Nafarion". Just 1 of the 8 guardians in Dungeon Crusade!

 LOL...WOW! Right!? Those guys there at Cornerstone Creative Studios are just masters. And this is just the tip of the iceberg guys. TONS of more heroes and monsters coming...yes, tons. I have seen many sketches they have submitted to me, and these will be, or are in production right now. Much more to look forward to.


The incredible Camron Brown has been blazing through the encounter card art. Now, I want to keep these a surprise for you, in regards to the text on the cards, and what your heroes will be faced with for encounters. But I don't see the harm in showing you some of the art that will be on those cards, and I think you guys would like to see it, and let your mind wander! :)  And again, simply awesome work.

Just 6 of the 70 unique images for encounter cards!
Just 6 of the 70 unique images for encounter cards!

 I LOVE these encounter cards. I truly look forward to them when playing Dungeon Crusade and drawing one and see what happens this round! :) 


If you guys have not been tuning in for this, you must check it out! Every friday from 4pm to 6pm (eastern standard time), Shaun Ellis has been live on Twitch creating the loot for Dungeon Crusade. I am always in there hanging out with him, chatting with people, and LOL, having my dinner while I watch Shaun create! It's something I look forward to every week. 

So if you got the time, stop on in and hang out for awhile. I'm sort of addicted watching it! I just admire and hold in such high regard what these artists can do. I'm amazed by it.  

Here is a few of these videos to check out:

As for me, I have been working with pledge manager this past week getting that all straightened out for everyone, working on the revised content for the new playthrough video which I'm really looking forward to doing with you guys, and working on the design docs for the level 4 champion monsters. Most definitely busy, but to me, fun busy. 

Now this picture below is something I put together. But since you know about the Fabled Gear from a few updates back, I wanted to show you a new piece of Fabled Gear. But not one from any of the characters or heroes, but from Lord Blackhand, the leader of the Blackhand Army. 

Lord Blackhand is not one of the most pleasant individuals you're going to meet. I envisioned a weapon he would carry that would reflect is violent, malevolent and cruel nature. So, meet "Trinity of Anguish". A new piece of Fabled Gear the heroes can find and use.

A new piece of Fabled Gear, "Trinity of Anguish"
A new piece of Fabled Gear, "Trinity of Anguish"


 And of course, this is just my work, Shaun Ellis will be recreating this for the final release.

Something to also look forward to is the monster card backings. They are with yet another incredible graphic artist by the name of David Shearer. He asked if he could run with it and just go crazy on it. LOL, he had a vision for it! After I saw his jaw dropping portfolio of his art, I knew it was in safe and more than capable hands. 
WOW >>>>

OK guys, I believe that was a truly MEGA update, and I hope everyone enjoyed that. And I just want to thank everyone for believing in all of us and Dungeon Crusade. As you can see we are all hard at work bringing this juggernaut together for all of us to enjoy. I will be back next friday to share more D.C. stuff with everyone.

I hope you guys have a great weekend, and all of you are simply to you soon....Rodger :)

p.s. OK...I wasn't going to share this, but I thought....why not, right? So some of you know I'm a guitarist by nature, and I LOVE music! When I work on Dungeon Crusade, I just crank it up, and get to working and creating. It truly inspires me.

So Jesse from Cornerstone Creative Studios sent me some raw footage of him doing the inking process of Nafarion and the Succubus. So I decided to get a few of the songs I enjoy, and do a little spotlight video. Not much, but...I hope you enjoy! ;) Crank it!


Wanna watch Dungeon Crusade being created?
almost 8 years ago – Thu, Aug 18, 2016 at 09:56:48 PM

Hello all, Rodger here and I hope everyone is doing great! :) 

And when I say that, I am considering your families as well. I hope EVERYONE is doing great! I truly look forward to our friday updates, and fill you guys in what is going on. But this is a pre-friday update if you will...I think I said that right...LOL, let me explain on what's going on for you.

So Shaun emailed me yesterday, (artist for the game world/dungeons) and had a fantastic idea. Tomorrow, friday August 19 at 4:00pm eastern standard time, he will be streaming live on twitch creating game content for Dungeon Crusade! You will be able to tune in, chat with him, and watch as he works on the game. 

I believe he is going to run it for about 2 hours. He also will be recording this for the Groovus Games Unlimited You Tube channel.  Here is what he said in the email so you can get all the info...

"For the art streams I've decided I'll start off doing it every Friday from 4:00pm est (1:00pm pdt) and it'll probably go on for around 2 hours. The stream will be on twitch at and I'll start doing this schedule this upcoming Friday."

So there you go. I'm really looking forward to this! 

Also, myself and the awesome folks at pledge manager worked on the pledge manager for Dungeon Crusade. We have been running tests on it, and we believe it is solid and ready to launch. Expect that to go live tomorrow I believe.

Aside from that, I have made alot of progress this week on design docs for the heroes and monsters, and a few other things. Plus I have a few pretty exciting things to show you guys. I should be dropping that tomorrow for you. 

OK guys, I will be back soon! I'm truly looking forward to this stream with Shaun, as I don't know what he is up to. This is going to be a fun time.

Have a great day guys, I'll be back super soon...Rodger :) 

Happy friday all, and many wheels are turning....
almost 8 years ago – Sat, Aug 13, 2016 at 12:25:32 AM

A good evening to everyone tonight! :) Rodger here, and as always, time for a friday update. I truly look forward to these, as you guys get to see more on what I am working on, and what all the artists are working on, and how Dungeon Crusade is coming together.

Sometimes I won't have that much to show, but I always try to tell you guys what's going on and what we are doing, and what is in the pipeline for what will be coming.

LOTS to talk about let's get this going!

Encounter cards are completed on my end...

Yes! This was a big one. As you know, you are getting 70 encounter cards...but that's kind of wrong. You will be more like 80'ish, as I wanted to throw in a few more for you. I had a few challenge encounter cards that I just HAD to throw in there! As I have said, I LOVE creating and writing these for you guys...OK...and me too! ;) 

OK, I wasn't going to show you any in this update because I didn't want to give any spoilers. But..I gotta show you this one! 

Now the encounter card below is my placeholder art. Camron is of course redoing all of these for us, and if you saw his work on the other encounter cards, you know what to expect. The guy is just outstanding with his art direction for the encounter cards. 

So this one right here is one of my favorite challenge encounter cards. And you have to consider this one while playing. You could get a ton of gold, or minions could show up, take a look....

Hmm....should you chance lifting the chest out of the well, or not?
Hmm....should you chance lifting the chest out of the well, or not?

This scene in Lord of the Rings inspired me to create this challenge card. Not really the same, but something going down a well really loud. and alerting monsters of the heroes presence in the dungeon.

 There are a great amount of challenge cards in the deck for you to discover, plus the event and environment encounter cards. I'm sure you will see a few show up when I do the new gameplay video.

So to close out about encounter cards, I have finished all of them, and they have been submitted to Camron to recreate all of them. This was a huge part of Dungeon Crusade, and this brings us a great step closer to having the game finished.

Cornerstone Creative Studios have been submitting a ton of proofs for heroes and monsters.

So as I have been telling you guys, I am creating these things called design docs. What the purpose of these are is to get across what I envision the monsters and heroes to look like in Dungeon Crusade. I give them the height, weight, age, race, and a description of what I imagine them to look like, and some reference art to get my vision across. 

I have been very creative and imaginative with the monsters especially. One of the incredible artists there by the name of Joseph Arnold pencils a very rough draft to start with, and we make changes to that, before going full on and creating the final piece. And I have to tell you...his rough drafts look AMAZING! I seriously think he can read my mind, and create exactly what I'm aiming for! 

I will be sharing all of this with you guys as the final pieces come together in those spotlight videos i spoke about. You'll see the rough draft, penciled version, inked version and the final full color version. 

So bottom line is I just signed off on 6 rough drafts, and these will be getting finalized. As soon as they are completed, you will be seeing them. I believe you are going to be beyond impressed with Cornerstone Creatives work. :)

A VERY close final version of a monster card....

OK, so Camron finished the the monster cards assets earlier in the week. Assets meaning the icons on the monster icon, lifeforce icon, loot roll icon, etc, and I put a whole card together to show you a super close final version of a champion monster card. Here is what will change slightly...
-- Background the monster is on.
-- The fonts/letters on the card.

So for what it's is the origins monster card for the Lich Queen...

The normal version of a champion monster card has just the origin story for the monster. Normal champions have no special abilities.
The normal version of a champion monster card has just the origin story for the monster. Normal champions have no special abilities.

 And here is the elite version of a champion monster. Notice the gold star to the top left corner. This denotes you have encountered an elite champion. Elite champions always have a nasty special ability.

 Now, that dungeon background will be changed. If there will be a dungeon background, it will be subtle, kind of out of focus, so it doesn't take away from the awesome monster art on the card. More on the background as it develops. ;) But I hope you enjoyed seeing a close to final monster card. 

Before I close out this section, I wanted to make mention of something that some people got a hold of us about during the campaign.

Some really awesome D.C. fans out there suffer from color blindness. And as I am always honest with you, I have to tell you I never even thought of that when creating Dungeon Crusade. But I have made some changes for these people.

If you saw the original warfare icons on the monster cards, they were colored skulls. People with color blindness had a real problem with this. As you have seen above, that has been removed. The new warfare icons on all of the monster cards are the warfare icons. That way, people with color blindness can now play, as they can see what warfare type is on the monster cards now. 

So my point is, whatever I can do to help people out who have a desire to play Dungeon Crusade, I'll do whatever I can to accommodate them to enjoy the game. 

Early look at the monster card backings...

OK, so let me tell you guys what's going on here. Camron came up with this backing for all the monster cards, and this is in tune with my placeholder art. However, his BLOWS mine outta the water! ;) 

But what is going on is we are bringing in a HIGHLY seasoned graphic artist for all of the card backings. The artists name is David, and this guy is like a jedi master at art. David is going over these cards below, and adding some effects and other things to them. So take these with a grain of salt, as these will be changing. But for now, I hope you enjoy these!



 Of course you will be seeing the next stage of these monster card backings as they develop. But as I have always said, I personally really enjoy seeing things evolve in this manner, and into what it will ultimately become. 

 The final race icons for the monsters and creatures....

Camron has also provided the final race icons for Dungeon Crusade. In the land of Avalon there are human, undead, beast, mythical and demonic monsters and creatures. These race icons will be on the monster cards, some of the encounter cards and some of the loot cards.

Below is an old promo poster I put together awhile ago. I pulled it up and added the new race icons on it for you guys to check out. I REALLY like what Camron did with these. They are simple, but you just know exactly what they are by looking at them. Another awesome job by Camron! :)

The 5 races of Dungeon Crusade.
The 5 races of Dungeon Crusade.


Pledge manager is ready and being tested...

The awesome and super nice folks at Pledge Manager sent me an email this afternoon to let me know all of the info has been entered in for Dungeon Crusade for the pledge manager. We will be testing it out this weekend, making sure everything is right with it. By next week, this will be going live for everyone. 

Create a hero people....

You guys! Yes, you guys! We must talk! For the people out there that got a create a hero package, we have to get together somehow and have a pow wow on what;s going on. I have read a few of your guys stories you wrote. Seriously...color me impressed! :) 

I want everyone to see your stories, so they know what I'm talking about. When the official site goes live, I want a section there for you 12. I want a image of the hero and the name you created for that hero, and your story there for all to see. This should be your long version of the story. 

As you know, a "micro" story about that hero will be on the back of the level 1 hero card you create. So you will have your long version for the web site, and a short version that will fit on back of the 5x4 inch hero card. 

However, we must discuss a few more things with you. Please message us through kickstarter and let us know what hero package you have, and we will go from there. 

So I hope you liked everything this week in the update. Basically, all of us are working on the game. Shaun is working on the dungeon, I'm on design docs and working on revised content, Cornerstone Creative Studios are really cranking out the rough drafts at a GREAT speed, Camron is on encounter cards, Damien I know is working on the Avalon map for the Avalon Adventure board game, and our new graphic artist David is starting work on finalizing the monster card backings. So truly, many wheels are turning for Dungeon Crusade. 

If you guys have any questions, you know what to do, throw them on here. I love hearing from you! :) I do apologize if I miss some stuff, or don't get back right away. I got to get to the comment section soon! I miss it! 

But when I get working on the game, I stay focused and get consumed with it. LOL, sometimes not the best thing, but, I'm just a super, highly driven person to finish a task once taking it on.  

OK guys, the clock on the wall says 2:54 a.m.  I will no doubt be back tomorrow on here to hang out with you and answer some questions you may have. I hope everyone has a great day! Talk to you soon...Rodger :)

The BIG announcement I have, and what's going on!
almost 8 years ago – Sat, Aug 06, 2016 at 11:03:58 PM

Helllloooo everyone! :) Rodger here, and happy friday to everyone, and welcome to the weekend! As always I hope you guys are doing great. 

I truly look forward to these friday updates to hang out with you a bit, and give you some D.C. news, updates and stuff that's in the pipe line. So let's get it on!!!! :) 

OK...the big announcement...LOL, I hope you think this is big what I'm about to say and show! So something has been bothering me. Something I wanted REALLY, REALLY bad in Dungeon Crusade. I feel Dungeon Crusade just really isn't complete without this certain feature. 

So that led me to speak to the awesome Shaun Ellis, game world designer and in charge of all the loot design in the game, along with the the equally awesome Kezrek Laczin.  We spoke about adding this feature into Dungeon Crusade, and I told him I am VERY passionate about this. I simply HAD to have this in there for myself and you guys. And so...

Fabled Gear has been added into Dungeon Crusade. All pledge levels will be receiving this with their game. Let's take a look at what I whipped up to show you guys, then discuss what's going on with Fabled Gear!

Please note, this is the placeholder art being shown. More towards the bottom, you will see examples of the final loot cards designed by Shaun and Kez.  

Fabled Gear was once owned by a certain character from the story I have crafted for Dungeon Crusade.
Fabled Gear was once owned by a certain character from the story I have crafted for Dungeon Crusade.

Here is a closer look at them for you...





First off, the characters that are shown are simply placeholder pieces. Next year when the game is finished, I will be working with a few artists to create the final characters for the story I wrote, and we will be re-releasing chapters 1-4 of the storyboard series, and chapters 5-8  to tell the opening story of Book I : Genesis of Evil. So I did the best I could, to get everyone acclimated to the story and the characters. 

Here is a link to the storyboard series for now, but do remember, these will be recreated next year with fresh professional art.

Fabled Gear is loot owned by many of the characters, (good and bad) from the Dungeon Crusade story that I have crafted. Some of this Fabled Gear is quite powerful and has special abilities not found on the standard loot in the game. 

  Right now, there is over 20 pieces of Fabled Loot that your heroes can find in the dungeons, or for sale in the village. But because of it's rarity, and it's special properties, some of this gear will have premium pricing associated with it. LOL, sorry! In Avalon we must charge accordingly. ;)  

Here is a comparison of standard loot and Fabled Gear....

 Some of the confirmed characters that will have Fabled Gear in the game are:

- Charsi Sibri             - Emperor Sylvain             - Father Jova
- Empress Ashara     - Mallory                           - Hanno Lithgar
- Luke                       - Banevik                           - Captain Briggs
- Lord Blackhand      - Eve                                 - Razorfang
- Horrus                    - Nafarion                          - Magmus 

Other characters will be introduced when chapters 5-8 are out, and they will also have Fabled Gear. As you can see, I'm quite excited by this addition, and have it planned out already. LOL, I feel complete now that Fabled Gear is in the game for all of us, and I will not be throwing an adult temper tantrum now. ;)

To put this all in perspective, while playing Dungeon Crusade you could find junk loot, standard white, green, blue, purple or orange tier loot, Fabled Gear in the tiers just mentioned and Underworld Artifacts. This brings the grand total to a whopping 189 pieces of gear as promised in Dungeon Crusade. :) 

To close out this talk of loot, here is some final art that Shaun and Kez put together. I believe I showed this a while ago. Stats and a few things are devoid on the cards, but this is a great peek of what type of quality we can all expect.      


 Spiritual Warfare

And yes, after much thought, and speaking with you guys, mind warfare has been changed to Spiritual Warfare. ;) I was doing a google hangout with Camron last night (an artist on the team), working on some stuff with the game,  and we were discussing this a bit about Mind vs. Spiritual Warfare. He also agreed with changing it to Spiritual Warfare.

Also, he will be creating another warfare token, but instead of a scepter, it will have a mace on it for Spiritual Warfare. So we may drop the scepter one, in favor of the mace one. Next update I'll throw them both on here, and give me your 2 cents on them, and your thoughts. 

Heroes and monster art is arriving

Yes! Jesse, Joseph and Freddy from Cornerstone Creative Studios have been submitting rough sketches of a bunch of heroes and monsters. Now I'm going to straight level with you guys here. They look flat out outstanding! I mean, it's a rough draft, but they look SO epic already! They have already exceeded my expectations. 

So far there is a..
--- Skeletal minion monster
--- The female archer hero
--- A level 3 champion Succubus, (this one may be a little risque..fair warning)
--- A Cultist of Zul minion
--- And our hellhound guardian Nafarion.
So this is what I will be doing as they get the art finalized....

I will have images for the rough draft, penciled version, inked version and finally the full colored version for the game. What I would like to do is create 1 minute spotlight videos of them, and wrap them into friday updates. I believe you guys would love to see the creation process in these stages of development. It's also something to look forward to for friday updates.   

Pledge Manager

The folks at pledge manager has got the Dungeon Crusade pledge manager ready. They were leaving for Gen Con though, so we are going to run a test on it next week, and have it go live if everything is A OK with it.

I'm getting messages everyday from people about it. It's coming! I promise! Next week it should be up.

Other stuff

Aside from all of this, I'm still creating design docs, chatting with the artists about the game, getting the revised content in, and really looking forward to the new gameplay video with all the new revisions that have been made. I really want you guys to see how much more streamlined the game is now, and how smooth it plays. I'm really hoping to do this in the next few weeks. 

Presently I'm getting the encounter cards ready for Camron, to have him produce the final versions of them for the game. I posted some final ones a few updates ago. 

Also, if you missed it, check out last weeks update.

But I am REALLY happy now that Fabled Gear is in the game for all of us to enjoy now! 

And to my crew in the comment section, I will try to get in there with you guys and chat more! I saw someone said could you get word to Rodger about some things. I'm always going in there seeing what's up. The problem is, you know me...I start typing and I cast "Wall of Text!" This week was SUPER wise and family stuff. But I should have some good free time this weekend. 

 OK guys, the clock on the wall says 4:00 a.m. eastern standard time. Time for me to hang it up for tonight. I hope everyone liked what went down in the update tonight and you're looking forward to all of this.

As always, you guys are truly the best...I will be popping back in here to answer some questions over the weekend that might pop up.

Have a great day guys, I will be back super to you then...Rodger :)

New art to show, and what we are up to! :)
almost 8 years ago – Sat, Jul 30, 2016 at 12:26:06 AM

A HUGE hello to everyone! You crazy crusaders you! :) LOL, Rodger here and a happy friday to everyone! It's great to finally get on here with you guys and show you some of the final art in one form or another. But first....

OK, Rodger moment get ready. LOL, don't won't take long. But I feel very compelled to say this. 

I'm excited and thrilled when new Dungeon Crusade stuff comes in from the artists. My very first thought is..."OMG! The backers need to see this! They are going to love this!" 

Personally, I truly love watching something come together. Like from the grassroots level, to the thing it is going to evolve into. I think there is a certain charm and honesty in doing so, and I hope you guys enjoy this also. 

All of you awesome backers, who I truly love, entrusted me and the artists to produce a kick @$$ game for you. And I have every intent on doing just that, and showing you what I can to excite you, and get you pumped for Dungeon Crusade, and let you know we are hard at work on the game for you...and me! :)

So when you see some stuff I show may be a bit early to show, might change a little, but know my heart is in what I'm showing you, so we all can look forward to Dungeon Crusade together when it ships next year, for all of us to enjoy! :) 

OK..I feel better now! On too the good stuff! 

So let me start with the finished warfare icons. Our artist Camron Brown from the U.K. did an OUTSTANDING job on creating the final warfare icons you will be using in battles in Dungeon Crusade. Of course these will be tokens, you will place for phase 1, 2 and 3 of combat. Camron, if you are reading this...awesome job my man! :)

The 6 warfare icons for Dungeon Crusade designed by Camron Brown.
The 6 warfare icons for Dungeon Crusade designed by Camron Brown.


In case you didn't know, or pick up on it, each warfare type is tied to a weapon in Dungeon Crusade....

Physical warfare = Swords
Range warfare = Bows
Arcane warfare = Staffs
Mythical warfare = Daggers
Mind warfare = Scepters
Chaos warfare = Axes

Next up, Camron has also designed the monster cards. He made different variations, but I was totally drawn to this version. We worked together to refine the version you are seeing. Now the icons are missing at this point, so you are just seeing the "naked" monster card. Next update,  I should have one totally completed for you to take a look at.

As you probably know, there are 3 different divisions of monsters. Minions, champions and guardians. I had him color code the monster cards bronze for minions, silver for champions and gold for guardians. Have a look, and I hope you guys enjoy the look of the monster cards! 

Minion monster card with blue gem
Minion monster card with blue gem


Minion monster card with green gem
Minion monster card with green gem


Minion monster card with red gem
Minion monster card with red gem

 I listed 3 of the minion monster cards because I wanted you guys to note the crystal at the top left. Remember, there are 3 identical monsters per group for minions. There is a red, green and blue one. The minion monster cards  have those colored crystals so you can keep track of them easily. For example, hit points. 

Here is the champion monster card...

Champion monster card
Champion monster card

 And finally the guardian monster card....

Guardian monster card
Guardian monster card

And...I had to do this for you guys. Since we have the Lich Queen completed from the awesome folks at Cornerstone Creative Studios, and the monster cards from Camron, I'm sure you guys would love to see it come together to get an idea of the final look!

 Again, it is missing the icons on the card, but still, I think you will enjoy seeing a almost final level 3 champion monster card!  

 LOL...I think it looks pretty darn BAD @$$! I did throw a background in there, so this may change a bit. Above all, i hope you like how this is all coming together for us. :)

A hot topic going around is the guardians of Dungeon Crusade. As you know, we are streamlining Dungeon Crusade, and making it play smooth in the gameplay department. So let me post this chart for you, take a look at it at it, then let me explain some things for you...

 As you see, I have added a "guardian phase". This is when you will make one roll, and see if a guardian spawns. The guardian track of course is still in Dungeon Crusade, as this has not changed at all. It still goes from 20 to 11, and scenarios will have it starting at different levels.

This is just another great little tweak, that has enhanced Dungeon Crusade, and make it play smoother and easier. 

If you remember from the game session I was playing, a guardian roll was made after each hero took his or her turn. This slowed gameplay down bit. However, this will be an official variant in Dungeon Crusade. So if you wish to play it this way, you may do so. No problem! :)

Another thing that I'm awaiting to show you is the official logo for Dungeon Crusade. To be honest, I was racking my brain on this for awhile. I wanted a logo that really defined the game.

About a week ago, it came to me on what it should look like, and I started designing it. It is being finalized with the awesome folks at Cornerstone Creative Studios. I believe it should be done by next update for me to share with you.  

Basically I can tell you everyone is busy on some aspect of the game. Shaun our game world artist is creating the origins dungeon board as I type this.

Me personally, I am doing things called design docs for Cornerstone Creative Studios. These are basically what I envision the monsters and heroes are to look like in Dungeon Crusade. I'm being pretty creative and imaginative in designing these, so I can give you something new that you may have never quite seen before in a game such as this. LOL, the one minion, Cultist of Zul should prove quite interesting when you see it. ;)

Also myself and David are working with the incredible people of Pledge Manger to get that up and running. This should be up very soon it seems. 

As promised, I will be doing a brand new playthrough with all the tweaks we have made to the game. I need to get more of the design docs done however, and then i will be shooting that for everyone. I'm truly looking forward to this! :)

So, I guess that is it for right now. I hope you liked everything you saw and read, and see we are all hard at work on the game. I will try to hop onto the comments more with you guys, as I truly like to hang out there with my "walls of text", and chat with everyone. 

Let's shoot for next friday for another update, as I may have more stuff to share with everyone. 

I hope you guys have a great weekend, and I have to say again, just THANK YOU for believing in Dungeon Crusade, myself and everyone hard at work on the game for you. I'm just enjoying this whole venture and creating this game for people to enjoy next year. 

You guys are the best! Talk to you soon...Rodger :)