
Dungeon Crusade - Book I: Genesis of Evil

Created by Groovus Games Unlimited

A solo/co-op sandbox adventure awaits you in the land of Avalon. Explore, mine and craft! Slay monsters, level-up and find rare loot!

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Final add-ons and retail pledges added!
about 8 years ago – Sat, Jun 25, 2016 at 02:24:15 AM

Hello Crusaders!

We are revealing the final two pieces of add-on content. We had these planned as stretch goals but we needed to check the cost of art and printing to make sure we could provide these to you. After getting some calls back we were able to to make it happen!

The Hero Pack Add-on

6 brave Heroes join the Crusade!
6 brave Heroes join the Crusade!

 We have 6 new Heroes that you can purchase as an add-on. They all come with their own 3 Hero sheets, their respective card board standee and ability cards.

The Bard uses her musical talents to keep morale high and the team in high spirits. Her music can help bolster courage and maybe even hinder her foes. But music isn't her only weapon. She can also can also take the fight to her foes with her slender but deadly rapier.

The Battlemage blends equal parts mastery of Arcane and Weapon based warfare. He can blast his foes apart with eldritch arcane magics or enchant his arsenal and make his weapons even more deadly.

The Paladin is a beacon of light in the darkness. Her armor resplendent, her blade finely honed, she is unrivaled in her conviction and her prowess in combat. Her perfect balance of defensive combat, offensive combat and support means you can find her at the forefront of any adventuring party, leading as is her right.

The Warlock dabbles in dark magics and trickery to subvert his foes to his wishes. Once a minion of darkness he has started the long and hard path of redemption. He uses the power of chaos against his foes to aid his new found allies.

The Priest uses her powers of good to aid her fellow adventurers and bring light to deep dark corners of the dungeon. She specializes in keeping her friends in good health and she may even yield better results when she prays. Don't let the robe and staff fool you, she knows how to defend herself and her friends in need.

The Ranger seeks to restore balance; To clear the filth that has slowly seeped from the ancient dungeons and into the wild. His bond with nature is matched only with his skill in bow and blade. He call upon the chaotic and unpredictable powers of nature in his greatest times of need to aid him.

But that is not all. For what good are stout Heroes if they don't have dungeons to delve?

The Dungeon Pack Add-on

With this pack you get TWO additional dungeons (1 double sided board) and two new sets of quests (one set for each Dungeon). These two new dungeons will provide hours of new game play and add even more content for your sandbox adventuring.

Bottomless chasms, creaky rope bridges and guttural roars await you.
Bottomless chasms, creaky rope bridges and guttural roars await you.


Dare you brave the depths of Castle Blackwood?
Dare you brave the depths of Castle Blackwood?

 We hope you enjoy this extra content. I have to get to sleep, I have a ton of Dungeon Crusade content to play... er. Test. Yes test, that's it!

Fare thee well brave Crusaders! I leave the with Rodger's closing comments.

- David

Hello everyone! Rodger here, I hope everyone is doing great! :)

As always, a giant thank you and welcome to our new backers! We are truly honored and thrilled to have you here with us to create Dungeon Crusade together. :)

OK a few things first…

1) The 6 new heroes and create a hero pledge packages:

For each of the new 6 heroes, we will be doing the "create a hero" packages for each one. Each of the create a hero packages will contain the Master of the Realm contents and the Hero pack Add-on. (so if you snag one of these you don't need to add the Hero Pack Add-on)

Let me explain a little more about this. Tomorrow at 6 pm PST, 6 packages will appear on the Kickstarter page. They will all be master of the realm editions of the game, and each one will have one of the new heroes attached to it. The paladin, the ranger, the battlemage, the bard, the priest and the warlock.

If you are lucky enough to grab one, you’re in for a real treat! :) Let’s say you got he paladin package. You are going to get to name that hero, write a backstory for that hero that will appear on the back of the level 1 hero card, along with your name for your contribution to Dungeon Crusade.

I know there are a ton of creative and imaginative guys and girls out there that would love to have this chance, and I want to give that to them. We of course will work with you on the name and story...nothing too outlandish please! ;)

2) New Dungeons:

I have so many ideas for these new dungeons!!!! :) On the Castle Blackwood dungeon, you will enter the siege tile as the foyer of the castle. Abandoned, debris all over the floor, broken statues, stone floor, etc.

Then, I’m picturing stairways that lead down in a few places in the castle to the lower levels. Lower levels could have a chapel, storage area with barrels, a medieval eatery, barracks, etc.

Then finally on the outskirts of the dungeon board, the lowest levels of Castle Blackwood. A crypt area, with coffins, bones on the ground, overgrown parts of the floor, etc.

In the Hidden Cavern of Lost Souls dungeon, the heroes will enter into the siege tile as the mouth of the cave. The area around the entrance will be a series of caves and tunnels, and then the outskirts of the hidden cavern will be the ruins of a forgotten civilization. Very overgrown, statues, weird markings on the floor, cult symbols, suspension bridges over ravines, overgrown chambers, etc.

I wanted these 2 dungeons to be very thematic for you, and I want to craft main quests and scenarios very specific to each of the dungeons.

3) The advanced minions are all finished.

I didn’t want to make this update too heavy, but wanted you guys to know advanced minions are finished. The way I created their special abilities they are all unique to what type of monster they are, and what they do.

Next update I will post them. But remember, it is a option to use them. You can choose to use them in in a game if you want more depth or challenge, or choose not to. Just another option for you to use while playing Dungeon Crusade.

It’s like I want to create right now! So many ideas for you guys! :) I hope you like the sound of all of this. And the best part is, we are all going to see it come together for the final release.

Ok guys, I hope you like the sound of all of this, and it excites you more for Dungeon Crusade. As always, chat it up in the comment section, I love to hear from you guys with all your comments, thoughts and ideas for the game.

I will be back soon with more D.C. news. THANK YOU again for everything! We are going to get this done, and have fun in the process! Talk to you soon...Rodger :)

$80,000 Stretch Goal Unlocked: The Tomb of Kaladar!
about 8 years ago – Thu, Jun 23, 2016 at 06:37:15 PM

Greetings Crusader we unlocked the 2nd dungeon map for Dungeon Crusade! The Tomb of Kaladar! This will be included in every pledge from the $95 level and up.

The Tomb of Kaladar dungeon is printed on the other side of the original dungeon that comes with the game. It will come with 12 Main Quest cards as well as additional tokens for those quests.

I'll leave you in Rodger's capable hands as he goes into more detail about the the Tomb of Kaladar!

- David

An ancient tomb shrouded in a miasma of evil...
An ancient tomb shrouded in a miasma of evil...

 Hey everyone, Rodger here, and I hope you are all doing great! And of course a huge welcome and thank you to all the new backers! We are glad you are here. :)  

So David blurted out a word yesterday about the new dungeon that would be unlocking. He said “Kaladar”. I really liked that name I told him. So I started thinking about it. And fairly quickly, I started to create and craft a dungeon and story around it. A evil wizard named Kaladar, and a trap riddled dungeon he resided in.  

What I want to do with this new dungeon is very different from the others. My favorite game in the whole world is Dungeonquest from the 80’s. So within this new dungeon, “The Tomb of Kaladar”, I wanted to let Dungeonquest to inspire me, and bring a little of that into this final dungeon. Traps will be riddled within this dungeon. Let me explain….

There will be about 8 squares throughout the dungeon that will be marked with a trap icon on the floor. With this new dungeon you will get 18 trap tokens. 9 clear tokens, and 9 trap tokens. You shuffle these before a game, and place 8 of them on the marked areas of the dungeon. Of course you won’t know which is which. When a hero passes over a token, he must reveal it. If it’s a clear token, the hero can proceed with his turn. If it is a trap token, that hero must draw a trap card and resolve it. Could this be the deadliest dungeon in Dungeon Crusade?….ah...yeah! Pretty much! :)

Excuse the art I put together to show you guys. I was so excited by this, I thought you would love to see it! Of course our artists will be doing the final work for this.

In closing, THANK YOU to everyone again for unlocking the new dungeon, “The Tomb of Kaladar”! I’ll be back later today to hang out a bit with you guys. Have a great morning….Rodger :) 

Miniature list, monsters grow stronger, dice and more!
about 8 years ago – Thu, Jun 23, 2016 at 11:11:04 AM

Hello everyone! Rodger here, and I hope everyone is doing great today! :) Some GREAT news coming your way.

 I have been on the phone with my production manager at the game company for the last 2 days getting some stuff ready to announce. So I can reveal alot right now for you.... But first, 

I have completed the Reaper BONES miniatures list for everyone to check out for you to build your custom collection of miniatures for use with Dungeon Crusade. The list will be at the bottom of this update for you to consult.  

LOL, I'm using the metal ones in my prototype game, but now I want these instead! :) I really like the selection I choose for you guys to take a look at. When you see the list, there are a few variations of some of the heroes and monsters you will notice. I did this so you can truly pick and choose what you personally like. But as always, I encourage you to window shop over there, and find even other miniatures you would like.  

Extra patrol dice will be available as an add on! It will cost $3 per patrol route die you would like. 

Also, the piece of content that I really wanted to add for you guys. Difficulty levels are being added to Dungeon Crusade. 

As a tip of the hat to Diablo, I have planned monster decks in the form of different difficulties. Let me explain.... 

In the base game, you will receive normal difficulty monsters. Tough challenge without a doubt. But just like in a game like Diablo, there are players like me, that want even a tougher challenge. 

Normal difficulty monster come standard in all editions of Dungeon Crusade.
Normal difficulty monster come standard in all editions of Dungeon Crusade.


Enter in expert difficulty monster decks. Monsters will have increased health, increased warfare values and monsters special abilities will have a higher chance of hitting. 

On expert difficulty, the monsters and creatures will have increased health, warfare values will be a little higher and monsters special abilities will have a greater chance of hitting.
On expert difficulty, the monsters and creatures will have increased health, warfare values will be a little higher and monsters special abilities will have a greater chance of hitting.

 Still want a tougher challenge? Prepare thyself hero for heroic difficulty. Monsters and creatures will have even more increased health, warfare values and special abilities have a much higher chance of hitting. 

Heroic difficulty will push your heroes to the max. Monster and creatures health and warfare values are further increased, and monsters special abilities have a MUCH higher chance of hitting.
Heroic difficulty will push your heroes to the max. Monster and creatures health and warfare values are further increased, and monsters special abilities have a MUCH higher chance of hitting.

 Mining for minerals and precious gems to craft power gems to imbue in your heroes weapons and armor may be a must to prevail on heroic difficulty.

These monster difficulty decks would be using the existing art of course, but each deck would have a symbol on the monster side letting you know what deck it is from, normal, expert or heroic. You could even create a medley deck of different difficulties when playing. 

Each monster deck would consist of 98 cards. 18 minions cards, 48 champion cards and 32 guardian cards. This would be an add on for $10 per deck. Let me know what you guys think of that. 

I just want people to always have that option to play a tougher game if they wish to, and with more variations. 

 Also, I am in talks with my production manager at the game company for the following: 

- Hero pack: This would consist of 6 additional heroes cardboard standees, 6 heroes cards and 6 special ability cards a piece. I should have an update on this tomorrow for this. 4 of the 6 heroes would be a paladin, priest, ranger and a warlock. The other 2 will be talked about in the near future. Do I hear suggestions from the crusaders out there? ;) 


- An additional doubled sided dungeon board with 9 unique quest cards per dungeon board. Again, I should have information on this stuff tomorrow. We are really trying to give everything to you guys, because we want this also! 

Truth be told, art is really expensive. I would love to add fresh art to those difficulty monster decks, but it would really shoot the budget off. So we are trying to give as much as we can for what we can afford. 

OK guys, I'm getting the update prepared with the miniature list for you guys to look over, and announce all of the other add on's. Please, we would love to hear your thoughts on this. This is OUR game right? 

Lastly, the heroes will be getting a new attribute on their hero cards. Lockpicking. In Dungeon Crusade and the Avalon Adventure board game lockpicking will come into play. 

The rogue will be more adept of course at picking locks, there for she will get more attempts at picking locks. Where a hero like the warrior(knight) will be at a disadvantage at picking locks. Here is a few examples. These of course are just the prototype  hero cards, and do not represent the final version. The professional artists will be fully redoing these of course. :)

If the rogue comes across a locked treasure chest, and the challenge says, a hero has 5 attempts, she would get 3 free attempts due to her lockpicking skill.
If the rogue comes across a locked treasure chest, and the challenge says, a hero has 5 attempts, she would get 3 free attempts due to her lockpicking skill.


The warrior has a -1 to lockpicking. Thus, 1 attempt would be subtracted from the total attempts to pick the lock.
The warrior has a -1 to lockpicking. Thus, 1 attempt would be subtracted from the total attempts to pick the lock.


Dungeon Crusade is in this perpetual state of evolution, and we are all working together to deliver the best gaming experience possible to you. :) I will be back with more D.C. news for you, talk to you soon...Rodger :) p.s. 

There was a legendary difficulty, but it just was way to hard, I scratched it. To give you an idea, a level 1 minion had 5 health, and warfare values in the 13-15 range. A little too much. But if some backers want their heroes dying on the 3-5 turn of a game, let me know...all 3 of you. ;)

You don't want don't.
You don't want don't.


This list is just the recommended Reaper miniatures for you to use with Dungeon Crusade. I encourage you to take a look at all of the awesome and unique miniatures that Reaper offers, and build a collection unique to you. I have included a few variations of miniatures to give you an idea of the many different combinations you could build for your Dungeon Crusade collection. 

 I would like to take the time to say a HUGE thank you to Reaper for being so gracious and kind to myself and Dungeon Crusade, and I hope they enjoy the list of the miniatures I selected for use Dungeon Crusade. :)

Cultist of Zul: 

Skeleton Warrior:

Orc Archer:

Orc Siegebreaker: 

Goblin Spearman: 










Horrus (The Undead Horseman)



Lord Blackhand:




The list can be seen and downloaded from here >>

The create a hero packages tonight at 10PM eastern time..
about 8 years ago – Thu, Jun 23, 2016 at 07:25:22 AM

Hello everyone! Rodger here, and I hope you are all doing great! 

As always welcome and thank you to our new backers! It's great to have you here. :)

OK, let's discuss what these create a hero packages exactly are so we are all on the same page.

At 10pm eastern standard time on 6/21/16, the (6) create a hero packages will be placed onto the kickstarter page. I wanted to give everyone time to be ready for it. Each package will contain the master of the realm edition, along with the freshly announced hero pack with the 6 new heroes. All 6 of these packages will be priced at $155.

Each one of the six will have one of the new heroes attached to it. Either the paladin, ranger, battlemage, bard, priest or warlock. What ever backers are lucky enough to get one of these packages will get to name that particular hero, create a small backstory for that particular hero, which will appear on the back of their level 1 hero card. And lastly for your contribution to Dungeon Crusade, your name will be under the story you created. 

Just to be clear, what you will be creating for that particular hero,  will be in the new hero pack that everyone will be pledging for, and playing in Dungeon Crusade!

There is NO CHARGE for this. As I have said,  this is OUR game. And I know there are a ton of creative and imaginative backers we have here. I personally would love to see and hear what you would create, and to share it with everyone who plays Dungeon Crusade with these new heroes

LOL, now understand , you can't create a outlandish story like "The paladin hails from a distant planet from deep outer space, and was sent with a photon laser sword to vanquish the evil space lord "Drexall", that resides in Avalon!"  

But I trust people will consult the map of Avalon, the characters and craft a very awesome backstory for that hero, along with a unique name for that hero.

OK guys, back to work. If anyone has any questions, or if something isn't clear, please feel free to ask. We love hearing from you guys! :) Above all, I hope you guys like this, and it further reinforces how I truly believe this is our game we are creating.

OK guys, back to work...see you at 10PM sharp, eastern standard time! Rodger :)  

The Knight is ready to rock!
about 8 years ago – Tue, Jun 21, 2016 at 08:38:57 AM

The creative geniuses at Cornerstone Creative Studios just submitted the final art for the Knight. This is what he will look like in the game!

I love his powerful stance. This was tricky for the artists because one of the requests we had was that the pose had to be standee friendly. The poses had to look neutral so the standees would stay in scale, but not boring. Poses with characters squatting or running means they may look odd when compared with the rest of the standees or have appendages that stick out at weird angles.

I think they nailed this on the head right here. I for one, cannot wait to see how the rest of the Heroes and Monsters the create come to life!

The Knight is ready to face the horrors of the ancient dungeon.
The Knight is ready to face the horrors of the ancient dungeon.