
Dungeon Crusade - Book I: Genesis of Evil

Created by Groovus Games Unlimited

A solo/co-op sandbox adventure awaits you in the land of Avalon. Explore, mine and craft! Slay monsters, level-up and find rare loot!

Latest Updates from Our Project:

2 new guardians revealed! Loot cards revealed! Recipe cards revealed! Initiative Tokens Revealed! Adventure cards revealed! Cloth Map of Avalon! Plus much more!
almost 7 years ago – Wed, Jul 26, 2017 at 01:37:54 AM


Helloooooo to all Crusaders of the Realm! :) LOL, Rodger here and I hope everyone is doing great out there and enjoying your summer!

It's nice to finally be back here with everyone after a few weeks from the last weekly update, but fear not that small delay friends. We have gotten ALOT accomplished for Dungeon Crusade in that time frame as you are going to see in this quite substantial update.

We are going to get right into this as there is much to discuss. But i wanted to let everyone know a little something...


For awhile now, I have been hanging around the comment section and giving everyone play by play on what we are all up to, and what's going on every few days. LOL, and I guess in my fashion, I have been posting my wall of text in there. ;) 

But don't read it now! I will be compiling everything that was in the comment section and placing it here for you to see and look at. But afterwards, please consult the comment section if you see a delay in the weekly updates. I'm just VERY focus and driven at this point to get as much done as i can, then post an update for everyone. 

Within this update. I have 3 new videos for you. These links will be scattered through out this update, but for your convenience I put them here if you would like to view those first, then come back to the update. 

The things shown in the videos will be discussed further in the update





OK! So enjoy those videos if you're going to watch those now, then get back here! We gotta talk! :) 


As always, here is a link for the last update for you to check out....


So a little while ago I did an unboxing for the cloth maps of Avalon. If you remember last year, we had 5 special editions of Dungeon Crusade that came with a Master of the Realm edition, one of my original prototype patrol route dice, a custom Dungeon Crusade dice box like the one I used in the videos and a huge cloth map of Avalon. 

We worked with an awesome backer named Lucas who resides in Germany and works at a textile factory there. I sent him the map of Avalon Damien created for us and he produced these beautiful and awesome maps of Avalon! 

Upon people seeing these, there was some interest in other backers getting their own cloth of Avalon. 

Right now, we really must focus and complete the game. However, I promise to speak with Lucas in the future, and see if he can work with the textile factory on securing more of these for the individuals who would like one. 

These maps are HUGE! They are 44 x 38 inches I believe. In the video you'll see,  I took the time to show what Damien has created for us in Dungeon Crusade, and leads up to the unboxing. But it's truly incredible to see this map and all of the detail he took the time to add. KUDOS Damien and thank you! :) 

And of course a huge thank you to Lucas and the factory for making these look so incredible. :) So here are some pics of the map, followed by the video at the end.....

Please note, Scooter was used for scale to show how massive these cloth maps are! 

















I apologize for some pics that were blurry! I hope you liked taking a look at these. And do remember, we will try to get more for you guys who would like one. 

And again here is the video for the unboxing for you >>>


The awesome pic above was put together by the outstanding Kez who is working with Shaun on the loot for the game. Love the pic Kez! :) 

This is going to be quite a heavy section, so I hope you enjoy! LOL, I'm figuring out how to say everything I want to say! :)  First off....

I have perfected and finished all of the loot cards in prototype format. I have to say, I'm VERY happy how these came out! They are incredibly well balanced. The gold prices are dead on as the loot scales up and gets better and better.

This makes creating the final loot for the game super easy. Basically I just assemble the cards, then refer to the prototype loot, (the hard copy) and transfer all text and numbers over to the final loot. 

What to take away from this is this was something really big in the game that I'm very happy is finished and got accomplished!


There is five different types of loot in Dungeon Crusade. There's weapons, armor, necklaces, rings and charms. I wanted  5 very simple type of icon for quickly identifying it. SUPER basic, but look very cool.

I showed Annika what I was going for, and as she always does she created these perfect small icons! LOL, I honestly think she created these in like 15-20 minutes!

So before we delve any further, let's get familiar with these icons Annika created...

 And thank you again to Annika! Awesome job! :) 


I LOVE loot in fantasy and dungeon crawl games! Who doesn't right?

With Dungeon Crusade being a massive fantasy dungeon crawl game, the game wouldn't be complete without a massive stack of loot for your heroes to discover. Every edition of Dungeon Crusade will contain 193 pieces of unique loot that can be found throughout the dungeons of Avalon!

Here is the breakdown for what you will receive:
-- (20) Junk loot
-- (12) Starting gear (gray)
-- (29) Common loot (white)
-- (29) Uncommon loot (green)
-- (29) Rare loot (blue)
-- (29) Epic loot (purple)
-- (29) Legendary (orange)
-- (6) Underworld Artifact loot (black)
-- (10) Fabled gear (gold) Fabled gear is loot that was used by the characters in the story of Dungeon Crusade. UBER powerful stuff! :)

For the video, I created this pic you may find interesting....

So I would like to discuss a few things about some loot. LOL, hey! I told alot of you this was a massive update! ;)


There is alot to say about the underworld artifact loot items in the game. First off, these are very evil weapons. When the blacksmith is restocking his inventory in the village at different points in the game, and one of these comes up, he removes it from the game! LOL, well you have to place it back into the box.

There are a few ways to obtain an underworld artifact in the game though. The highest probability of obtaining one would come from a monster drop from a successful loot roll, but there are a few other ways. But these are very powerful weapons with high damage output.

However, very detrimental things can happen for misuse of these. A player has to REALLY consider and think if they want to take the risk and wield one of these weapons.

I wanted to create a certain tension for the player(s) with these weapons as they are very tempting for a player to use, but you know it's very wrong to take a chance with them. LOL, I can just hear the stories now about these from players!

I'll be discussing this in great detail during a video I have planned.


I have mentioned Fabled Gear awhile ago, but now I have a list for you of what will be in the game.

Fabled Gear is gear that belonged to the characters I developed for the story of Dungeon Crusade. Besides underworld artifacts. Fabled Gear is some of the best stuff in the game...with no bad effects! YAY! ;)

These also have special abilities tied to them. Here is what Fabled Gear you can be expect to see:
White level:

Mallory's Training Bow - (Mallory is the daughter to Emperor Sylvain and his wife Ashara)
Luke's Training Sword - (Luke is Mallory's childhood best friend )

Green level:

Charsi's Hatchet - (Charsi Sibri is a tier 3 captain within the Maidens of Witherbrook Forest)
Jova's Staff of the Undead - (Father Jova is a cleric at the temple in the village of Witherbrook)

Blue level:

Ryen;s War Bow - (Ryen Osis is a legendary hero of Avalon.)
Ashara's Scepter of Truth - (Ashara is Emperor Sylvain's wife)

Purple level:

Lithgar's Dagger of Seeking - (Hanno Lithgar serves in the Avalon Valiant Army, as his father did)
The Lord's Trinity of Anguish - (Lord Blackhand is the leader of the Blackhand Army)

Orange level:

Vol'Kash's Staff of Fulmination - (High Priest Vol'kash is Lord Blackhand's right hand man)
Emperor Sylvain's Battle Sword - (Emperor Sylvain's personal weapon of many years)

So I hope you liked taking a look at the Fabled Gear that will be in the game.

And this brings me to this. I have to speak to you on a decision I made that I discussed months ago in the update comment section.....


Now not chuck D20's at me for this!! I will deflect them! And when i deflect them and they hit the floor...they will all read 20. LOL, that's the power I kinda wield!

But seriously... I am adding gold prices to Fabled Gear. And here is why. I would much rather have those prices on those cards then not for these reasons...

-- Some players may wish to have them show up during the shopping phase at the start of a game or when the blacksmith restocks his shop.

-- Heroes can sell back gear to the blacksmith and receive half of it's value, (rounded down). So if the prices weren't on these cards, you would never be able to get gold back for selling Fabled Gear to the blacksmith.

-- And I have seen this in other games...I REALLY don't want players to write on their beautifully designed Fabled Gear cards gold values. Oh Dear GOD, I seriously cringe at just the thought of this!

The economy of Dungeon Crusade is so well balanced right now taking into account the loot cards, gold received for killing monsters, treasure chest cards, house of chance games, etc.

LOL, I guess this is just a pet peeve of mine? But I know the value Fabled Gear should be for the game.

And really, you could still play it where no Fabled Gear is placed in the blacksmith's shop at the start of the game or during the restocking mechanic. Simply shuffle those back into the loot deck.

That way if a hero gets one from a monster drop or some other way, they can sell it as there is a gold value on the card. In closing,

And I'll be completely honest with you, and you probably know me well enough to know I'd be like this. If we shipped this game, and I didn't put gold values on those cards. I'd beat myself up over it and I wouldn't shut up about it. I know this! LOL, trust me! So I'll be of course sharing these with you in the near future so you can have a look.


(Giant sigh)  FINALLY! On to a bunch of loot for you guys to check out. Please note the Dungeon Crusade logo will not be on the final cards. ;) 

So have a look at 12 pieces and enjoy! Don't worry...there's still 181 pieces to show!













So I hope you liked a look of how the loot will look for the game. I'm really, really happy with it to be honest. I stays true to my prototype loot, but of course looks very awesome and fits Dungeon Crusade perfectly. 

A huge THANK YOU to Shaun and Kez for the incredible and outstanding work they have done on all of it. LOL, I was snooping around in the folder where they put all the finished loot art, and OMG!! Guys, if you thought this stuff was something awesome, wait until you see what's forthcoming!   

I'll be putting more loot together and sharing more with you in the following updates. As a side note, I have a great quick system for putting these cards together, so these will get done in no time.

Here is the link for the loot card reveal video >>


So as you know, there is mining and crafting in Dungeon Crusade. A hero, must purchase a pickaxe from the blacksmith and discover where the mining sites are located on the board.

Mining sites are randomized every game. There are 8 potential sites, but 4 are fake and 4 are real. Either a hero, or Albus must scout out these sites and flip a token to see if it's a mining site or not. 

 Once a hero mines for the minerals and precious stones, the blacksmith (for a fee) can create power gems for that hero to plug into the sockets of certain weapons and armor to give them buffs, enchantments and bonuses. 

So the great news is I have finished all of these cards! :) We can scratch this off the list. These might be touched up a bit for text or something like that when Charlene and a few others go over everything, but these are pretty solid. 

So every edition of the game will be receiving 54 recipe cards, where there is 18 unique recipes, and on the reverse side of the card the power gem it creates. There will be 3 of each 18 unique recipe/power gems cards. So 18 x 3=54. 

So let's take a look at what you will be getting! 




We see this is a round power gem which means this will fit into a weapon with a round socket.


* Please note, the card under the recipe card is the reverse side, showing what power gem would be created.



* These prowess gems require more minerals, but have a greater affect...



I got one thing to say after creating all of these recipe and power gems...."WHEW!!!!" LOL, this may look simple, but this took some time for me to complete. But you know me well enough to know, tough challenge...BRING. IT. ON! ;)

Also, I have to say a massive THANK YOU to Freddy Lopez. Awhile back I worked with him and described all of these gems I needed created for putting these cards together. 

LOL, I remember trying to explain everything about mining, crafting, minerals, Moonstone, Zultanite, and precious gems, and I need these certain shapes for the power gems, etc. It was a bit much to say the least!  

But he is such an awesome friend, we worked it all out and of course you see we accomplished this. So I must give huge thanks and credit to Freddy for creating these for us and the game.  :)      

But in case some people out there are wondering, and asking, "Hey, Mr. Groovus! Why are those power gems on both sides of the card??!!" Ah! I'm glad you asked my Child of Witherbrook...let me explain....

You slide the power gem side halfway under your heroes weapon, so only half is sticking out. So with this design, you could place this under the left or right side of your heroes weapon. 

So closing out this section I hope you like these! I think this is a really nice and clean design that conveys what information a player needs quite perfectly and clearly. 

Hopefully you can see with power gems and all of the weapons and armor that are socketed, you can truly create a hero to your liking, and have tons of different builds for your hero! :)  


And speaking of Freddy, we have him to thank for these most AWESOME new guardians you are about to see. I of course supplied him with a few design docs for Red Widow and Banevik and some key features I needed to be in the design.

But as he does so well, he injected his own creativity and imagination into both of these guardians and the results are simply incredible. Red Widow and Banevik are just truly top notch. The way Freddy created these truly exceeded my expectations on what they would look like.

OK, I'm going to shut up now so you can check these out! I also have a few of their monster cards for you to have a look at. Remember, guardians level up in Dungeon Crusade. They start out at level 1 of course, and can reach level 4! Heroes can only obtain level 3.  So a level 4 guardian is quite a formidable foe! 



Here is the Level 2 monster card for Red Widow,,,,,


But Red Widow is "kinda" cute right? ;) LOL, Freddy just totally killed it on this design! As you may know, on the level 1 cards for the guardians, I wrote origin stories for all of them. I'll be sharing Red Widow's level 1 guardian card in the next few updates, and you'll learn how she became Red Widow. 

I have alot in store for Red Widow and the other guardians in the way of special abilities and giving the heroes a truly tough fight. I would like to create a new type of "boss battle" where many different things could happen in combat situations. 

So I hope you enjoyed a look at one of the newest guardians for the game!

And do you hear that? The thunderous footsteps drawing closer!!??

(Boom!......Boom!.....Boom!....Boom!....(ok several more get the picture) LOL!

Introducing our 2nd guardian for this update....Banevik! 


Here is Banevik's level 3 monster card to have a look at. Wowsa! Watch out if Rage of the Elders activates!

So Banevik is a slow moving guardian, but if within a combat situation, he can seriously put the hurt down on a hero. Remember! Rally heroes together to take down guardians! 

I recall last year some people were asking, "Why rally heroes together?"  Well, if a solo hero tries to attack a level 3 Banevik, and misses in all 3 phases, that hero will be looking at 11 damage coming his way. 

By rallying 3 heroes together, and if they all miss, the damage is spread out between them so the result isn't that bad. 

That's one of the things I really wanted to accomplish with Dungeon Crusade. True party building, where you have to build a party of heroes that are all strong in different warfare types, and equip them with the right type of weapons.  

In closing out this section, we just have to create 2 more guardians, and all of the monsters for Dungeon Crusade are finished! These 2 guardians are Lord Blackhand, leader of the Blackhand Army, and the toughest monster in the game, Magmus, an arch demon from the underworld. Freddy will of course be creating these, and I'll tell you right now, these are going to be crazy epic awesome! Next update, hopefully a week and a few days from now, we will be seeing these,

And a very cool section to head into after this!........


Now before we get into this, let me say these cardboard miniatures are what I personally created in my production room. I have spoken to the game company, and they CAN cut these to have some cool shapes. 

So for the tools I use and have, I think these look pretty good. So the shape will change, but the art and background will be carried over for the final cardboard miniatures. 

Also, I may go back and re-scale a few of these, but again, I personally think these look pretty good. I took some pics of the newly designed guardian Horrus, and the new ones Red Widow and Banevik. LOL, Banevik is quite massive! But I really like having a hulking cardboard miniature like this and battling! 

And please note, the colored bases you are seeing are what will come with the game. I did confirm this with Wingo. I got these from a supply house, but it's the exact ones that will ship with the game. 

I refer to these plastic bases as "low profile". Notice how short the slot is where you insert the cardboard miniature, allowing you to see most of the the bottom of it. 

OK! Have a look and enjoy! Remember, there are 2 guardians missing and the 6 expansion heroes at this point. But as these get done, I will update you with pics of them.....









So I hope you liked the look of the prototype cardboard miniatures. As I said at the start, the final ones will have a cutout/cool shape to them. 


So if you remember the playthorugh video I did, in the upkeep phase of the game you place initiative tokens on the heroes cards who you would like to activate first with the strategy and tactics you have come up with for the forthcoming turn. 

I gave Annika a piece of reference art I put together for the look of the initiative tokens. Actually, it was the exact ones I used in the playthrough video.

As she does so well, she just created an incredible piece of art for these initiative tokens! I think these truly look epic awesome, and go incredibly nicely with Dungeon Crusade. 

I put together a promo poster to show these off, have a look! 


So to Annika, thank you so much and another great job! :) I REALLY love these things! LOL, it's like I want to go play after looking at these.

I'll be working with Annika on something very cool I'll be discussing below. But first, how about some new traps! 


So me and Dean have been knocking these traps out very quickly. He only has to complete I think 2 more, and these are done! I usually give him one of my VERY rough sketches of what I'm envisioning, and him being a complete master at art, creates almost EXACTLY what I had in mind! It's kind scary! 

Also, I would like you to know all these traps are very nicely balanced. What i mean is, i took the time to create traps that tested the heroes attributes fairly evenly. So there won't be a ton of strength tests, or agility, etc. The traps are equally spread out over the heroes attributes. 

Check these 2 out, I think you'll enjoy these....


So a few months ago, Dean said to me, how about a poison dart trap, as he had an image already in his mind for this card. My gears got turning, and I wrote maybe one of the coolest traps. LOL, this one is deadly....but fun deadly. Check it out.....


I really like that one! And Dean's art is just freaking awesome! It's not just retro, but "advanced retro". ;) 


This one I was very descriptive about with Dean. I have had this trap in my mind for a very long time, and really looked forward in creating this for us. 

I actually pictured this as a movie scene. A hero is trying to open a very sturdy locked wooden door, and it just won't open. All of the sudden, there is a persistent bloodcurdling scream of a woman in the distance. The hero is quite startled by this, and moves about 9 feet away and peers in the direction of the scream. 

Picture the camera looking straight on at the hero's face as he is looking down the corridor. However, over his right shoulder and somewhat out of focus the door has slowly opened....and slowly an Ancient Guardsman emerges shambling towards the hero with a blade dripping with a black, poison like substance. 

LOL, can you picture it? Like you would be yelling, "Look behind you!!!"  I'm sorry for my way over descriptive chatter. But i wanted you to know, this is what i had in mind for this trap. 

So, have a look. And Dean, I LOVE this card you created! THANK YOU! :) 


As I have said before, I'm writing these trap cards as if I was there and reading it to you, like a DM/GM. But I would be using my movie like dialogue to describe what is happening. ;) 

There is many other trap cards, but we would like you to be surprised when you receive the game and see the ones we didn't show. 

So closing out this section, I hope you liked the 2 new traps for the Tomb of Kaladar dungeon board, and THANK YOU again to Dean! These look beyond perfect! 


So as we are getting closer to completion, I'm getting busy on the Avalon Adventure board game. This is one of the biggest things in the game I'm really looking forward to actually. 

This game can be played before playing Dungeon Crusade. The story is the dungeon doors, (or location) has a magical barrier that must be broken be entering this area, 3 magical runes can shatter the curse. The problem is these 3 runes are randomly scattered all over Avalon each game. 

The heroes must traverse the land of Avalon and locate these magical runes. I have written SO MUCH for this game! Everything and anything can happen to your heroes in the Avalon Adventure board game. Your heroes will "maybe" find gold, find loot, do micro dungeon delves, explore towers, crypts, ruins, buildings and villages. Find secret locations, hidden places and things. Get into trouble in villages. There is just too many things to name here. 

Here are the posters I put together for the adventure card backing reveal video, and take a look at the design I came up with for these cards. I'll talk a bit more about this after the posters! 





For these card backings, I had a real certain look/style I wanted to achieve with these, or rather how I envisioned them to look for the Avalon Adventure board game.

I wanted the look of an old map with a compass in the top left corner for the background, then a metal round frame in the center as if there was a piece of glass magnifying the certain unique location on the map.

All of the assets I used to create these card backings were completed already, however Damien did a tracing of the map of Avalon to create the vintage look of the map for the background of the card. So KUDOS to Damien and thank you! :)

These card backings came out even better than I expected, and I think they have a very cool retro 1980's fantasy look to them that players will enjoy seeing while playing.

 I am almost at the half way point of completing all the card backings, (there is 50 adventure cards for the game, as there is 50 locations in Avalon) so I'm making great progress on these. I should have the rest done in less than a days time.

I have a very good system on knocking these out very quickly and efficiently. Each adventure card backing now takes me about 5 minutes to have completely done.

So what I will be doing with Annika is creating the actual Avalon Adventure board to play on. This board will measure 19 x 15 inches. If you saw my prototype board, (there is a video for this BTW) it will be similar to that, only look epic as all get out! I have to do my part for dividing up the map for the locations, and Annika will be adding a few assets to it and finishing it up to look outstanding. 

In closing out this section, when we get this all finished, I will be doing a great video on this cool little, yet big game. 

Here is the reveal video for you >>>


We have of course 2 more dungeons that are being completed right now. Shaun is finishing up the Cavern of Lost Souls dungeon board. 

And Damien is finishing up the Tomb of Kaladar dungeon board.

Shaun has sent me the first phase, I guess I can say, where he has laid out, or created the bulk of the board.  It really looks awesome! It's of course in rough right now, but as he gets quadrants done, I will be sharing all of it with you so we all can see the awesome progress Shaun is making.

Damien is officially done with 1/3 of the Tomb of Kaladar. He is going at it where he completes a total quadrant, then works on the next one, etc. He sent me the 1/3 of it and....I don't know what to say anymore,  other than he has created a very innovative, awesome look,  like this is from some incredible dungeon crawl game from 1984. 

But both of these artists work is truly out of this flipping world. As I have said many times, all of these artists are Jedi Knights in the world of art! 


Well all, I hope you enjoyed this quite substantial update. As I look back at it, we saw alot of final stuff for the game. Everything is looking quite stellar! 

Now that I got this update completed, I am going to work on a few other things for the game and the revised content for the next few days to get to the new playthrough video.

LOL, I know I keep saying that, but something always comes up where i have to work on some aspect of the project to keep it moving forward, but I believe we are moving at a great pace, and this update I hope proves that. We are getting this thing done!

When Freddy has Lord Blackhand and Magmus finished, I'll compile another update for you. I think he is really fired up right now, so he might have these done fairly quick. Of course I'll keep you updated. 

OK all, the clock on the wall says 3:36 a.m. I'm going to finish up a few things and catch some Z's. Remember to check the comment section! That's where I have been at. 

Have a great day all, and of course I'll be in the update comment section later on today...LOL, I was going to say tomorrow, but it's already tomorrow! The hours I keep! 

Talk to you soon....Rodger :) 

MASSIVE UPDATE: Cavern of Lost Souls board done & reveal! 5th angel reveal! New trap card! Tavern Task card backing reveal! All card backings complete! The keys of Dungeon Crusade! Tavern Task cards! A new quest is available! Plus more!
almost 7 years ago – Thu, Jul 06, 2017 at 10:57:40 PM


Hello everyone! :) I hope everyone has been doing great, and had a great 4th of July celebration with your family and friends yesterday. Me and the family just really stayed at home, grilled out, set off some fireworks and I worked on the game. It's nice to hear be here as always! 

I will tell you. ALOT has come together for Dungeon Crusade as you will see from this fairly substantial update. Forgive my lack of an official weekly update last week, but I have been in the regular comment section every few days chatting with everyone and posting what we have been up to. So feel free to take a look, but all of that will be within this update. Plus I have 3 videos for you this week.

I think I'm more amped up, enthusiastic then ever before I believe. Dungeon Crusade is really coming together as you will see, and I feel very elated from this! Do you believe, about a week ago marked the one year anniversary we were all on kickstarter together and Dungeon Crusade got funded??!! I have told everyone I know, this has been the fastest year in my life. It truly feels like it was only a few months ago it was last summer. Very surreal feeling for sure. 

So just to summarize a bit what we are going to discuss....blessing cards are being put together as Freddy got all 5 angels complete! And they all look awesome!  David Shearer got all of the card backings done for the game, as you will see and even has then setup and ready for the game company to start printing. Totally awesome guy David is. Annika has completed all of the Tavern Task card art, and I have been putting those cards together. I think i have only 3 more to write the text on and those are done. And the really big one is I got the Cavern of Lost Souls prototype dungeon board about a week ago and forwarded that to Shaun. He has been working on the recreation of it on the first half of the board.

I'll tell you, I'm super glad I have completed that and all of the other dungeon boards. I went right from designing the Tomb of Kaladar board into designing the Cavern of Lost Souls. LOL, that was alot of dungeon right there! I have so much more time now to devote to everything else for the game now that the dungeon boards are finished. I'm back on the revised content now and moving towards the new playthrough video, plus working on the other things as well. 

OK! Let's get to the good stuff. First off, here is a link to the last update for you. You may want to take a look at the Cavern of Lost Souls areas from that update. I was going to post them here, but it would make this update even more massive. But I'll be showing just about all of the last areas I created. LOL, you're going to love the last 4 areas. ;) 

I put this in at the last minute. There are links to the 3 videos scattered through out this update. If you would like to watch those first, I put the links here for you. :) 





OK, first up is the final card backing, the Tavern Task card backing. Besides the trap card, this is my favorite card backing. Of course David Shearer created all of these and I gave him a mock up pic of what I was envisioning for this. 

I wanted a dark tavern setting and a girl with a contract in one hand and a pouch of gold sitting on a table. LOL, David wanted me to mention this little part of this card. Notice the guy sitting in the back to the left with his mug of ale! . LOL, I thought that was a nice little touch he added! 

Have a look...

 I also put together a small promo poster showing the Tavern Task cards that Annika did with the David's backing. I think these go really nice together.....


We're going to be talking more about those Tavern Task cards in a moment, but I hope you enjoyed a look at this! 


So as I said above, David Shearer has completed all of the card backings for the game, and has them setup for the game company for the printing process. This was another big step for getting Dungeon Crusade one step closer to completion.

So take a look at the card backings here in this video, then I'll post a cool pic of all of them below....

here is the link for the video >>> 

And here is the pic to take a look at.....


So there is 20 decks in all. KUDOS to David for getting this done for us! :) 

While on the subject, we should put the heroes special ability card backings here as well. These however were created by Dean Spencer a few months ago. The 6 expansion heroes will be also coming down the road....







The only card backing not shown is the one from the Avalon Adventure board game. When we get into showing that off, it will be shown off. But I hope you liked taking a look at these, and a huge thank you to David Shearer and Dean Spence for their awesome work on these cards! :) 


So we saw some of the Tavern Task cards above in the poster. So these cards deal with a character from the story I wrote for Dungeon Crusade, and they give the heroes an optional quest/mission to complete. These are completely optional to do. There is no penalty for not completing them. These usually have to be turned in on a certain Celebration Day.

Annika of course is creating these characters for these cards, and she did the whole layout for what you are about to see. I really love this type of fantasy art style she has used for these.

The first one here is a legendary female hero of Avalon named Ryen Osis. There is a location on the map of Avalon called Ryen's Crossing where her and her comrades fought off a faction known as The Ravaged Undead. 


So take a look at what mission Ryen has in store for the heroes. Ryen is a fiery and strong willed  type of female warrior, and sort of has a chip on her shoulder....

So this is a pretty straight forward type of mission. Decide which 1 hero will attempt to solo a level 1 champion monster. It could be fairly tough, but look at the reward for doing so! :) 

Here is another Tavern Task for the heroes by a well-to-do villager named Symn Ashbourne. This could be a risky one for sure! But again, look at the reward! LOL....

Notice something also about these cards. See how the text is nicely formatted, and there is plenty of space by the edges of the card? David Shearer and me have been talking alot and he has been giving me tips on getting the text to look nicely formatted. So many of the final cards will be like what you are seeing on these Tavern Task cards. Especially the monster cards with their special ability text.

Next update I will have a few more Tavern Task cards to share with you. 


Let me start with an update for you on the recreation of The Tomb of Kaladar that Damien is painting. He has sent me more areas of the dungeon, and you just won't believe this dungeon board when you see it. 

I said this here in the comment section about what is going on with this board, so let me copy and paste it for you to check out....

"Damien is painting this going off my prototype design of this dungeon board. Sort of a little reveal here, but one of the quadrants is Kaladar's Workshop, and this is the newest area he has just sent to me.....

Now, I'm stepping away as the creator of this game for a moment, and speaking like a huge dungeon crawl nut that I am, and from the perspective of I just had all of this shown to me, and what this dungeon is all about....

Right off the bat, the aesthetics & art style for this particular dungeon board is in a league all it's own. I have NEVER seen anything like this dungeon board in my life. Upon viewing it, I want it really bad.

All I can really say is appears to me, this board is from an ULTRA awesome dungeon board game from 1980-1984, yet looks to be modernized just a tad.

However Damien's mind, brain, spirit, art flow, whatever it is, processes what to paint for The Tomb of Kaladar, the outcome is truly outstanding, and something dungeon crawl fans have never experienced visually's that incredible people.

The gameplay/game mechanics exclusive for the Tomb of Kaladar truly match this art style Damien has achieved. The trap art which Dean is creating and we have been seeing...Oh Dear Lord! goes hand and hand with the art for this board. I digitally put some of those trap cards on this's pretty epic nuts awesome looking."

OK! I'm back. So there is the update on The Tomb of Kaladar for you. As you know, we will be doing a huge reveal for this dungeon board for everyone. 

So finally! Onto the new trap card. This one is really an "OUCH!" if your hero is unfortunate enough to encounter this one.....


First off, I just LOVE that line art of Dean's! LOL, I'll never get tired of saying it, or seeing it. This style could not be anymore perfect for what I was envisioning for these cards. So thank you Dean! :)  

Again, notice the text on this card and how there is plenty of room towards the edge. I believe I said before that I'm writing these trap cards as if I was there as your DM or GM and reading what is happening to your hero. I thought that was the best way to write these type of cards. 

Myself and Dean just have a few more traps to put together and these will be complete, and we can scratch that off the list. 


First off, I really want to thank Freddy Lopez for his work on these angels. I know for a fact he worked really hard on these to make them look this awesome and perfect for the game. These truly exceeded what I was envisioning for Dungeon Crusade. Not only is Freddy an outstanding artist, but just his attitude, personality and this glowing aura he has about him is just awesome, and I'm glad to call him a good friend. So thank you Freddy! :) 

OK, so onto all of the angels! First off, here is a quick video reveal I put together for the angels. So have a look real quick, then come back to the update....

Here is the link for you >>>


LOL, I have had the song from the video in my mind for so long and to use it for when we revealed all of the angels for the game. 

So of course the last angel for the blessing deck is the Angel of Luck. This angel will give your hero bonuses to their attributes. So this angel will help in the challenges that await your hero in the dungeons of Avalon.  

Remember, there are different variations of these angels in Dungeon Crusade. Let's take a look at one of the Angel of Luck blessing cards....


And I'll tell you...have you ever noticed how awesome Freddy does eyes and hair of characters? I mean look at the eyes of the Angel of Luck! That just looks so incredible. 

So let's post all of the angels so you can see all 5 together....






And there you have it....5 angels for Dungeon Crusade! Outstanding work once again Freddy! :) Also, keep this in mind. We are seeing the angels REALLY blown up here. These will be on cards, so when they are shrunk down they will look very appropriate on the blessing cards. 

I have to put a few of the cards together, (a few hours of work if that) and then we can call the blessing deck done, and scratch it off the list. For the new playthrough video, I will be talking about these more. 


So I have part 2 of The Lost Patrol quest for you. So you don't have to go back and look at part 1, I'll post that first so you can refresh your memory on what's going on. This chain quest is for the Cavern of Lost Souls dungeon board. 

Also, from a few updates ago Annika has created symbols for the quest cards so when you are flipping through all of the quest cards, you can easily identify what cards go with what dungeon board....

So let's get up to speed for The Lost Patrol quest. Here is part 1.....

Here is the reverse side of the quest card with the objective and setup. Notice also the heroes have found a note from a young girl named Lyra....


The note from Lyra.....


So of course after the heroes complete this part of the quest and any side quest they may have, they would head back to the village for Celebration Day. 

Upon moving onto quest table 2, the heroes will be continuing The Lost Patrol quest. Here is part 2 of The Lost Patrol.....

Here is the reverse side of the quest card....

So your heroes will be on a rescue mission on finding there Lyra could be hiding at. Like most of the main quests, every time you play, this quest will change. What monsters will be inside of chambers, what level they are and of course Lyra's location will change. I think we can all agree we love games like this where there is a sense of randomness & surprises every time you play. 

So we see on the objective section of the card the heroes find a note from Martin Dugan, the owner of the excavation camp. Let's take a look at the note....


So from Martin's note, we have learned there is some ruins, possibly a dungeon deep within the cavern. Could this lead to answers on what has happened in the village of Briarwood, and what Lyra fears? 

In the coming weeks, I'll share part 3 of the Lost Patrol with you. I hope you are enjoying this chain quest I've crafted for you.

But remember, you can do the exact same thing in Dungeon Crusade. As I have said before, you will have the exact quest card and scenario templates to import into your favorite program and design your own quests, scenarios and stories to share with everyone. And I have said that's one of the huge rewards I'm personally waiting for. I'm honestly excited to see and play what people will be creating for Dungeon Crusade. :) 


So let me explain on what I mean by advanced questing. I'm working with Annika on creating certain items for you and the quests I'm writing to make them that more intricate for us. 

For example, I asked Annika to create some keys. And not some mundane keys like bronze, silver and gold keys. (Although there is a golden key in the game for a certain quest). But keys such as an onyx key, a jade key and an ivory key all with unique shapes. I wanted to have a unique set of keys for Dungeon Crusade for all of us. 

So here is a quest I'm developing now. A villager has requested the heroes retrieve their families military items from hundreds of years ago that are locked away within the War Room quadrants, (east & west) in the Ancient Ruins. The Ancient Ruins is of course a dungeon board.

But here's the problem...the chambers within the War Room quadrants are firmly locked and require the ivory key to open the chamber doors. But to compound this problem, the ivory key is being carried by the guardian Banevik who spawns at the start of the game!

This is a level 1 quest, but in the quest it says to use the level 2 version of Banevik instead of the level 1. LOL, you're welcome crusaders! You will most definitely have your hands full with this quest. Gear your heroes up, you'll need it for combating a level 2 guardian.. ;)

There will be a few more items we will be creating to make questing a bit more challenging for you, and of course for you to use in your creations. 

Closing out this section, I would like to say now that I have completed all of the prototype dungeon boards, I have so much more time now to work on different aspects of the game. Especially the remaining quests, and creating the final ones for the game.


Do remember, this is just the prototype of this board. The most awesome Shaun Ellis is professionally recreating this for us, and has been working on it. We have used this method for the Ancient Ruins board and the Castle Blackwood board and it works extremely well.

So about a week ago I finished the Cavern of Lost Souls prototype dungeon board! Yes! :) I'll be honest, it was alot of dungeon in the past few months. I of course did the Tomb of Kaladar for Damien, then went right into the Cavern of Lost Souls board. 

I really took my time on this final 4th board for us, and hopefully it shows. I have referred to this board as almost like a storybook board, as it is very rich with quest and scenario ideas. You can just look at it and create something from it quite easily. 

So first off, here is another video for you to check out. This one is a 23+ minute video, so prepare thyself hero!  But I discuss many different things besides the Cavern of Lost Souls dungeon board. So i hope you enjoy it! 

And oh, LOL...I recorded it very late at night. It was between 3 - 4 a.m. so my voice is very mellow during the video. 

Here is the link to the video for you >>>

So let's talk a little bit about some of the new locations on this board. And I was going to post ALL of the locations we have seen, but that would have really added to this update. The last update has those locations if you would like to see them. Just click the link WAY to the top. 


So we heard a little about Martin Dugan during that quest reveal, here is the excavation camp, and the passage they have created into the cavern....



So this area in particular is fairly unique. Have a look....


So we saw a little about Ryen above, this is her hideout. Notice the well in the forest. For the first time on one of the dungeon boards, there is a short cut into another quadrant. 

Basically a hero must spend one movement for the ladder. A hero, (or monster for that matter) can't stay on the ladder inside the well. I really like this little area and should provide some interesting situations to arise! :) 

Looking at the hidden passage, notice that the pathways are blocked by those embankments. I thought it would be kind of unique to have rocks where the heroes have to jump from rock to rock to navigate through this caverns quadrant.

There is no test a hero has to take, it costs just 1 movement to move from rock to rock. However, you are free to mod this and implement maybe an agility check to see if they make it across. But I just wanted to do something different for this certain quadrant within the cavern. 


 A small change to this area is to the northwest and north of this area. The northwest area has a smashed down wall that leads to the hidden passage area, and now there is a door that leads to a very secret area. Hmmmm...could a certain key open this door to this area? ;)  


I have shared the following about this area we are about to see in the comment section. Within this cavern, a small dungeon resides, but not just a dungeon...but a very ritualistic type of dungeon.

I have a story to share with everyone on this whole board, and explain this area more. But when you see these areas, notice how there is a theme threaded through all the areas, and sort of ties together why the village of Briarwood located on the board is desolate, and Dugan's Excavation Camp is deserted. Could the workers have discovered something within this cavern? Hmmmmm......... ;)

Now, I want to give you a fair warning about one area in particular I created. This area is called Pit of the Blood God, and it's a key location of this board. It will lead to future content introduced into Dungeon Crusade. The area is..well...sort of heavy in tone. It's a bit gratuitous on the blood side.

We might tone it down a bit when Shaun recreates it. But I wanted to get the point across that this is a dangerous and dark dungeon area! Plus, I thought of adding in a game effect on some quests, such as..

"While the heroes are within the Pit of the Blood God quadrant, each hero must test willpower (12) on their turn to withstand the horrid stench of the blood pit. On a fail, lose 1 essence."

So this dark tone of the quadrant would have detrimental effects on the heroes.

So, here is the final areas I put together for the Cavern of Lost Souls. This area belonged to an ancient race of monsters that has been awakened and are coming to the dungeons and land of Avalon in the future for additional content down the road after we wrap up Dungeon Crusade....


I pictured this area where this ancient race would first take their victims and prepare them for the rituals that would follow....



This area is where their victims are awaiting the rituals that lie ahead. I had the word limbo in mind,  but chose to call it Sanctum of Oblivion, as oblivion is quite similar to the meaning of limbo.



And, we see why this dungeon board is called Cavern of Lost Souls. Within this chamber, this ancient race is performing a ritual to extract the souls of the villagers. I tried to create these ghostly images representing the souls of the villagers. 



And finally, Pit of the Blood God. After the removal of the soul, this ancient race is sacrificing the bodies of the villagers to this Blood God, a deity of the underworld they worship. There are a few guardians right now, (Magmus, Nafarion) in the game I have mentioned that have made their way from the underworld into Avalon, that the heroes will have to confront.    


So there you have it. the 4th and final board for Dungeon Crusade! :) I seriously took my time on this last one. But do remember, there will be a 5th and free dungeon board coming AFTER we get the game wrapped up. It will use the quest cards from the Ancient Ruins and the same quadrants of course. But it will be my personal creation, and all of the quadrants will be mixed up on this new one. The dungeon location will be found on the map of Avalon. 

So this ancient race I was speaking about will be introduced in the first expansion pack for Dungeon Crusade. It will contain minions, champions and a new guardian of this ancient race.  

Please understand, I would have loved to add this ancient race into the game, but this game is so jam packed right now with content, and it wasn't in the framework of what we must get completed for the game right now to get it wrapped up for everyone.  But believe me, when we get to this expansion, it will be massive. :)


LOL, I was working on this update, (for 2 days now actually) and Annika has just finished the 3 keys I spoke about earlier in the update. Now, I didn't want to make you guys wait until the next update to check these out, and heck, this update is so massive already, let's just reveal them now for you. ;) 

A huge THANK YOU to Annika for getting the keys done so quickly for us! They look incredible! I love the gems on the keys! :) These have to be some of the coolest looking fantasy keys I've ever seen in a game. 


So as I was saying earlier, adding keys into Dungeon Crusade will allow allow us to create very cool and intricate quests for our heroes to undertake. Consider this...maybe a certain quadrant is locked? You could place the doors around this quadrant and maybe the heroes need to find the onyx key to gain entry to this quadrant. 

Or another quest I'm working on is a locked quadrant, and there is 4 minions locked inside. These minions do not move until the doors are unlocked, and they see the heroes which would convert them instantly to raiding minions! LOL, let the chaos begin! 

I've noticed though in the update comment section and regular comment section you backers are an awesome imaginative and creative bunch! :) Again, I can hardly wait to see what you guys are going to cook up, especially with the key system.  


I hope everyone enjoyed this quite substantial update on Dungeon Crusade. I have been putting it together since yesterday. Just alot came together for this game within the past few weeks progressing towards completion for all of us. That's why I delayed the weekly update until this week. 

As I said earlier, I truly loved creating those last 2 dungeons, but took some time to get those completed. I feel so better now having those complete and having all this time to dedicate to every other aspect of the game. Returning to work on the revised content for the new playthrough video, finishing up the trap cards with Dean, working on more quests and many other things. 

So now that Freddy has completed the angels, we are going to be working on the last 4 guardians and the 6 expansion heroes. Shaun and Damien are of course working on those 2 last dungeon boards, And of course Annika will be creating some more quest tokens for the game. 

And I feel like we are making very good progress on getting this game done within the next few months. There is still things to do, but we are getting this game done pretty rapidly considering the sheer size of this game. I will tell you this game will ship this year, but as i have said many times, I want this perfect for everyone. No rush job here. We've come this far and this close, let's give Dungeon Crusade the time, polish and care to make it have a glowing shine and luster! LOL, I think I was just referring to the game as a car?! You know what I mean though ;) 

Oh! And something came in the mail today. Something very awesome that I have not opened yet. Our awesome friend Lucas sent the cloth maps of the land of Avalon! He asked me to please film the opening of the box. So I will be releasing a video of the unboxing of these maps. These are of course for the 5 backers who pledged for the Special edition of Dungeon Crusade. I'll be personally sending them the cloth map, an original patrol route die of mine and a custom made Dungeon Crusade dice box like the ones you saw in the videos. 

Don't worry! Many people have expressed a great interest in these cloth maps. Down the road I would like to work with Lucas and get more of these for you guys. So I'll keep you posted. When I do film this unboxing, I'll post the video link in this update comment section, and the main comment section for everyone to check out. I believe he said the maps measure something like 39 x 44 inches?? It's pretty huge it sounds! 

OK all, it's dinner time here, so I'm going to check out for a few. I'll be in the update comment section as usual to see what's going on and hang out a bit. I hope everyone has a great evening! Talk to you soon...Rodger :) 

New areas for Cavern of Lost Souls! Tavern Task card reveal! 4th angel for blessing deck! Tomb of Kaladar progressing!
about 7 years ago – Thu, Jun 22, 2017 at 12:54:47 AM

A HUGE hello to all Crusaders of the realm out there!! :) It's SO NICE to finally be here. It has been just crazy busy for me...of course working on the game, but family life and getting things done for my family.

As you may know, I'm totally at home for June, July and most of August for wrapping up Dungeon Crusade. Well, me and the family do go out of course for dinner, shopping, etc.

But last week was me and my wife's wedding anniversary, so I took a few days for that, and to really help out around the house, mostly outside. I was so into working on Dungeon Crusade last year, I totally left our swimming pool uncovered all year! YIKES! So last week, I really had to tend to that, and just help out getting our yard/house in order for the family. LOL, they really wanted to go swimming!

But I'm in the clear now totally, all work has been completed and it's Dungeon Crusade full steam ahead! :)

So let's start this off as we usually do. Here is a link for last week's update for anyone who may have missed it....


So I did manage to go to Origins last weekend to promote the game a bit, and mingle with fellow gamers. I think it did me alot of good to get out for awhile, as I was discussing with backers in the comment section for the past few days.

I met a few big You Tuber's there also. The Undead Viking, (Lance is truly a really awesome guy), and Tom Vasel from the Dice Tower. I really enjoy Tom's reviews. I know he is a huge dungeon crawl fan so I gave him a Dungeon Crusade card and told him a little about the game. LOL, I didn't want to take up all of his time spamming him with Dungeon Crusade! ;) But I told him when he gets a chance to check out the game.

Aside from that Sam from the dice tower was there and said Hi to him, and Rob Oren was there! I'll tell you, Rob Oren is just an awesome fellow. He REALLY helped us out last year by doing an almost 2 hour live demo on Dungeon Crusade. He has told me he is really fired up for the game, as he is a giant dungeon crawl fan. David was there representing Wingo and we chatted for a bit, and it was really nice seeing him again! Now that guy is BUSY it seems.

Then I met Chad from Board Game Geek. He really helped us out last year with running the ad's on BGG. It was just a great time to get out a bit and mingle and see all the games on display and to chat with everyone. 

LOL, and I told everyone in the comment section I wanted to find a copy of Dungeon Roll at Origins! That is the perfect coffee break game to play from working on Dungeon Crusade. And wouldn't you know it...NO copies of Dungeon Roll!! UHG!!! 

Some really awesome backers were trying to help me out in securing a copy. The truly awesome 1soni came through for me and we are working a deal to get a copy. I guess he has a few copies of it on hand. So to everyone, a huge THANK YOU! :) 

In closing out this talk of Origins, next year, Groovus Games Unlimited will have a booth there and have copies of Dungeon Crusade to sell. So we need to get this wrapped up! 


So I also was talking about this in the comment section with the backers. Damien has sent more updates on the Tomb of Kaladar dungeon board. And just "WOWSA"! He went retro with it alright in the art style..."advanced retro!" It looks really incredible.

It's as if Damien went back to the late 70's-early 80's and painted it, yet it has a bit of modernization to it. I'm so looking forward for the huge reveal video and update just for this dungeon board. If I had to guesstimate, I think he may be done by mid July? This is just a guess on my part. 

Meanwhile, myself and Dean are working on the traps for the Tomb of Kaladar. There's not that many left, so we will be wrapping them up pretty soon. 

Speaking about Dean, I just have to share this with everyone. Do me a favor. Go to his page and take a look at this incredible piece of fantasy art he created! I mean, this just looks killer! 

This piece isn't in Dungeon Crusade, but it's such a strikingly gruesome, but outstanding piece of fantasy art! This really reminds me of the the golden age of Dungeons & Dragons art from the 1980's to early 1990's, which I'm really fond of. 

Click the link to check it out. It's a dwarf hero decapitating an Orc. You might have to scroll a little down. He just posted it today...


So I may have to refresh your memory, as we haven't talked about the Tavern Task deck hardly. This has always been in the game. 

The Tavern Task deck consists of only 6 cards. Before you start playing Dungeon Crusade, you draw one at random. You must keep what you draw. 

As some of you know, I wrote a whole story to Dungeon Crusade, this game being Book I: Genesis of Evil. I created a whole cast of characters in this story. Emperor Sylvain, his wife Ashara, their 7 year old daughter Mallory, Charsi Sibri, Hanno Lithgarr, Captain Briggs, Father Jova, Luke, Lord Blackhand, etc...LOL, you get the picture. 

Here is the first 4 chapters of the story in the form of storyboards, but these are going to be re-done after we get the game finished. At that time chapters 5-8 will be released, and it really picks up from there.

So what's going on is this. One of the characters from the story is going to give you an optional quest/mission for a Tavern Task. These are completely optional to do. There is no penalty for not completing them. These usually have to be turned in on a certain Celebration Day. 

I am working with Annika on the creation of these characters. And it's kind of surreal. It's like i have mock-ups of these characters i put together, but i knew they wouldn't stay. 

It's sort of surreal and pretty cool to see Annika bringing these characters to life, so to speak, and giving them their visual identity. And we all know Annika's incredible fantasy art style. She loves creating characters she told me, so this is just a given that she creates these characters for us.

LOL, OK, I'm going to shut up for a few and show you the card already!


I really dig the look of this card and art Annika came up with! Thank you Annika! :) 

So let me explain about these Tavern Tasks. Notice it says the heroes need to slay (4) monsters with the beast racial trait. You cannot gain additional gold for slaying 8 of them. Whatever that number is, that is the maximum this character will pay the heroes. Of course if the heroes only slayed (2), they would receive 600 gold. 

There is a really fun one Annika is working on right now. There is a villager by the name of Symn Ashbourne. Kind of a stuck up, snobbish fellow. His wife is obsessed with relics in the land of Avalon. In this Tavern Task, he requests the heroes retrieve (5) treasure chests from the dungeon for his wife, and it must be 5, no less, no more.  He will pay the heroes a sum of 2000 gold on the next Celebration Day if they can accomplish this task.

So basically, the heroes have to open 5 treasure chests, and place the treasure chest tokens on the card. But remember! Some treasure chests are trapped! Do you take the risk and open them to gain this reward Symn is offering?   

David Shearer is of course creating the card backing for the Tavern Task deck. I came up with a really great backing design for this deck. As soon as he is final with it, i will be posting it so you guys can have a look. 

So we will be sharing more Tavern Tasks with you over the summer. I think your in for a real treat with these, and some pretty cool tasks for your heroes to complete! 


And the most awesome Freddy managed to get the 4th angel done for the blessing deck! I always say when he turns in these angels, "OK! Now this one is my favorite!" They seem to always be better and better! KUDOS to Freddy! :) 

Here is the angel of essence for you. There will be a few different versions of this one. Here is the poster promo for it.....

And here is one of the Angel of Essence cards for the blessing deck...

Just wow again. This angel art looks just stunning. These angels that you have been seeing are exactly what I had envisioned for the game. These couldn't be anymore perfect. Freddy Lopez is such an outstanding artist, and his art looks so perfect in Dungeon Crusade. :) 

Next update we will be seeing the 5th and final angel for the blessing deck which is the Angel of Luck. The Angel of Luck will give boosts to some of your heroes attributes.


So this is where I have been guys is really working hard on this prototype board. I'm really taking my time with it, so we have a great board to play on. As you may know, I have given Shaun nearly half of this board already, and he is already working on the final version. 

So we have seen alot of the outside of this dungeon board, now we are going to see what is exactly inside of this cavern. 

Now I was debating on posting all of the areas I showed last week. I was going to tell people just to look back at that on the other update. But that would be kind of time consuming I feel.

So let's start with what areas I have shown and are done..

Do remember this is a prototype design. This is NOT final! 


This is of course where the heroes start.


Directly after the Swamp of Sorrow, will be the bottom entrance into the cavern.




A very beautiful, and tranquil area of this otherwise bleak dungeon board.


A very interesting part of this dungeon board. Notice the narrow path that leads to a sort of hidden entrance into the cavern. As a side note, there was an elderly man who resided in Briarwood who would come to Raven's Cove to feed the raven's. That's another quest/story for another time though. ;)



The Darkmoon Logging Camp supplies some of the wood to the Avalon Valiant Army for making various weapons, shields and many other things.




The Valley of Shadows will lead to an entrance of the cavern.


OK, so onto the new areas! So if you look back at Raven's Cove, you'll see sort of a secret entrance into the cavern. I really pictured a grotto as you went through the


 I was going for a look with the grotto being flooded a little bit. I put some ripples in the water, and of course vines under the water. LOL, no where near what Shaun can create, but I do like the charm of this area I created for it.


So Red Widow's Lair has an east & west to it. As you can sort of see this is some type of spider's lair. So a little reveal here...

We have 4 more guardians to show everyone that Freddy is creating. Guardians are like the bosses of Dungeon Crusade.

There is a monstrous spider named Red Widow that's one of the guardians, and this is it's lair! I created, rather working on a pretty cool chain quest called, "The Hunt for Red Widow". I should hopefully have the level 1 part done for next week.

Heading north out of Blackmar Grotto, leads into Red Widow's Lair (west).

 Here is each area more close up....



So this next area is way southeast on the dungeon board. I'm building some really cool areas around it. Here is Crypt of the Betrayer...there is a north & south quadrant for this area.....



So I hope how you like how the Cavern of Lost Souls is coming along. Even for the prototype board, i think it looks pretty "old school" cool. ;) Hopefully you can see I'm taking my time and making this really perfect for the final dungeon board for us, know there will be a 5th free one way later on, but you know what I mean. ;)

I have only 9 more quadrants to go, and that's it! It's done! 


So in closing I really wanted to apologize for being a few days late on the weekly update, but as I said at the start, I really had to get some stuff done at the homestead, and time with the family. But we are all in the clear, and ready to nail this game down.

So you saw Freddy is working on the final angel for the blessing deck, Annika is doing up the Tavern Task cards for us, myself and Dean are doing traps, and Oh! I spoke to Kez a few days ago. I haven't talked to her in awhile and wanted to say HI! and hope she is doing good.

She informed me that her and Shaun will be finishing up all the loot by the end of June! And if you remember how much loot is in this game, (203 pieces), that's quite a massive task. So that will be getting completed. And as I said, Shaun has most of the Cavern of Lost Souls dungeon board and has started painting it for the final version. And lastly, Damien is in the midst of doing the Tomb of Kaladar board. 

I think what I may do is this. I believe I'm going to hold off on the next update until I finish up the prototype board for the Cavern of Lost Souls. As I said, I only have 9 more quadrants to go, and I'm thinking I can get them done in a week's time. That way, we will have a massive update in store. I'm planning to do a video for Cavern of Lost Souls for you and show you it in it's entirety with commentary. Plus we will have more Tavern Task cards to show, the backing for the Tavern Task card, the 5 angel for the blessing deck, more traps to show for the Tomb of Kaladar and that new quest called The Hunt for Red Widow, plus anything else that gets finalized.  

LOL, it will be like those one updates that I call, "MEGA ULTRA HYPER EXTENSION VERSION 5.0 MASSIVE UPDATE", or something like that!      

Ok everyone, it's time I catch some Z's, so I'm ready in the morning to continue construction work in the Cavern of Lost Souls. I hope you liked this update, and as usual, I will be in the comment section to see what's going on later.

I hope everyone has a great day, and I'll be talking to you soon...Rodger :)


Sneak peek Tomb of Kaladar! Cavern of Lost Souls areas revealed! 3rd Angel is here! New quest is available! Dungeon icons for quest cards! Trap token reveal!
about 7 years ago – Tue, Jun 13, 2017 at 01:23:15 AM



And HELLO everyone! :) And I'm going to say..."WHEW!"...I truly meant that whew! Just much going on with the Crusade and stuff getting done. I'm going to warn you now, this maybe a massive update, so prepare thyself hero! ;) 

And please forgive me for the day delay on the update, but read on Crusader, and you will see why!

Well first of all, I have been truly living in the Cavern of Lost Souls dungeon board. LOL, I truly mean that. I got alot accomplished for this 4th and final board.

Well, you know if you have been keeping up with the updates I will be designing/creating a 5th and free dungeon board for everyone to download after the game is sent to the game company. It will be named after a location on the map of Avalon and will use the quest cards from the Ancient Ruins dungeon board.

But, I'm going to be scramble up the quadrants, and this board will be more reminiscent of my original Origins board, but with everything I have learned from designing/creating dungeons, with updated "retro" graphics. I'm really looking forward to doing this!   

Staying on track, just alot of stuff came together, and a few things hindered the update. Annika's internet was out for awhile. Her internet came back online today, and we worked together this afternoon on stuff for the game. My one tech writer, (Charlene) was out this weekend, so the new quest I wrote was a little delayed getting finalized, but we got it all done. And this quest is a great one for the Cavern of Lost Souls! It's a chain quest, and a VERY interesting one. I think you're going to like it.   

OK, let's get on with this update! But first....

Here is a link for last week's update for anyone who may have missed it.


So kind of a surprise reveal tonight for you. One of the 24 unique areas for the dungeon board we are keeping secret until the full reveal later this summer, The Tomb of Kaladar!

As you will see, there are question marks for exactly what area this is exactly in the dungeon. This area deals with some unique and innovative game mechanics exclusive to this dungeon board for Dungeon Crusade. There will be many areas in this dungeon similar to this. This may be one of the most deadly & fun dungeon crawls your heroes ever experience!

Damien sent me this late last week. KUDOS to Damien! This area looks truly outstanding! It follows my prototype design perfectly but with incredible art of course. :) 

 LOL, oh my...if you only knew what this dungeon holds for your heroes! Trust'll be OK.....I think. ;) 


While we're on the Tomb of Kaladar subject, let's show the trap token Annika designed for this dungeon. Here's the small poster I put together for take a look, then I have a few things to say about this. AWESOME work Annika! :) 


So you know we are wanting to surprise everyone with the Tomb of Kaladar this summer with a full blown update dedicated just to this dungeon board, but I want to say there is more to this trap token then appears...

There is a reverse side to these tokens. It's not just a simple thing like pick a trap card. This is one of the things I was speaking about that will be quite unique to this dungeon board. I just wanted to make you guys aware that Annika created "other images" for the reverse side of these tokens...and I'll leave it at that for now.  LOL, now don't get made at me! I'm trying to surprise you guys with some cool stuff! ;)

Another thing this coming week I will be doing is working with Dean on finalizing the last of the traps for the Tomb of Kaladar.   


So here is the 3rd angel out of the 5 for the blessing deck, the Angel of Vengeance. Of course Freddy Lopez created this most incredible piece of art for us, and it looks UBER awesome! 

Here is a promo poster for this angel....


And here is one version of the Angel of Vengeance blessing card. Remember there are different versions of angels. For example there are 3 different types Angel of Healing. Each one restores different amounts of health to your hero.

Same goes for the Angel of Vengeance. Take a look at one of the cards! I put a few other's after it so you could see the 3 so far....







I have to say just WOW! to Freddy's art style. These angels/cards look really incredible. I believe we will see the 4th angel next update. 


If you remember from the past update, I came up with those icons representing the 4 dungeons in the game. These icons would be placed on the quest cards. But, I was using simple symbols for the icons. LOL, we needed something more "Dungeon Crusadey" for lack of a better term. 

Annika's internet was out for awhile and just came online today. We worked together this afternoon on the perfect icons for the quest cards. She got these done with the quickness! I mean I think it was just minutes to be honest with you. 

Take a look at what Annika came up with! 


I'll say it right now...these are beyond perfect, and go so well with the quest cards. They are not under detailed, nor over detailed. They're perfect, and I hope you guys like them also. A huge THANK YOU to Annika! Awesome job! :) 


So we are about to get into a massive look at the Cavern of Lost Souls dungeon board which I'm really excited to show you! But first, I wrote a chain quest, and a very interesting one at that....

This quest is called The Lost Patrol, and much is going to be revealed within this quest as it develops. It will give people a glimpse into the future of Dungeon Crusade, and what's to come.

LOL, yes, I'm going to be secretive about this. But take the time to read this quest. It sounds like a simple quest, but much lies within this certain quest....

Take note of the new dungeon icon Annika created at the top left! 



 The heroes must find the 2 items that belonged to Officer Jonathan and Officer Evan.

So further down the road, I'll be posting part 2 of The Lost Patrol quest for you to take a look at. 


OK,  this section is going to be pretty long I believe. I had to think about how to present all of this info for everyone. Let me start with this....

I truly believe this is the best prototype dungeon board I have created thus far. I'm SUPER happy with how it's coming along, and it's evolving into what I wanted it to be. Since this is the final dungeon board, I wanted to create something truly epic for all of us to enjoy.

The Cavern of Lost Souls has many different aspects to it. Some parts of it are like a dying earth, alot of dirt, rocks, dead trees, while some areas are quite beautiful, a waterfall and a cove area,  the village of Briarwood is perfectly nestled into the top left of the board, and there's a very "green" logging camp with wood stacked and a huge tent. There's the eerie Swamp of Sorrow.  So just already the board I think,  seems very vast. And this is only half of this board. 

This coming week I will be adding the cavern to the other half of the board, but too will hold a very cool surprise within. The bottom line is, I think this last board will be a real awesome finale for Dungeon Crusade, and be quite enjoyable to traverse with your heroes.

As you guys know, Shaun will be recreating this dungeon board based off my prototype design. We did the exact same thing/formula with Castle Blackwood, and the results were truly outstanding. 

I recently spoke to Shaun on the phone about us working on this board together. I sent him the board while on the phone with him, and he really loved the look of the whole thing, and where we are going to go with it. LOL, I think he's quite excited to start painting it. You saw what he did with Castle Blackwood, and I think he may outdo himself with Cavern of Lost Souls. LOL, I think we better prepare now for the epicness he will be bestowing upon us!  

So he is starting on this first half, while I finish up the 2nd half. So as I said a few updates ago, 2 artists are working on the last 2 dungeon boards. This is truly great news, and we are making excellent progress to completion. 


So I would like to post this first for you guys. This of course is only half of the board. It measures the same as all of the other dungeon boards in the game. 36x24 inches. 

I wanted to show you this first so you can see the lay of the land, then we will zoom in on each part....


So you can refer to that for the zoomed in areas we are about to see...


This is of course where the heroes start. 


We saw this last week. Directly after the Swamp of Sorrow, will be the bottom entrance into the cavern. 




A very beautiful, and tranquil area of this otherwise bleak dungeon board.




A very interesting part of this dungeon board. Notice the narrow path that leads to a sort of hidden entrance into the cavern. As a side note, there was an elderly man who resided in Briarwood who would come to Raven's Cove to feed the raven's. That's another quest/story for another time though. ;) 




The Darkmoon Logging Camp supplies some of the wood to the Avalon Valiant Army for making various weapons, shields and many other things.







The Valley of Shadows will lead to the final entrance to the cavern. 


So there you have it! Just about half of the Cavern of Lost Souls dungeon board is complete, and I hope you like where it is going. I think there is this sense of openness to it. This coming week I'll be hopefully finishing it up, so next update I'll be showing you that, or where I'm at on it. But I'm really fired up and working quite briskly. 

 But the thing to take away from this is Shaun has started on the recreation of this board. Once these boards are done, this is a massive step towards completion. 


Whew...I think that was alot, but I hope you enjoyed it!. And again, I'm so sorry for the 1 day delay on the weekly update, but hopefully you can see alot came together. 

As I said this coming week I'll be in the Cavern of Lost Souls working on the interior of the cavern, and working on finishing up the trap cards. Damien is of course on the Tomb of Kaladar, Shaun is now recreating the Cavern of Lost Souls board, Annika will be doing more tokens and a few other things and Freddy will be working on the 4th angel.

So we are all getting stuff done for the game. And I have to say, there is some serious creativity going on in these comment sections. I don't know if you guys have seen what the awesome backer 1soni has been writing, but it is some seriously creative writings and lore for the game! I really love it, and I'm very grateful for him doing this. I wanted to put the spotlight on him and give him a shout out! :) 

Oh! And please do me a favor. 1soni is wanting to find out who else has a create a hero package. If you are someone who has one of them, could you post your heroes name in the comment section for us? And about the create a hero people....

This summer we will be getting all of that nailed down. So we will be sending out emails to those 12 people who have create a hero for your heroes name and the story you wrote for the back of the level 1 hero card. 

And another backer, coolhandlott, (I love that handle BTW), came up with some really awesome quest ideas. A few of them are going to be tweaked & playtested and implemented in the game. The one I really like is called Ladies of the Light. Very creative quest idea!  So thank you coolhandloot! :) 

And before I head out, I'm VERY happy to announce that I will be inside DC labs 24/7 for about 3 months starting last Friday. Nothing but Dungeon Crusade, chatting with artists and you guys, and of course my family. We are getting this game DONE. 

LOL, I mean, I'll got out to the store, and out to eat, but the majority of the summer I will be in D.C. labs working on the game and hanging with you guys in the comment section whether you like it or not! ;) 

OK all, going to catch some Z's. I'll be back in here tomorrow to see what's going on. I hope you guys have a great day tomorrow, and I'll talk to you soon.....Rodger :) 










Trap card backing reveal! New trap! Celebration Day Gift card backing reveal! Despair blessing card reveal! Cavern of Lost Souls prototype! New Quest card version!
about 7 years ago – Mon, Jun 05, 2017 at 01:20:25 AM

Hello all! :) Rodger here and I hope everyone is doing awesome, and had a great weekend whatever you might have been doing. As some of you know, I was in the update comment section and the regular section quite a bit earlier in the week chatting it up with you guys. LOL, I did manage to get alot done this week though as you will see! :) 

Alot of things are really coming together for the game which I'm really excited about. I think my enthusiasm and oddly my creativity have really spiked up a bit. It's just the fact that we are reaching the end of this huge journey we have been on, and wrapping up the game in the months to come. Understand there is still much to do to get the game done, but I feel we are going to accomplish getting it all done this summer. LOL, trust me, if I'm seeing I'm seeing the end, this is VERY good news indeed. 

OK! Let's get onto the good stuff! But first as we always do....

 Here is a link for last week's update for anyone who may have missed it....


So here is a little promo poster I put together for some of the trap cards you have been seeing and the trap card backing. These are of course for the new dungeon board The Tomb of Kaladar. LOL, I love 1970's horror movies, so those kind of movie posters inspired me to create this poster.....

And here is just the trap card by itself...

The new trap card backing was created by the most awesome David Shearer. Me and David spoke about the design, and I wanted something that was pretty gruesome and something that just screamed TRAP! all over it. I think this image is like the quintessential thing for depicting a trap in a dungeon! :)    

I supplied David with a rough draft of what I was envisioning for the design. He just went completely overboard and painted this most epic image for the trap card backing. This is my favorite card backing he has created. Outstanding job David!

The trap cards around the image in the middle as you know were created by the incredible Dean Spencer. His art style, (line art) could not be more perfect for these traps and fits right at home in the Dungeon Crusade universe. It's truly a treat to receive the final art from Dean for these cards and see what he has created for Dungeon Crusade. He has a few traps of his own he will be creating for the game as well, so there is much more traps on the way!

Feel free to stop by Dean's art page and look at some of his other incredible art he has made for many other projects. Trust me, you won't be disappointed. ;)  Here is a link for you to his page >>>


And yes! A new trap for you to check out. Now, remember this poster from a few weeks back? 


So here is a trap I created that deals with a very nasty Black Rock Viper indeed. But I gave this one kind of a unique twist. Your hero could gain some gold...IF he's fast enough...take a look....


And a massive KUDOS to Dean for this awesome piece of art on the card. I gave him a VERY rough draft of what I was thinking for this card, and he truly exceeded what I was expecting. I really love this image on this card! 


Now this one might throw you for a loop. Of course David Shearer painted this for us, and we talked alot about this card backing. "Celebration Day Gift." LOL, I mean, that's a sort of hard thing to come up with for a card backing. I came up with a few different things, but David came up with a really solid design I think for this deck of cards. 

So these colors are very bright and cheery, as it should be. This is a departure a bit from all of the other card backings sort of. We are used to seeing "darker" tone cards. Take a look....


And here is the Celebration Day Gift cards Annika did awhile back....


So here is the front and back together. I think they compliment each other very nicely and fit together perfectly. So really, this deck of cards is done for the game now! And come to think of it, the Secret Room deck is also finished for the game. 

So I hope you like how the Celebration Day Gift deck turned out. :) 


I'm going to tell you this right now...I feel 100% better on what me and Annika worked on this week for the quest cards. Let me explain something first of all...

I HATE tiny fonts, ya'know, small text. I own the game Mage Knight, (love the game) but oh wow. The text in the rulebook is so small! I like nice, big and bold fonts. Easy to read stuff. 

I noticed something about the quest cards that i had to correct. I think ALL of that text on the quest cards you have been seeing was really "smoshed" up on that one side of the card. I did a test print on a few, and the text was really small. I simply cannot have that for Dungeon Crusade, for me, for you and the rest of the whole universe!! ;) 

I worked with Annika this past week not on a new quest card, because I love what we have now. But a better design of it. The front of the card now will be dedicated to the story and that banner in the center on the top telling you what quest it is. 

Have a look....



Wow! Doesn't that look so much better? Nice bold fonts, and super easy to read. And do notice the symbol on the top left. We are getting to what this is. But before that, have a look at the back of this quest card.....


And here is the quests tokens Annika created for it. We did show these last week, but here they are again! 


Doesn't the quest cards look so much more attractive now? The card to me just "breathes" much easier now for lack of a better term. There is some nice space to it, and it's easy on the eyes. I hope you like the change. 

So the symbols and letters. I was telling Annika that we need some kind of system on the cards so when a player is thumbing through the quest cards, there is a quick and easy way to identify which quest cards go with certain dungeon boards. 

I thought of just putting the initials of the dungeon board at the very top left of the cards. Then Annika suggested why not have colored symbols with the letters? Brilliant! 

So here is what I put together for the quest cards. Have a look....

 I hope you guys like this system for the quest cards. Let me know what you think in the update comment section! It's simple of course and is very easy to implement in. 


So we have been seeing a few of the angels for the blessing deck Freddy has been creating. But....we must talk about a most melancholy card for the blessing deck...despair. 

See, in the blessing deck there are 5 different angels, and a few different types for each of the 5. But that blessing deck is not full of angels. LOL, sorry to burst your bubble crusaders if you thought that! 

So let's start here...your heroes are at celebration day. A few heroes have 200 gold left from what they have bought in the village, or maybe that's all they have left from losing most of their gold in the House of Chance. ;) 

But they decide to go to the temple and spend it on a blessing before returning to the dungeon. Blessings are 200 gold in the game. 

So let's look at a blessing card. And of course David Shearer painted this for us a while back....


So each hero pays the 200 gold to the temple and takes 1 blessing card. YOU ARE NOT ALLOWED TO REVEAL A HEROES BLESSING CARD UNTIL THEY HAVE RETURNED TO THE DUNGEON! 

Sorry for the caps lock and bold fonts! Wanted to make that clear. OK, so the heroes have returned to the dungeon. At this time they may flip over the blessing card to see if they received a one hero gets this!


So this hero has been blessed with an angel of healing! Well worth the 200 gold that they had paid. 

However, another hero reveals their's not so good....


So this is a despair card. As you can see, these aren;t that good. Not only did your hero waste 200 gold, I added some nice & charming sayings at the bottom of the card on what your hero could be thinking! LOL, hey...I got to play the bad guy sometimes!

But see, it makes it all that better when your hero receives an awesome blessing! (Yes, we saw this last week ;) ) 


But then again, despair could happen again.....


So I think you guys see now how blessings worth. It's a good balance right now as in the ratio of blessings to despair cards.

Freddy is working on the 3rd angel right now, and we'll have that next update I imagine. There is a few different despair cards to show, but there is just a different stained glass color, and more of those disheartening words on them. ;) 


So this right here is where I have been at alot this past week. The Cavern of Lost Souls is of course the 4th and final dungeon board for Dungeon Crusade. Well, there is a 5th dungeon board as I said I will be releasing for free down the road. It will be my recreation of the original Origins dungeon board, and will use the quest cards from the Ancient Ruins board.

After we wrap up the game, I will be working on that while the game is getting printed. So upon receiving Dungeon Crusade, I should have this 5th dungeon board done to use with the game. This 5th board will be titled after a location on the Avalon map. 

Sorry for the side track for a moment. But this is my rough draft for the Cavern of Lost Souls for Shaun to recreate professionally. If you remember, we did this same exact thing for Castle Blackwood, and the result were truly epic on how Shaun recreated it. 

This dungeon board will be a different kind in a way. I envision this dungeon board being very creepy. There will be an outdoor area with alot of dirt, rocks, thorny trees, a swamp area, a suspension bridge leading to a desolate village, then finally into the massive Cavern of Lost Souls, and some secret areas within. 

But have a look at my prototype work of a few areas. Remember! this is not final! Shaun will be using this for reference and professionally repainting it. 





I see it cropped the image a bit. I took the time to cut it in half so you can see it better....

Here's the west side of Swamp of Sorrow....

 And here's the east side for you....


If you look at that siege area, the heroes can go north there. I'm working on the suspension bridge area and that desolate village part. Next update I'll have those areas done and I'll share those with you also. As I said, I'll share the whole development of this last dungeon board with you guys. :) Hope you liked what you saw, and just imagine when Shaun gets a hold of it and recreates it with his awesome art style. I think it's going to be pretty epic. 

Oh, a huge KUDOS to Freddy Lopez! I asked him if he could paint me some of those awesome staff torches you see on the board, and those wooden "shacks" as I call them in the Swamp of Sorrow. They look awesome and thank you for the help! :)   


So really alot getting done around here. I'll tell you this coming week I'm fired up to get the Cavern of Lost Souls done, and forward it to Shaun ASAP. So this is where the majority of my time is going to be spent. 

But I'm taking my time on this since it's the last dungeon board. I want this one to come out totally incredible for all of us. And I was thinking this past week, just wow...there is alot of diversity between these 4 dungeon boards. I mean each one is very unique I believe. And with the advent of the 5th board later on...there is alot of dungeon going on for sure. 

But my prime concern is getting this last board done. After this, I will have a ton of free time to really nail down everything else for Dungeon Crusade. 

BTW, coolhandloot had a GREAT quest for the game! If you go look in the comment section I believe you can read about this quest that deals with these "ladies of light". I am going to be working on this quest, and hopefully be showing it next update. Really great idea! 

And please understand, I do love chatting with you guys in the comment section. If I don't get in there right away, it's because I'm in the "DC Zone" working away! When I get working on something, that's it, I'm gone, especially creating these dungeons. But i will get there! :) 

OK all, I'm heading of to get some much needed Z's. I hope you liked this update and found it enjoyable. But truly we are really getting to the end here. Of course there is still stuff to do, but we're getting to the end. 

I'll see you guys in the comment section tomorrow. Have a great day today, and I'll talk to you soon, Rodger ;)