
Dungeon Crusade - Book I: Genesis of Evil

Created by Groovus Games Unlimited

A solo/co-op sandbox adventure awaits you in the land of Avalon. Explore, mine and craft! Slay monsters, level-up and find rare loot!

Latest Updates from Our Project:

The printing of Dungeon Crusade has been completed. Shipping out in September. The final/production version of the game arrives next week.
almost 4 years ago – Thu, Sep 03, 2020 at 01:43:27 AM

A HUGE hello to everyone! :) Rodger here and I hope everyone is doing good, staying safe, and having a fantastic summer. It is great to be back here with you for this most awesome & excellent update. I have been trying to get this update dispatched for a few days now, but it has been quite busy with every aspect of the game and some family stuff. 

But let's start off with the great news as you read in the heading of this update. Yes, mass production has concluded. If you notice in the poster, there is various Dungeon Crusade game content. 

A few days ago, our absolutely awesome production manager from the manufacturer forwarded me a plethora of great photos of all the game content printed out, stacked up, wrapped in plastic, and ready to be placed in the game boxes. All the photos she sent me are further along in the update for you to take a look at. 

I took some of those photos, a few art assets from the game, and created this month's Dungeon Crusade Kickstarter update poster. I thought it was quite fitting for this update. 

So let's get this update rolling, as I think you'll really enjoy this particular update with everything that has been happening from the last update. 

But first...

Here is a link to last month's Kickstarter Dungeon Crusade update for you. If you're new to the Dungeon Crusade universe or missed it, I  encourage you to check it out.

Here is a link to the update >>> 

I'd like to say at this point being at the end of the project, if you have not seen these mega-ultra updates #92 (part I) & #93 (part II), or if you're new to the Dungeon Crusade universe, go and take a look at those updates first.

Those 2 updates show everything that comprises the game and stands a true testament of all the hard work, creativity, determination, perseverance, and passion that went into creating Dungeon Crusade for everyone.
Here are the links for you...

UPDATE #92 PART 1:  

UPDATE #93 PART 2:     

I want everyone to know that's reading this that if you see a delay in the updates, check the comment section, especially now that the game is finished printing and shipping in the near future.

I'm in there every few days seeing what's going on and giving everyone updates on what we are doing, what we're up to, what's getting completed, news, and just everything Dungeon Crusade.

In any case, I just wanted everyone to know to check the comment section to see what's going on. Plus, if you go scroll through the comment sections history, you'll see a ton of great information I provide for everyone.


So of course the excellent news that we've been sharing for the past few weeks on a few game groups and on the Dungeon Crusade YouTube channel is the printing of Dungeon Crusade is complete.  Everything looks incredible. VERY bright, sharp, colorful, and vibrant. 

If you remember, I took the time months ago to work very closely with our project manager at the manufacturer to make sure everything would look its best, and it really paid off. I was seriously impressed with the print job they did. Fantastic job Wingo Games! 

And I must say our project manager and now our few production managers have been excellent with their communication, updates and providing us with many great photos and videos throughout the printing process.  So a huge thank you to them. 

But before I go any further, check out some of the photos that our production manager sent me. As you'll see, most of the content is wrapped in plastic, (decks of cards) and ready to be placed in the game boxes. There are some photos that she had sent me earlier in August, but all that content is cut, wrapped, and ready to go...

(I blurred some spoilers!) 

Here are the latest photos that show game content cut, wrapped in plastic and ready to be placed in the game boxes...


Last week, our production manager from the manufacturer sent me a message to let me know that the production/final version of the game will be arriving this week. This, of course, is the version of the game everyone will be receiving.

However, I received a message the other morning from one of our production managers at the manufacturer letting me know the final/production version of the game will be arriving next week instead of this week.

She explained that a die-cut on a machine had broke while working on the House of Chance game, The Adventures of Bravely the Knight. They're in the process of replacing/fixing it, and she apologized for it.  I told her it was no problem; things happen, and thank you for letting me know.

So next week when we do receive it, I'm going to do an unboxing video of the game and a few other things I have planned. I think there are many people that would love to see this. But this video will be part of a new video series on the Dungeon Crusade YouTube channel.

What I'm going to be doing is a sort of interactive video rulebook for everyone. I feel as the creator; it's my job, duty, and responsibility to do this for the fans of the game and its growing fan base.

So in this video series, we'll be doing an unboxing, a quick and extended video of breaking the game down, and how to store everything, then we'll move into how to set the game up and how to play. I'll be there every step of the way for everyone with Dungeon Crusade.

I've got some good ideas that I want to implement into this particular video series, so it will be an excellent resource for people to learn how to play Dungeon Crusade and find answers to questions they may have.

I'm hoping people watch this video series before receiving the game, so they will have a great understanding of how to play when it arrives.


Something else I/we were busy with a few weeks ago was myself, our production managers from the manufacturer and our shipping manager from the fulfillment company working together to get the different SKUs on the various content and working on getting the games (when they're ready and boxed up) to the fulfillment center. 

Our production manager told me that they are going to start putting all the boxes together to deliver to the fulfillment company in the very near future. I received a message from our production manager a little while ago that they have ordered the cartons/boxes to pack the games and get the games to the fulfillment center.

If you saw the news earlier, our shipping manager said that the games could start arriving as soon as late November but before Christmas. We'll be getting more information on this in the very near future, so I will be posting everything here for you in both comment sections so you're in the loop. 


Since last month's Dungeon Crusade Kickstarter update, I've created a few more videos for the spotlight series on the Dungeon Crusade YouTube channel you may want to check out that will get you more acclimated to the game and some other fun & informative content.

I'll give you a description of each one and provide a link for you.

Dungeon Crusade - UPDATE: Printing has finished, shipping out soon

Link - 

Dungeon Crusade - Shipping out soon, last chance to order, Let's play Tower Attack and reveals

Link - 

Dungeon Crusade- UPDATE (part 1/part 2)- Let's Play Skull Jack, the proper lighting, and more!

Link - Part 1: 

Link - Part 2: 

The last spotlight/update video I posted had a "Let's play Tower Attack" segment, and it surprised me how well it was received. Everyone truly loved the playthrough of this House of Chance game, and I was very grateful.

So I thought, why don't we do a "Let's play Skull Jack" segment for everyone. This was a pretty exciting playthrough.


For those of you who don't know, besides creating Dungeon Crusade and the Avalon Adventure board game, I created these 4 gambling games that reside in the House of Chance in the village. The 4 games are...

Tower Attack

Heroes vs. Monsters

Skull Jack

The Adventures of Bravely the Knight

There's a game mechanic in Dungeon Crusade called Celebration Day. This is when the heroes head back to the village when all the quests they have been tasked with are completed.

During Celebration Day, heroes can level up, purchase, and sell gear at the blacksmith shop, visit the temple to receive a blessing, receive healing or be cured of an affliction, visit the Academy to learn new special abilities, visit the tavern to sleep to regain lost essence, visit the bazaar to purchase potions and torches and enter the House of Chance to gamble.

The House of Chance is a quite unique and fun feature in Dungeon Crusade.  Heroes can win big or lose big.

Also, one huge rule to remember is only 1 House of Chance game shows up on Celebration Day. The 4 games are numbered 1 through 4.

A player simply rolls 1D4, and whatever the result, that one game is within the House of Chance for that Celebration Day.

Skull Jack is a very simple form of Blackjack or 21. I'll let you see in the video how the heroes did against the evil dealer, Skull Jack. There are some other surprises in this update video also for you.

I took the time to snap some pictures of Skull Jack after the video was finished. So enjoy! 

Closing out this section, I have been trying to get the new spotlight video completed. The newest one is taking an in-depth look at the land of Avalon, how I went about creating it, and the Avalon Adventure board game. 

It has been so busy with all the various things for the game, it's delayed me on finishing it. But now with the KS update dispatched, I'll be in full-force on getting this spotlight video done for everyone. This video in particular really means a lot to me, so I want to do it right.  


Within the Let's Play Skull Jack video, is something I have wanted to share for a while now. It's about lighting or the right type of lighting, especially for board gaming.  I think you'll be amazed at how the proper lighting can make all the difference in a room.

There's a bunch of other stuff I think you'll enjoy checking out in this video. We go over some things in the game, some rules to remember, and some talk about the pledge manager and a couple of other things.

But in regards to lighting, I have some examples below for you, and a test I did in the video. Take a look at this chart...

Now some people already know this, but for many, they have never seen their board games with daylight lighting, or any light bulb over 5000K It makes a HUGE difference in your boardgames. Many people just have that 2700K  or soft lighting, and it throws like an orangeish/yellowish tint or rather light on your board games and makes them look not as colorful vibrant, sharp, bright or attractive. 

I took the time to take 4 pictures with each lighting. 2700K and 5500K. The lighting I use for all the videos, and when I do get a chance to play a game is 5500K. 

But my point is, for your board gaming experience and most certainly with Dungeon Crusade on its way, a simple upgrade to any daylight bulb over 5000K will make all your board games look much more attractive, brighter, and more attractive. 

Here are the photos I took so you can see the difference. 

In closing, yes, that's quite a difference! So by upgrading your lighting on where you play your board games, all of your games are going to take on a MUCH ^^ more attractive look. 


Over on the Dungeon Crusade Facebook page and on my personal Facebook page, I have been creating and sharing these Origin posters. 

In Dungeon Crusade Book I: Genesis of Evil, I wanted to make sure there were a plethora of different & unique monsters and creatures throughout the land of Avalon, and that dwell deep within the many dungeons, crypts, ruins, towers, and tombs that player's heroes will be venturing into.

So with these Origin posters, you can see where a monster or creature comes from in Avalon, the warfare types they are proficient in, and a hint at their special abilities. A lot of people have enjoyed these posters, so I thought I'd share them within this update. 

Also know, that there are 2 versions of Champion monsters in Dungeon Crusade. Normal and Elite versions.

Normal versions of champion monsters have their origin stories I wrote for them and where they come from in the land of Avalon. Then there are Elite Champion monsters. Elites have some pretty nasty special abilities that, if activated, can lay down some quite undesirable effects, situations, and conditions on your heroes.


I'm not going to spoil anything, but the elite version of a Fallen King has a special ability I created for it called, "Hand of the Sovereign". Notice it's glowing/enchanted hand?

Before combat, a player(s) must select one hero and....I'm sorry...I can't say will spoil it! But what I will say is you want to select a hero with a very high Strength attribute. ;) 


Here we have an extremely formidable adversary, known as a Death Knight. A level 4 Champion monster.

I'm not going to spoil anything again, but the elite version of a Death Knight has a special ability I created for it called, "Breath of Death". Notice the green mist emitting from its mouth?

Before EACH round of combat, there is a chance that Breath of Death can activate. If it does activate, I'll just say you better have rallied a few heroes to take this thing down.  No spoilers! If a solo hero is facing a Death Knight...that's not a good situation.


First off, think of guardians in Dungeon Crusade like boss monsters.

However, with the creation of the guardians, I wanted them to level up throughout the game. So while heroes in the game can level up to level 3, guardians can level up to level 4, making them quite a threat to the heroes.

As of right now, there are 8 guardians in the game. Banevik, Dreadthorn, Lord Blackhand, Horrus, Nafarion, Red Widow Razorfang, and the most powerful guardian, Magmus.

At level 1, guardians don't have any special abilities. Instead, they have their Origin story I wrote for them.

However, when they start leveling up, they will gain more powerful and unique special abilities. So at level 2, 3, and 4, you'll discover they have new special abilities.

You DO NOT want a single hero to attack a guardian! Rally a few heroes together before attempting to take down a guardian.

Or create a "Guardian Hunting Party" of 3 heroes to hunt down the guardians in the dungeon....that's a PRO CRUSADER TIP #96. 

Lastly, I'll give you a hint and tell you that Banevik has a lot of grab & slam, massive club swing, and mythical ground stomp special abilities as he levels up...look out!!!


In creating Dungeon Crusade, I created some good and evil factions. The Keeper of the Faith is part of an evil religious cult known as The Faith. They're a quite wicked & malevolent bunch who believe they will be ushering in a new epoch in Avalon's history.

You'll discover unique and different monsters, creatures, and humans who belong to this evil cult throughout all the champion monsters as they level up.

I'm not going to spoil anything again, but the elite version of a Keeper of the Faith has a special ability called Book of Tormented Souls.

If you notice, the eyes of The Keeper have been carved out and embedded within the book it carries. It can see what the ghostly skulls see, which are cast from the book it carries. I'll leave it a surprise of just what this special ability does.


I'm not going to spoil anything again, but the elite version of a Succubus has a special ability called "Fatal Charm."

What I can tell about Fatal Charm is before a hero or heroes combat a Succubus, they must test their Willpower not to be charmed by the Succubus.  If they fail the Willpower, it's not really that good guys.  I'll leave that for you to discover.

All I'll say is you want to rally a few heroes together before venturing into a high-level chamber of the dungeon. You seriously don't want a solo hero to encounter a Succubus.

Normal, Expert, and Heroic monsters difficulty decks and a few variants to try out:

All editions of the game ship with Normal difficulty monsters. However, for add ons, there are Expert difficulty monster decks and Heroic difficulty monster decks. 

Here's a few variants/mods to try out with Dungeon Crusade


- So what you can do (after getting acclimated to the game) is mix ALL the monster difficulty decks together. That way, you will never know what your heroes will be facing in the dungeon and the chambers of the dungeon.

-If you draw a monster or creature that is already spawned into the dungeon, just simply draw another monster card and shuffle the other one back into the deck. 


- Another variant is monsters and creatures leveling up. What you do is start the game with Normal difficulty monsters. 

- As your heroes slay a certain monster, remove that Normal difficulty monster card from the game and replace it with the Expert difficulty version. 

- If that Expert monster is slain, replace that monster card with the Heroic difficulty monster card. 

- So you see, the monsters in the game will level up to the next harder difficulty.


Well everyone, here we are at the end of a quite excellent monthly Dungeon Crusade Kickstarter update, and  I hope you truly enjoyed this one. I'm quite elated, excited, happy and of course, relieved that the game will be shipping out to everyone this month. 

Truth be told, I'm most excited about everyone getting the game so all of us can have a truly innovative, creative, and fun experience together in a fantasy adventure/RPG/dungeon crawl game in a new direction. 

As most of you know. I set out years ago to create/develop Dungeon Crusade. I wanted to break the mold of the fantasy adventure/RPG/dungeon crawl genre and give fellow gamers and people something innovative, thematic, immersive, challenging, and fun.  

Looking at the final product, I think ALL of us...backers, myself, the amazing artists, the few tech writers, the incredible staff at Wingo Games, and the, of course, the outstanding Kickstarter platform and everyone behind it truly created something very special here. So a huge thank you and kudos to everyone. 

Lastly, there is going to be a lot going on in the coming few weeks, so stay tuned to the comment sections for up to date news on everything that's going on. However, when the games reach the fulfillment center this month, I will be doing an update to let everyone know the great news. 

Ok, I hope everyone has a great Thursday and I'll be in the comment section later today, AFTER, I fix our dryer! 

LOL, a few days ago, Liya yelled for me down in my studio room to get upstairs quick. I honestly rolled my eyes and thought, oh wow..what now. 

I go upstairs and the dryer is going, "BOOM!, BOOM!, BOOM!, BOOM!, BOOM!, ETC" LOL, she thought the dryer was going to blow up or something. Come to find out, it was a dryer roller that broke inside. So I ordered a new one and it should be here tomorrow. She did ask me, you can fix this? I just looked at her for a second and said...

"I'm a Crusader....I've been in dungeons ya know..." LOL, she just walked away and said under her breath, I don't care about all that, just fix it. 

So I have to dismantle this dryer and install the new dryer roller. I'll let you know how I make out. 

OK, now, I hope everyone has a great Thursday. I'll be talking to you soon...Rodger :) 

The printing of Dungeon Crusade is underway. Shipping to commence at the completion of mass production
almost 4 years ago – Sun, Jul 26, 2020 at 12:13:11 AM

A massive HELLO  to everyone out there! :)   Rodger here, and I first want to start off with I hope everyone reading this is doing great, staying safe and enjoying the summer. It is incredibly nice to be finally back here with all of you guys with the most excellent news that yes...finally, after this long journey all of us have been on together that the printing/mass production Dungeon Crusade Book I: Genesis of Evil is underway and has been for a while now. I'm incredibly happy, thrilled, excited and most of all very relieved to be reporting this to everyone.   

And please forgive my delay in getting the monthly Dungeon Crusade Kickstarter update dispatched for everyone.  I was waiting for the videos and photos from our production manager from the manufacturer.

When I received them, I put together a video and released it on the Dungeon Crusade YouTube channel and on the official Dungeon Crusade Facebook page. A few other people had shared this video also. 

Many people were incredibly happy and excited to see the game being printed off. So this past week I was trying to get the Kickstarter update finished up and getting back to many people's emails, messages, and very nice comments about the game. So that delayed me on getting the monthly Dungeon Crusade update dispatched for everyone.

As some of you may know, we are partnered with the most awesome Wingo Games for the manufacturing of Dungeon Crusade. Last month, they had announced on their Facebook page that Dungeon Crusade has entered into mass production. There were of course many people quite excited to see this news. 

Feel free to take a spin over to their page and see the news. Here is a link for you... 

Our amazing production manager at the manufacturer forwarded me a few videos and some photos of the game being printed.  So a little further along in the update you can take a look at the videos and the photos of Dungeon Crusade being printed. 

Also, for what it's worth, I've mentioned in a few different posts I've devoted more time to my family and we're having some great quality family time together now that the game is within the mass production phase. 

They were amazingly patient with me as all I've done is Dungeon Crusade 24/7 for the past few years and dealing with every aspect of the game day in and day out. 

The bottom line is I feel great, I'm no longer going on only 2, 3, 4 hours a sleep a day, I have a huge amount of vigor, highly energized, back into a normal swing of life, and I completely share everyone's excitement for the game and getting it out to everyone.

So from the last time we talked from last month's update, I have been busy working with the manufacturer on making sure everything is right as rain with Dungeon Crusade and creating some very nice videos I think you'll enjoy checking out for the Dungeon Crusade spotlight video series. 

So without further ado, let's get this update rolling on!

Here is a link to last month's Kickstarter Dungeon Crusade update for you. If you're new to the Dungeon Crusade universe or missed it, I  encourage you to check it out.

Here is a link to the update >>> 

I'd like to say at this point being at the end of the project, if you have not seen these mega-ultra updates #92 (part I) & #93 (part II), or if you're new to the Dungeon Crusade universe, go and take a look at those updates first.

     Those 2 updates show everything that comprises the game and stands a true testament of all the hard work, creativity, determination, perseverance, and passion that went into creating Dungeon Crusade for everyone.
   Here are the links for you...

UPDATE #92 PART 1:       

UPDATE #93 PART 2:     

     I want everyone to know that's reading this that if you see a delay in the updates, check the comment section, especially now that the game is within the mass production phase and being printed.

     I'm in there every few days seeing what's going on and giving everyone updates on what we are doing, what we're up to, what's getting completed, news, and just everything Dungeon Crusade.

     In any case, I just wanted everyone to know to check the comment section to see what's going on. Plus, if you go scroll through the comment sections history, you'll see a ton of great information I provide for everyone.


And as you read in the title of this most excellent Dungeon Crusade Kickstarter update, the printing of Dungeon Crusade has been underway. 

Our fantastic and awesome production manager Hedy, from the manufacturer sent me some videos and photos that she had promised showing Dungeon Crusade Book I: Genesis of Evil being printed off within the mass production phase. 

Within a few weeks, all of the printing will be wrapped up, and from there we will be moving into the fulfillment phase with all of the games being shipped out. 

I/we would first like to thank Hedy, Alison, Dric and many other amazing staff members at WinGo​ Games for all of their hard work, dedication and perseverance on everything they have done to get Dungeon Crusade prepared for mass production and everything they are doing now with the printing of the game. 

Also, as most of you know or remember, I spent many months staying up until all hours of the night working with them to make sure Dungeon Crusade was right as rain. I paid incredibly close attention to making sure all of the game's content was the perfect brightness, all of it was very colorful and vibrant and as sharp as it could possibly be. My point is seeing the final product, and how fantastic it all looks, it was well worth putting the extra time & energy into it. 

So thank you Wingo Games and kudos to you for all of your excellent work and attention to detail with Dungeon Crusade. :) 

The 2 videos and photos I received from our production manager I placed within this short video I created. I highly encourage you to take a look and enjoy seeing Dungeon Crusade being printed out. 

And here are some photos of some of the Dungeon Crusade game content that has been printed out....

Also, here are each of the 2 videos....

Closing out this section, I hope you enjoyed all of that, and I'll be conversing with our production manager early next week for more photos and possibly a few more videos and when the printing of the game will be completed. 

As I have been saying in the comment section, I truly try not to be a pest to them, as they are VERY good at getting back to me anytime there is an update and what's going on. 


Since last month's Dungeon Crusade Kickstarter update, I've created some pretty good videos for the spotlight series on the Dungeon Crusade YouTube channel you may want to check out to get more acclimated to the game. 

There have been 3 videos added to the series. I'll give you a description of each one and provide a link for you. 

A look at and discussion of the hero cards in the game plus more!:

 LINK >>> 

In this video, we take a look at the hero cards in the game and break down & discuss what everything means on them. Plus, there are a few things we go a little more in-depth with and explain a bit more.

A discussion of the 193 pieces of unique loot in the game:

LINK >>> 

In this spotlight video,  we will be taking a look at and discussing the 193 pieces of unique loot in the game, the nine different classes of loot, breaking down many of the loot cards, discussing what the loot roll and gold roll are when a hero slays a monster or creature and a few other things.

The video clocks in at 46 minutes, but I really feel this video, in particular, is a journey into the game. While it is quite long, I think it has a great flow to it and seems to go by fairly quickly as there is always something new to show you.

As I have mentioned, this loot video by far was one of the most complex and time-consuming videos to put together, but I believe it could be one of the best in the series. You'll most certainly learn a lot about the game, the various loot your heroes could possibly obtain and just become much more acclimated to the game.

An in-depth look at how to store the various components in Dungeon Crusade:

LINK >>> 

If there is a question I hear a lot or someone asks me it's once someone opens Dungeon Crusade, breaks it apart, takes all the cards out, punches all of the various tokens out of the punchboards, etc. how do you go about putting everything away and storing it all. Especially now with Dungeon Crusade being printed at the manufacturers.

As you know, Dungeon Crusade is quite a girthy game. But no worries, my fellow Crusaders of the Light! I got you covered in this brand new Dungeon Crusade spotlight video.

I take the time to go in-depth and show you how to perfectly store most of the content back in the game box, and how to organize all of the various tokens, markers, dice, cardboard miniatures, dungeon doors, etc. in various plastic compartment boxes that you can find on the cheap.

Basically, you'll need (2) 36 space plastic compartment boxes and (2) 18 space plastic compartment boxes.

But most importantly, you'll see how I have each particular box for certain aspects of the game to keep order and track of everything very easily.

Below are links for you on where you can pick up these plastic compartment boxes. Amazon has a ton of them, so feel free to start looking on there. Also, Walmart carries these as well as many other stores and craft stores for sure have them.

A very nice guy named Steven let me know about these plastic compartment trays from Aliexpress that have about 50 boxes within them, so check them out. They are also VERY cheap on there. Thank you, Steven! :)

Ali Express: 

I found this 2 pack for a 36 space box, which you'll need 2 of them. One can be used for the main tokens, dice, markers, etc. that comes with the base edition of the game, and the other one can be used to hold all the quest tokens. 

And here is a 2 pack of the 15 space plastic compartment boxes. You can use one for the cardboard miniatures and the other one for the colored plastic bases, the House of Chance components, and a few other things. 


I have been speaking to our shipping manager and I put her in touch with our production manager so all of us could discuss this together. I have mentioned before the great thing is the shipping company is located in the same city as the manufacturer, so this will make picking up the games very easy. 

As for shipping, this is what we have been saying. 

Our project manager from the manufacturer said it would take anywhere from 30-35 days for the printing of the games. As you know, it is in mass production right now with the manufacturer. 

Once the printing of the games is finished, cured, packaged, shrunk wrapped, etc. the fulfillment service we're partnered with will take possession of the games and begin delivery. They will be providing us a solid date when to expect the games to arrive, and you can count on us to keep everyone in the loop throughout all of this. This is a key piece of information, as the shipping service has the final word when the games will start showing up. We could say the games could start showing up mid-summer, late summer, early fall, or mid-fall. But again, I'll be keeping everyone in the loop throughout. But we are going to do our best to get the games out to everyone very quickly, but at the same time safely & securely. 

As soon as we hear word of an exact date from the fulfillment service, you and everyone else will have the news directly after immediately. I will post a Kickstarter update so everyone is informed. 


Well, here we are guys, FINALLY at the end of the project, and as I said, I feel incredibly excited, thrilled, and relieved we are finally here. I have said this a few times, but I have openly admitted, there was no rush job in Dungeon Crusade. I fully realize just how many people are looking forward to this game with great expectations, and that means the world to me. Anything of quality & quantity takes time. Looking now at the final product, we genuinely achieved something special for gamers with Dungeon Crusade Book I: Genesis of Evil. 

I want to say thank you to everyone reading this for your friendship, excitement for the game, time, interest, patience, and your incredible support with the game. All of us who worked on the project are very grateful to you. 

But as I have said from the outset of this project, I was out to do something for fellow gamers and people that was very creative, innovative, immersive, thematic and had a ton of passion baked into it. I wanted to give people a brand new experience to enjoy in the fantasy adventure/dungeon crawl genre.   

To be able to give fellow gamers and people something new in their life to enjoy and experience is a real-life reward. I'm someone who will always be eternally grateful for this opportunity to create and develop Dungeon Crusade for so many people and will always give 100% of my creativity, imagination, ingenuity, and passion for the fantasy adventure/dungeon crawl genre in every game we create with Groovus Games Unlimited.

OK all, it is way past my bedtime. But I was totally hell-bent at getting this most excellent update out for everyone so they could see the great news of the game being printed. 

I hope everyone has a great weekend, and you enjoyed this update.  I'll be talking to you very soon....Rodger :) 

Dungeon Crusade is on the manufacturers schedule for printing to commence today. Pledge Manager closed, but still can get a copy of the game, New game in development. Read on Crusaders of the Light!
about 4 years ago – Tue, Jun 02, 2020 at 12:38:05 AM

(PLEASE NOTE: This update has been done for hours. However, as I have reported before, there is a glitch in this update system that will randomly erase images that I've uploaded, then, when I try to re-upload them it gives me an error that it has failed. So please forgive the delay in getting the update posted for you. )

Well hello, there fellow Crusaders of the Light and good day to you! :) Rodger here of course and I hope everyone is doing awesome, staying safe and healthy, and enjoying any games you may be playing. It is incredibly nice to be here with you and yeah...the title says it all. The printing of the game is commencing and everything is set with the fantastic Wingo Games who Groovus Games Unlimited is partnered with for the manufacturing of Dungeon Crusade Book I: Genesis of Evil. 

For the past few weeks, as some of you have probably seen, it has been incredibly busy with getting back to many people in emails, messages, comments on Facebook and the company's YouTube channel comment sections, wrapping up the game, conversing with our project manager at the manufacturer, and speaking with the support manager at Pledge Manager. 

I truly hope everyone who is reading this is doing great, staying safe and life is treating you good. Some of us here have been on such a long journey with Dungeon Crusade and it honestly feels so great to dispatch this update letting you know this fantastic news. So for those of you who have been here for this whole Crusade, I greatly thank you for your time, interest, patience, friendship, and support through all of this.

  I've said this before, but more than ever it means even more now. I'll always be eternally grateful for this incredible opportunity to work with these amazing artists and tech writers to create Dungeon Crusade for you backers here and for so many people other people to enjoy.

 To me, that's the real reward right there, to give people an innovative, creative and thematic fantasy adventure/dungeon crawl game to experience and have fun with.

     But this core group of people here on Kickstarter, you were the ones who truly started this whole Crusade,  I consider you like extended family.  You are some of the best people I have ever met in my life, and I hold you guys in high regard. That's why I never took one day off from working on the game and was there for people 24/7 365 days a year.

     Besides working on the game for 50-60 hours a week, I have a family (wife and 2 kids), and for 20+ years, I've worked with children and adults stricken with various degrees of developmental disabilities.

   I worked on Dungeon Crusade and worked my regular job. I go on about 3-4 hours of sleep a day and still do. I made an incredibly serious commitment with Dungeon Crusade, and as I said, I never took one day off from working on it. My 3 priorities in life are my family, you guys here, and people pledging for the game and the game itself.

    Lastly, I have said this before, I have openly admitted, there was no rush job in Dungeon Crusade. I fully realize just how many people are looking forward to this game with great expectations, and that means the world to me. I/we honestly did the best we could do get the game done for you as quickly as possible.  But like I aforementioned, there was no rushing the game to give you a sub-par product.

    Anything of quality & quantity takes time. Looking at the final product, we genuinely achieved something special for gamers with Dungeon Crusade Book I: Genesis of Evil.

     I'm sorry to be so longwinded, but I felt very compelled to share this here especially in this awesome update.

     Oh yeah...and that new Dungeon Crusade logo in the update poster that you may have been peeping out and dazzled by, we are going to be discussing just what that is exactly and why the amazing and talented artist David Shearer finished creating it.  

     Let's get this update moving along so I can share some exciting & excellent news with you.
     But first.....

      Here is a link to last month's Kickstarter Dungeon Crusade update for you. If you're new to the Dungeon Crusade universe or missed it, I  encourage you to check it out.

Here is a link to the update >>>

     I'd like to say at this point being at the end of the project, if you have not seen these mega-ultra updates #92 (part I) & #93 (part II), or if you're new to the Dungeon Crusade universe, go and take a look at those updates first.

     Those 2 updates show everything that comprises the game and stands a true testament of all the hard work, creativity, determination, perseverance, and passion that went into creating Dungeon Crusade for everyone.
   Here are the links for you...

UPDATE #92 PART 1:      

UPDATE #93 PART 2:    

     I want everyone to know that's reading this that if you see a delay in the updates, check the comment section, especially now that the pledge manager has closed and bulk production will be commencing.

     I'm in there every few days seeing what's going on and giving everyone updates on what we are doing, what we're up to, what's getting completed, news, and just everything Dungeon Crusade.

     In any case, I just wanted everyone to know to check the comment section to see what's going on. Plus, if you go scroll through the comment sections history, you'll see a ton of great information I provide for everyone.

   Throughout this update, I thought it would be cool to reflect back on Dungeon Crusade with some photos that have appeared in past updates. So every so often, you'll see 2 or 3 photos from the past. I hope that you enjoy! 


This news is fairly old, but I did want to tell you about it.

Our fantastic project manager and designer from the manufacturer had sent the final templates for the bulk production phase of Dungeon Crusade. They were quite busy not only with Dungeon Crusade but with other people's projects also.  So we greatly thank them for their hard work on getting these completed.

During the month of May, this is what we were waiting on was for the designer to finish up his work on putting all of the templates together for mass production. We were of course very patient, respectful, and polite while they finished up what they had to do.

I was also working with our project manager from the manufacturer to make sure everything on the templates was correct and accurate, then she worked with the designer on the various tasks of making sure the templates had all of the correct game content on them.  Since they are 12 hours ahead of us, I have been staying up on some nights until 4, 5, 6 a.m. in the morning so we could get this all wrapped up.

 Just so you know, these templates are HUGE with a ton of content on them. I give our project manager and that designer all the credit in the world on putting Dungeon Crusade together.  If you take a look at the update videos in the Dungeon Crusade video spotlight series, (coming up next in the update) I go over many of these templates and you'll see just how huge these are. So the bottom line is, this took some time on their part, but they did a fantastic job on them.

  We have reviewed all of the final templates for printing with our project manager and everything is all set with these for the printing of the game.  


    As you may know, the Dungeon Crusade video spotlight video series is and will be an ongoing series spotlighting different aspects of the game.

     For the past few weeks, I have been creating update videos for everyone showing all of the final templates for mass production our project manager from the manufacturer has sent us.  Also in this series, I'm just keeping everyone in the loop for what's going on.   

     In the next videos in this series we'll be taking a look at and discussing the hero cards in the game, then the 193 pieces of loot in the game, and the nine different rarities of loot.  It has been so incredibly busy for the past few weeks with going over the templates, working with the project manager and creating the update videos, I couldn't get to it. But this coming week, you can expect to see these videos in the series. 

 Here is a link to the Dungeon Crusade spotlight video series >>> 


   The support team manager at Pledge Manager has shut the pledge manager down as of tonight. I need to speak to her about the information we need to forward to the manufacturer. I emailed her tonight so first thing in the morning I will be speaking to her. 

  I also touched base with our project manager at the manufacturer a few times tonight to see how everything is going on their end. She told me they are completely ready to print the game, however, we need the information out of the pledge manager to commence with mass production. But she had told me she is having a meeting with the production team then the production department takes over and arranges the production time with the game. I do know it will take 30-35 days for the printing of the games. 

Also, I have asked our project manager at the manufacturer if she would mind taking some photos of the game being printed and some videos of it so I can share it with everyone. She said she had no problem doing that, so expect to see Dungeon Crusade at the various stages during manufacturing. 

  The screen above is what you get right now if you try to get in on the pledge manager to order a copy of the game. I added the line of still being able to get a copy of the game for some people who have messaged me and emailed me about wanting to obtain a copy of the game. 

  So if you're one of those people reading this, I will speak to the support team manager about how to do this and we'll work this out. Don't hold me to this, but I think we can manually add people in. If you are someone who did have an order going, and never finished it, please message me and I can have them open it back up for you to finish your pledge. 

  Again, I'll have much more information on this in the morning on all of this.


  I hope that got your attention! When I was speaking to the support team manager at pledge manager a few days ago, she informed me that here on Kickstarter there are 30 backers who have paid for their game here but have never gone into pledge manager and completed the survey and finished paying for shipping. They have sent out numerous email reminders, (as every one has received) and they have never gone into pledge manager to finish their order. 

 As of right now, they will not receive their order, as they have not finished their pledge. She asked me how do we want to handle it.  I of course want these people to have their games, as they have paid for it.

So what we're going to do is when the games ship, I will have these backers games shipped to me and I'll hold onto them for these backers. Believe me, I REALLY hope these backers see this and finish their pledge so we can just ship them their games. 

  I really don't know what else to do. I mean, I don't want their games lost in limbo or anything because they paid for them. So this is the best idea we could come up with. 

  So if you are one of these 30 backers, please check your email and finish up your pledge so you can get your games. 


I have mentioned this a few times, and at this point and especially for this update,

As for shipping, this is what we have been saying. 

Our project manager from the manufacturer said it would take anywhere from 30-35 days for the printing of the games.

From there, the fulfillment service we're partnered with will take possession of the games and begin delivery.

They will be providing us a solid date when to expect the games to arrive, and you can count on us to keep everyone in the loop throughout all of this. This is a key piece of information, as the shipping service has the final word when the games will start showing up. 

We could say the games could start showing up mid-summer, late summer, or early fall. But again, I'll be keeping everyone in the loop throughout. 

But we are going to do our best to get the games out to everyone very quickly, but at the same time safely & securely. 

As soon as we hear word of an exact date from the fulfillment service, you and everyone else will have the news directly after immediately. 


I have been very excited to announce this here for everyone. There is a brand new game I'm currently working on that is a medium-sized game that shouldn't take that long at all to bring to completion. It is much, much smaller than Dungeon Crusade.

The new logo you are seeing was created by the incredible David Shearer. I already have the image for the game box, so that logo will go perfectly for what I'm envisioning.  If you remember, David created all of the card backings in Dungeon crusade, so it will be great to have him in on this game along with Freddy, Dean, Kez, Shaun, Damien, and a few others that worked on Dungeon Crusade. 

What I can say right now is this game is based in Avalon at a certain location, is fairly innovative, and is 100% for the soloist gamer, no co-op at all. I'm using some of the art assets from Dungeon Crusade Book I: Genesis of Evil for this game so there will be some familiarity to it, and help to get the game done much quicker. 

This game will be very easy to pick up on and will have about a 10 to the 12-page rulebook, and be heavy on strategy and tactics. When you see just what this game is, you'll totally get it and what it is. And no, this is not the expansion for Dungeon Crusade or the Project Raven game. 

I'm very excited and fired up to put much more time into this new game and share it with everyone. I think people are really going to dig just what this is. I'm looking forward to getting to this location in Avalon and start constructing it, filling it with "stuff" and of course injecting it with a ton of passion, creativity, imagination, immersion, and a good amount of ingenuity. This game will also be retro-inspired. 

It will be on Kickstarter of course, however, it will not be here until it is fully finished and I feel it's ready. I would venture to say by this coming October/November it will be completed.  We will have a finished rulebook for people to look over. small demos of the game to send out to a few YouTubers first and foremost Rob Oren and Dj at the Dungeon Dive and a few others. 

Also, I'm hell-bent to have this game arrive ahead of schedule for people. Because when you see what this exactly is, I believe you're going to want it quite quickly. 

Stay tuned for more reveals and teasers on this new game. 


I wanted to share this project with you guys that David has been very passionate about. Here is a little about it from the web site. 

Grow The Hidden Artist Within You.

“Our goal is to make drawing more accessible to everyone, at every age or skill level.”

We believe that there’s a vein of creativity inside you.

We created Köpialine to help nurture that artist within you – no matter what your age or skill level is. Even if you can only draw stick figures, you will immediately start to tap into your creative self.

Seasoned illustrators will appreciate the opportunity to draw leisurely without having to create, construct, or compose your own ideas.

I left a link for you to go check it out for yourself and see if this is something you might be interested in. If you have always wanted to learn to draw, especially in an easy way by some like David, do check this out. 

David, we all wish you the best with your new endeavor! :) 


Well everyone, here we are at the end of possibly one of the best Dungeon Crusade monthly Kickstarter updates ever. It's almost hard to believe that the game is at the manufacturers in the process of being mass-produced. I must say, more than ever I'm excited, thrilled and most of all relieved we are finally at this point. 

There will be a lot going on this week as I'll be reporting every day as I receive news on what's going on at the manufacturer's with the game, so do check in here for up to date information. If I get a good amount of photos and a few videos from them, I'll just do another Kickstarter update and share it with everyone. 

I hope everyone has a great day, and I'll, of course,  be in here tomorrow evening letting you know what's going on with everything. Talk to you soon...Rodger :) 

The manufacturer has sent all the final templates for bulk production/reviewing templates with manufacturer, then mass production begins
about 4 years ago – Tue, Apr 28, 2020 at 11:01:41 PM

Hello, fellow Crusaders, and good evening to you! :)  Rodger here, and I hope everyone is doing excellent and is having an awesome week. It is very nice to be here with you for our monthly Dungeon Crusade Kickstarter update, and while it may be a short one, this is a great one for the news within it. 

Before we get into it, I hope everyone that celebrates Easter had a great holiday with your family back at the start of the month. And most of all, I hope everyone reading this is staying safe & healthy in regards to the COVID-19 situation. All of us here are doing great and are taking the necessary precautions to remain safe & healthy. 

So let's get out real quick some of the things we'll be discussing. For one, it has been incredibly busy on all Dungeon Crusade fronts. Some of you may know just how busy it has been. 

First and foremost, many of the fantastic staff at the manufacturer have genuinely been working very hard and diligently over the past month to prepare the game for the bulk production phase, which is just days away. 

Our project manager has been in constant contact with us giving us updates and details on what the designer and engineers are doing. The designer has finished preparing the final templates for bulk production, and our project manager has sent them to us, and we are all reviewing them together. 

But I must say, huge kudos to the designer on the outstanding job he did getting ALL of the game content on the various templates for bulk production. Everything looks perfect. I've included some photos I took so you could check out some of the various templates. These will show up later on in the update. 

One of the most unexpected things that kept us busy was the promotion of the game. For the past few weeks, the game caught some fire, and many people have been enjoying the spotlight video series to learn more about the game and get acclimated to it. 

We shared with them that there was no rush job in Dungeon Crusade, and it did take some time to bring to completion. People are looking forward to this game with high expectations, and that means the world to us. But we took the time and did it right. 

Anything of quality & quantity takes time to bring to fruition. But now, many fellow gamers and people can see we genuinely achieved something special for everyone with Dungeon Crusade Book I: Genesis of Evil.

We are going to touch more on this, but I can tell you for the past few weeks I've been up for 18, 20, 24+ hours straight just getting back to people, working with the folks at Pledge Manager, working with our project manager and finishing up the Guardian phase, Hero phase, and the Monster Phase videos for the spotlight video series, which came out awesome.  There is a link below to the full playlist on the company's YouTube channel. 

There is still much more, but let's get moving along with the update. 

Here is a link to last month's Kickstarter Dungeon Crusade update for you. If you're new to the Dungeon Crusade universe or missed it, I  encourage you to check it out.

Here is a link to the update >>> 

I'd like to say at this point being at the end of the project, if you have not seen these mega-ultra updates #92 (part I) & #93 (part II), or if you're new to the Dungeon Crusade universe, go and take a look at those updates first.

Those 2 updates show everything that comprises the game and stands a true testament of all the hard work, creativity, determination, perseverance, and passion that went into creating Dungeon Crusade for everyone.

Here are the links for you...

UPDATE #92 PART 1:     

UPDATE #93 PART 2:    


I want everyone to know that's reading this that if you see a delay in the updates, check the comment section, especially now that the pledge manager will be closing very soon and bulk production will be commencing. 

I'm in there every few days seeing what's going on and giving everyone updates on what we are doing, what we're up to, what's getting completed, news, and just everything Dungeon Crusade.

In any case, I just wanted everyone to know to check the comment section to see what's going on. Plus, if you go scroll through the comment sections history, you'll see a ton of great information I provide for everyone.


We have been in close contact with the great folks at Pledge Manager during April, and they have greatly helped us in many ways and provided some excellent insight on how to go about closing down the pledge manager in the coming days. 

So consider what they told us like there will be a few different phases of shutting down the pledge manager.


Since we are working with the manufacturer this week on reviewing the final templates for bulk production, the pledge manager will remain open for a few additional days for people if they would still like to pre-order a copy of the game and a few add ons being offered. 

Also, it is still possible to go into your current order and change an edition of the game to another version or pick up a few addons. 

((((( IMPORTANT )))) - However, this option will soon be deactivated. This means you will no longer be able to modify your order, and no new orders can be placed.   We will then be letting the manufacturer know the final totals we need to be printed. 

We will provide a 24-hour notice before shutting this option off.


This option will remain open, allowing backers who've not yet completed the survey to confirm their order and to change their address.

If you have any questions about this, please let me know, and I'll be happy to help you out. 


As I said at the start of the update, the manufacturer has finished the templates that will be used for the bulk production of the game. 

This was a quite time-consuming process considering how massive Dungeon Crusade is, but the designer at the manufacturer did an excellent job of putting all of this together. 

Our project manager sent us the final few templates just today, so for the next few days, this week will be spent going over all of the templates to make sure everything is accounted for in regards to game content. 

However, our project manager has become very experienced and knowledgeable about everything in the game from going over it with me for months now. She has provided great insight and assisted the designer with putting the templates together, so they are accurate. 

I captured some photos for you from the various templates they sent us so you can see how great all of it is looking. Please keep in mind there are many templates, and these are just some random shots for you. 

Our project manager sent me a video I thought that you might like to see. This is one of their printing machines in action. So this is one of the machines I would assume that will be used for the printing of Dungeon Crusade. 


As I mentioned in the prior update, I have been looking forward to creating this particular series for a long time, especially for the promotional phase of the game. 

I wanted to create a video series for people and fellow gamers who may say, "OK...what's Dungeon Crusade all about?" I would say, this is what you would want to watch to get acclimated to the Dungeon Crusade universe. 

This particular video series & format is probably the best that showcases the game and the thematic, innovative, and creative experience Dungeon Crusade has to offer. Many new gamers and people have been turned onto Dungeon Crusade because of the spotlight video series. 

Besides describing the game, it most certainly shows what the entire Dungeon Crusade universe is comprised of, how to play, the fundamentals, the unique game mechanics, and a little bit about me and growing up as a gamer on what inspired me in the creation of Dungeon Crusade. Even if you know much about the game, you may learn much more by taking a look at a few videos.

To save time and get this update dispatched, I didn't include all of the videos that have been made since the last update. But I do have a link for you to the company's YouTube channel so you can view all of them right there in a playlist. 

We left off with the Encounter phase video in the prior update. So you may want to start off with the Guardian phase video. We were in the midst of showing the 5 phases that comprise a turn. The Hero phase video and most certainly the Monster phase video turned out excellent. Just in those 2 videos,  you'll learn a great deal more about the game.



As I mentioned at the top of the update, these past 2 weeks have been incredibly Crusader chaos busy on all fronts. With the help of some great people, game pages, the folks at Pledge Manager, and a few others, the game really got exposed to a whole new audience and was quite taken back by what this game is.  We're very grateful to them for their time & interest in checking the game out. 

Going back to the spotlight video series, that really helped in getting people in tune with the game, learning about its unique game mechanics, fundamentals, and basically what Dungeon Crusade is all about. 

But I/we want to take the time to greatly thank the fantastic Rob Oren for everything he has done for us and for the recent video he did about Dungeon Crusade. He has been with us from day 1 and knows how long the game took to bring to completion. But he has pointed out many times how we always kept people in the loop for everything going on and most importantly showed the evolution of the game to the final product. 

Rob is excellent and a massive dungeon crawl fan. Ultra gamer, super nice guy with a glowing spirit, personality, and attitude. He's someone all for the gaming community and helps out a lot of people. Check out his channel and see some of the great content he provides on there. Painting minis, reviews, previews, playthroughs and so much more. 

He will be getting one of the first copies of the games and said he will be devoting a week to just previewing it and playing it on his channel. We've chatted many times, and "hopefully" if all this COVID -19 jazz is all cleared up, we will be heading down to see him and will be on his channel discussing the game. 

Lastly, he has been such a huge supporter of the game and a great friend to all of us. So Rob, thank you very much, my friend. :) 

Here is the video he did on Dungeon Crusade if you would like to check it out.  >>>> 


I hope that you enjoyed this latest update and can see that the mass production of the game will be commencing within the days to come. 

When it begins, I will put out another Dungeon Crusade Kickstarter update to let you know it has started and also to share some videos with you of it being printed. I kindly asked our project manager if she would mind taking a few quick videos/photos so we could share them with everyone. 

  So this week, we'll be going over the final templates with the manufacturer for mass production, verifying everything looks good, and they can begin the mass production phase of the game. They said it would take anywhere from 30-35 days for the printing of the games.

From there, the fulfillment service we're partnered with will take possession of the games and begin delivery. They will be providing us a solid date when to expect the games to arrive, and you can count on us to keep everyone in the loop throughout all of this. But from what we discussed, and that rough timeline from the previous update, we are looking at a summertime delivery date.  If anything would change, we'll, of course, let you know. 

So do remember, the pledge manager will be open for a few days longer for everyone. But when they need the final totals, we will be putting out a 24-hour notice that it will be shutting it down.

Ok, all, I hope everyone has a great Tuesday and a fantastic week. I'll be talking to you very soon...Rodger :) 

Pledge Manager closing, Mass production begins next month, Promoting the game within the month of March
over 4 years ago – Mon, Mar 16, 2020 at 12:29:27 AM

Hello all and good day to you! Rodger here, and I hope everyone is doing great today, and you're having a fantastic weekend. As always, it's very nice to be back with you for our monthly Dungeon Crusade Kickstarter update. Before we get going, that Kickstarter update poster above is something I put together with an idea I had some time back. So maybe down the road a bit, we'll get into it more.  

And I must tell you, from the last update until now it has been wall to wall busy every day on many fronts with the game, in regards to getting back to emails, questions, comments, messages, working with pledge manager on the email reminders that were sent out and new orders coming in, creating the spotlight video series, working with some game sites that will be promoting the game in the coming week, working on this monthly Dungeon Crusade Kickstarter update, running the Facebook Dungeon Crusade page and somewhere in there trying to spend some time with my wife and 2 kids. 

But within the last month, many people have discovered the game through some promotions and have learned that it is headed into mass production, so there is certainly some excitement.   

CORONAVIRUS (COVID-19): Starting off this update, I would like to discuss with you the subject that, of course, everyone is talking about. But first, I want to say I hope EVERYONE out there reading this is safe, healthy, and taking the necessary precautions to remain safe & healthy. Many of us have known each other for a while now and have built a good friendship over the course of this project. So please, be careful, stay healthy, and remain safe. 

As for me and my family, all of us are doing great and following all of the steps that the medical experts have provided to remain healthy and safe. Exercise, get enough sleep, (VERY important!) to recharge your immune system, wash your hands, and, if possible, self-quarantine. There are a few other things, but those are the big things that have been pointed out. 

2 experts I tend to listen to are Dr. Oz and Michael Osterholm. I would highly encourage you to watch this video with Dr. Oz on The Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon. He provides some very good insight into this situation and some tips to stay safe. 

Dr. Oz Shows Jimmy Surgical Handwashing Tips, Ways to Slow Coronavirus Transmission:  

I've followed this situation soon after Dr. Li Wenliang, an ophthalmologist working in Wuhan China, tried to issue the first warning about the coronavirus outbreak to help people.  Unfortunately, Dr. Li contracted the virus and passed away on February 7th, 2020. I truly consider him an unsung hero. He attempted to alert fellow doctors of this virus and to wear protective clothing/equipment to avoid infection with caring for people who could be a carrier of the virus. Dr. Li, who was 34, was expecting a second child with his wife. 

In closing out his section, yes, we are all faced with dealing with this situation of COVID-19. But I want you to know we're here and will remain here to carry out what all of us have worked on and brought to full completion. I've spoken to the manufacturer and the fulfillment service who will be working out the delivery of the game. As of right now, everything is fine on their part, and we are all moving forward. If anything changes in the near or far future, we will most certainly dispatch a Kickstarter update alerting you to any and all changes. 

Personally speaking, I still possess all the fire, vigor, passion, excitement, determination, focus, perseverance & strong will. We will all get past this COVID-19 situation we're faced with, and I look forward to a bright future with everyone as we get Dungeon Crusade printed and shipped out to everyone. So the bottom line is guys, we're optimistic and progressing forward. 

Later in the update, we are going to be discussing this much more. 

OK all, let's get this quite awesome update moving along! 

Here is a link to last month's Kickstarter Dungeon Crusade update for you. If you're new to the Dungeon Crusade universe or missed it, I  encourage you to check it out.

Here is a link to the update >>> 

I'd like to say at this point being at the end of the project, if you have not seen these mega-ultra updates #92 (part I) & #93 (part II), or if you're new to the Dungeon Crusade universe, go and take a look at those updates first.

Those 2 updates show everything that comprises the game and stands a true testament of all the hard work, creativity, determination, perseverance, and passion that went into creating Dungeon Crusade for everyone.

Here are the links for you...

UPDATE #92 PART 1:    

UPDATE #93 PART 2:   


I want everyone to know that's reading this that if you see a delay in the updates, check the comment section, especially now that we are going to be locking down the pledge manager and moving into mass production next month. 

I'm in there every few days seeing what's going on and giving everyone updates on what we are doing, what we're up to, what's getting completed, news, and just everything Dungeon Crusade.

In any case, I just wanted everyone to know to check the comment section to see what's going on. Plus, if you go scroll through the comment sections history, you'll see a ton of great information I provide for everyone.

Onto to the update...


So as we have been saying since the start of the month, we will be moving into the mass production of the game early next month. The pledge manager will be shut down towards the very end of the month. 

But PLEASE know!! There are NO WORRIES in the weeks to come of it closing. But it's looking like the very end of the month; the Dungeon Crusade pledge manager will be locked down.

So yes, it is still possible to secure one of the editions of Dungeon Crusade and a few add ons that are being offered at this time through late pledging. 

We have been and will be working with the fantastic & excellent Pledge Manager support team on sending out email reminders. The first one was sent out earlier in the week. If you have backed the game here on Kickstarter or have late pledged, you would have received one.  

But we are encouraging everyone to make sure your order is confirmed, your order is correct and of course, your address is correct. Also, make sure pledge manager has your correct email. 

Here is a link to the Dungeon Crusade pledge manager for you. >>> 

Lastly, we will be giving out many reminders throughout the weeks that the Dungeon Crusade pledge manager will be closing, so no worries. We'll make sure you're always informed and in the loop throughout.


I wanted to provide you with a rough timeline of how things will play out in the next few months to come. Please keep in mind what I aforementioned at the top of the update. If any of this changes, we will be alerting you immediately through a Kickstarter update. 

But as of right now, this is a brief summary of how it will be happening...

As I said, this is a rough outline. I had put in the month of May, the shipping service will pick the games up and of course, they will be picking the specific orders for people, boxing the games, loading the games, etc. So shipping may commence mid to late May. 

Lastly, our shipping manager said she will provide solid dates on when to exactly expect Dungeon Crusade, and promised to always keep us in the loop for everything that is going on. I will be providing all of this information to everyone in various updates so you are constantly informed and in the loop. 


During the month of March, we have been and are running some ads and promotions for Dungeon Crusade. While we were working on the game, we attempted to keep it under the radar until it was ready and heading into mass production. I wanted to show people the final product that myself, all of the amazing artists, tech writers, and a few others diligently worked on. 

While I was making videos showing the progress of the game, the evolution of it, getting people acclimated to it, dispatching all the monthly Dungeon Crusade Kickstarter updates,  we never properly promoted the game and showed everyone the final product. 


I have been looking forward to creating this for a long time. I wanted to create a certain video series for people and fellow gamers who may say, "OK...what's Dungeon Crusade all about?" I would say, this is what you would want to watch to get acclimated to Dungeon Crusade. 

This particular video series & format is probably the best that showcases the game and the thematic, innovative and creative experience Dungeon Crusade has to offer. Many new gamers and people have been turned onto Dungeon Crusade because of the spotlight video series. 

Besides describing the game, it most certainly shows what the entire Dungeon Crusade universe is comprised of, how to play, the fundamentals, the unique game mechanics, and a little bit about me and growing up as a gamer on what inspired me in the creation of Dungeon Crusade. Even if you know much about the game, you may learn much more by taking a look at a few videos. 

While there is a playlist on the Dungeon Crusade YouTube channel, I took the time to share the first set of videos in the series here in the update. There will be more added in the very near future. 

But for now, I hope you enjoy these...

Introduction: Please be aware that this introduction video to the series does have a longer run time because we touch on many of the games' unique features, fundamentals, and game mechanics.

ORIGINS: What I did in this video is share a part of my life with you and let you see some of the board games, PC RPG games, console games, and some of the movies that inspired me to create Dungeon Crusade throughout the years.

How To Obtain Victory:  In this video, we'll see how your heroes can be victorious in Dungeon Crusade. We are going to look at the scenario structure and the various quests associated with a scenario. Plus we are going to touch on a few other things you may find interesting.

The 5 phases that comprise a turn: Upkeep phase: In this particular video and a few that will follow, we are going to look at the 5 phases in the game that comprise a turn. The first video here goes over the first phase of a turn, which is called the Upkeep phase.

The 5 phases that comprise a turn: Encounter phase: In this particular video and a few more that will follow, we are going to look at the 5 phases in the game that comprise a turn. The second video here goes over the second phase of a turn, which is called the Encounter phase.

I hope you enjoy these videos but, most importantly, they get you acclimated at playing and learning more about Dungeon Crusade. 

This is an ongoing series, so stay tuned for the next one that will be on the YouTube channel.  While you're there, subscribe to the channel so you'll be alerted when the next one is uploaded. 

Here is the link to the full playlist for the Dungeon Crusade spotlight video series >>> 


I hope you enjoyed this latest monthly update and found it very informative on how we are on the cusp of entering into mass production with the game following the promotion of the game. 

With dealing with the COVID-19 virus, the manufacturer returning to work at a later date because of this situation, promoting the game with creating the various promotional content, working with pledge manager on getting the email reminders out to everyone, getting peoples orders situated,  running the ads for the game and some things I had mentioned at the top of the update, it has been genuinely very busy. But we have been on this every day getting it all taken care of. 

It is going to be very busy this coming week with working with a few game sites with them graciously running some ads for the game and promoting it. We are very grateful to them for the help. They, along with all of us, are very excited and thrilled we're finally wrapping all of this up, getting it printed and out to everyone.  

So please stay tuned here in this comment section and in the other comment section for everything that will be going on in the coming weeks. We'll certainly keep you informed and in the loop throughout, as well as on the official Dungeon Crusade Facebook page. 

Lastly, as another reminder, please check your order in pledge manager. We want to make sure all of your information is accurate and up to date. If you see an issue, please feel gree to get a hold of me, and I'll forward it to the support team at pledge manager, and they'll get it straightened out for you.   

And most importantly, stay safe, healthy, and be careful with this COVID- 19 situation. Hopefully, you took the time to watch that video at the top of the update, where Dr. Oz provides some very valuable information in the defense against the COVID-19 virus. 

Ok, all, I hope you have a great evening, and I'll be here, of course, working on the Crusade stuff and working on the next video in the spotlight video series. I hope you have a great night, talk to you so...Rodger :)