
Dungeon Crusade - Book I: Genesis of Evil

Created by Groovus Games Unlimited

A solo/co-op sandbox adventure awaits you in the land of Avalon. Explore, mine and craft! Slay monsters, level-up and find rare loot!

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Rodger does an interview with 1 Player Podcast!
about 8 years ago – Mon, Jun 20, 2016 at 11:50:18 AM

Good morning and happy Father's Day!

Rodger did an interview with the awesome folks at 1 Player Pocast a couple weeks back that just went live!

Check it out here:

Thank you to all our supporters! Sharpen your blades, prepare your spells and fletch your arrows! We have a crusade against the coming darkness!

- David

Went to Origins with Dungeon Crusade, more about miniatures.
about 8 years ago – Mon, Jun 20, 2016 at 08:21:39 AM

Hello everyone! Rodger here, and I hope everyone is doing great tonight! :)

As always, a giant thank you and welcome to our new backers! We are very happy that you are here, to help build Dungeon Crusade together. :)

OK, SUPER long day! As some of you guys know, we took Dungeon Crusade to the Origins game convention in Columbus Ohio. But wow! Traffic was totally nuts there. Tons of construction, plus there was a massive parade going on right in the middle of the city. We had to park like 3 blocks away, hop on some buses, but we arrived at Origins ready to unleash the juggernaut which is Dungeon Crusade on unsuspecting gamer's!

But...we were stopped dead in our tracks. We were told by one of the high ups there we were not permitted to bring it in, and set it up near the convention. We would have had to reserve a table/booth months ahead. He was very nice and gave us the paperwork for next year however. So David, myself and a few others will be doing this next year, and have a booth for Dungeon Crusade. I'm already looking forward to it! :)

But we did draw alot of attention for the game. Here is the promo cards we were handing out, and spamming everywhere letting people know about Dungeon Crusade.

The Dungeon Crusade promo card for Origins.
The Dungeon Crusade promo card for Origins.

 While there, we had a awesome time! We saw the Undead Viking there hanging out, and I had the privilege of meeting the guys from the Dice Tower, and handed out a few of the DC cards to them. Very nice guys they are! Plus I chatted with the guys at Eagle-Gryphon games, makers of Defenders of the Realm, one of my favorite board games. I also talked with a bunch of indie developers about games that they have made, and their future endeavors. It truly was an awesome day just meeting people, despite not being able to bring Dungeon Crusade in. 

But above all, I learned ALOT of valuable information on how to go about certain things to do with your game after kickstarter, and for that matter when it is on kickstarter. 

But one of the best experiences of the show was meeting the awesome folks of Reaper miniatures, and leaving a bunch of Dungeon Crusade promo cards at their booth, as they encouraged I do so.

I hung out with Brian from Reaper miniatures for awhile, chatting about the game and of course the list of Reapers to use with Dungeon Crusade. He loved the idea, and further encouraged it. LOL, we went on a quest together for ice water for a fellow co worker of his! Let me tell you, it took forever for us to find a full water cooler, but we did prevail.

Before I left, I made a small video of just some of the awesome mins they had there. There was a ton of them! I found a few of the guardian miniatures that I show off in the video. I wanted to return and find all of the minis to show you guys, but time was running short. So have a look at this short video I made at the Reaper booth today.

As you know, all editions of Dungeon Crusade will come with our retro style cardboard miniatures. But I know there are many people who want and enjoy plastic miniatures. And personally, I think it's so awesome to have Reaper here, for the people who want to build and create their own custom collection to use for Dungeon Crusade. 

I have tweaked the list of miniatures even more, and added more description to it for making it even more clear on what miniatures you would need.. The updated list can be found here >>>

In closing, I am going to be full steam ahead on getting this print and play copy ready for some you tubers to check out. I hope you guys have a great evening and have fun gaming it up this weekend! 

Also to all of the fathers out there, David and myself would like to wish you a happy father's day tomorrow, and please enjoy your day with your family! :) Me personally, we are heading over to a place called Texas Roadhouse for an early lunch, then back to work on the print and play for Dungeon Crusade. 

Have a great evening everyone, talk to you soon...Rodger :)

I have an INKLING you are gonna like this Knight!
about 8 years ago – Sat, Jun 18, 2016 at 07:58:07 PM

Geddit? :D

Okay no more puns (for now) here is the inking of the Knight pencil we posted not long ago. The next and final step in the Knight's journey is color. We won't be revealing all art in this manner going forward (pencil, ink and color) but I thought it would be cool to show you guys; Watching it come to life with us as we get it in from the artists. :D

The Knight prepares to face the coming darkness...
The Knight prepares to face the coming darkness...


The gift of an avatar to fellow crusaders!!!
about 8 years ago – Fri, Jun 17, 2016 at 04:04:52 PM

Hello all!! :) Rodger here, and I hope everyone is doing great. As always a GIANT welcome and thank you  to all our new backers! It's a pleasure and an honor to have you here with all of us. :)

So I whipped up an avatar for everyone. I saw some comments asking for one, so I hope you like it! You know us guys, we will do whatever we can do for you. :)

OK, no "Rodger wall of text" tonight! But if you saw last night's update, you guys know how I feel about you. :)

OK,  back to the D.C. labs for late night work and fun. Let me know how you like the avatar....have a great night, be back super soon..with a MAYBE something very cool and awesome for you crusaders! Talk to you soon...Rodger :)

The official Dungeon Crusade avatar!
The official Dungeon Crusade avatar!