
Dungeon Crusade - Book I: Genesis of Evil

Created by Groovus Games Unlimited

A solo/co-op sandbox adventure awaits you in the land of Avalon. Explore, mine and craft! Slay monsters, level-up and find rare loot!

Latest Updates from Our Project:

New heroes! Barbarian! Rogue! Cleric! Hero cards updated! New treasure chest cards! Dungeon U.I. board reveal!
over 7 years ago – Mon, Mar 27, 2017 at 06:03:11 PM

 I thought this was a most appropriate image to start this update with. And yes...this is the look of the new heroes for Dungeon Crusade! :) LOL, I'm going to take a guess and say you like this correct? A huge thank you to Freddy Lopez for this incredible image. We'll be getting to those guys and gals soon enough. 

But hello all, I hope everyone is doing great out there, and had a great weekend. I'll tell really was ultra busy around here for sure. Dungeon Crusade has really been growing by leaps and bounds. Alot of stuff came together last week and is finished! 

As of right now, it's 3:41 A.M. and I'm just starting the weekly update. Yes! That busy i have been. But it's all good and fun in my book. But let's get on with this update and tell you what is going on! 

 As always, you can do a quick rewind of last week's update in case you may have missed it. Here is a link to it for you >>> 


So this is most def the biggest news. So I'm just going to tell you what I feel, and others that have seen the new heroes. I worked with Freddy Lopez on the look of the new heroes you will be seeing, and he just did an outstanding job on these. I truly believe he has brought a consistent, cohesive style to the game with his design, and most importantly these heroes look so unique and look like part of the Dungeon Crusade universe. I guess you could say personally. 

We have seen the knight hero and the archer hero awhile ago. And they are very nice pieces, don't get me wrong. But I don't think they conveyed a true fantasy look to them, and they felt like not part of Dungeon Crusade. I mean no disrespect to the artists at all, the work they did on them is truly stellar. But that knight and archer just had a different look to them, and it made them feel disconnected from the game.

Freddy is a diehard, fantasy artist. I gave him the design doc for the Barbarian and in just under 2 days he had him done! When I saw it, it just blew my mind. I NEVER thought it would look like what he showed me. THAT is classic fantasy art without a doubt, and most definitely belongs in a game like Dungeon Crusade. What he has done with these heroes is simple outstanding. 

Bottom line is this guys. All of the heroes will have this look in the game,  so it's cohesive and consistent across the board, and provide you guys with some truly beautiful art to behold while enjoying the game. I mean you are going to be looking at the hero cards alot. So take a look at the 3 new heroes Freddy got finished this week, and after we see these heroes, i'll tell you about next update...I hope you enjoy! :) 

(P. S. logo will NOT be on the final hero cards!)













WHEW! That was alot hero right there! I/we hope you truly enjoyed taking a look at the new heroes. A couple of points of interest about those hero cards. 

If you notice there is now a circle around the starting health and essence. I thought of doing that in the spirit of a pen & paper RPG. Something small, but I thought it looked pretty good and serves it's purpose well. 

The other thing is the fonts have changed a bit for the name and a few other things on the hero cards. I really think it adds a cool fantasy touch to the cards. 

I have spoken to Freddy about this, and next update you will be seeing the new knight hero, new archer hero, the wizard hero and Albus the heroes fetch hound in a world debut trailer along with the 3 you have just seen. I hope this excites you, as i'm planning a pretty awesome video for this! :)  

And of course you may know Dean Spencer created those awesome special ability cards above. I think you need to take a look at some of Dean's work. He shared this with me today and I was pretty blown away from what he has created. LOL, trust me, you will not regret checking this out! Just WOW!! And plus Dean is just truly an awesomely nice guy...>>> 

And while on the topic of heroes....


We will be moving into the phase of gathering your information for the hero package you have. I'm putting together a form for you guys to fill out, and laying out some super easy going guidelines for creating your hero. 

As you may know, you will be giving your hero a name that will appear on their hero card, writing 2 versions of your backstory for your hero. One short one that will be on the back of the level 1 hero card, then a long version for when the web site goes live. And of course your real name will appear on the back of the level 1 hero card for your contribution to the game. 

So we will be getting to you guys! ;) 


So I have some great news for you! The amazing artist Kez has totally finished the treasure chest cards for the game! :) So we can scratch that one of the list. I still have to assemble some of them, but that's just a 1 day job. But this brings us a step closer to getting this juggernaut finished.

So I put a few together for you...and there is a few bad ones for your enjoyment. ;) Also the font has changed a bit on these, more towards the top of the card. So take a look at what awaits your heroes in these ancient treasure chests!  

Pick a card from the Treasure Chest deck if you dare! ;) 


 1600 gold:




So a huge THANK YOU to Kez for getting these done for us. She did such an awesome job on these. And wait until you see the other ones! All of them look totally stellar. 


 So earlier in the week i was working with Annika on the dungeon U. I. board. I'm happy to announce it is finished! Well, we are awaiting David Shearer to finish up the Celebration Day card backing for it and then it will be complete. Not a biggie though.

The thing I find truly amazing about Annika is, she never played this game of course. I simply provided her with my prototype board which looked "meh", and she recreated it through her creativity and imagination and came up with a great layout. The look of the U. I. board is just INCREDIBLE!!  KUDOS to Annika!

Before we take a look at it, some people may be saying, what is the dungeon  U. I. board? I created this board to centralize the many tracks of the game and to keep many of the cards on this board. So it's easy for players to find everything. 

I made a video for the reveal, but for some reason it cut the boards very top and bottom off. So have a look at my prototype one, then Annika's if you like. And sorry about the top and bottoms of the U.I. board being cut off in the video... 

And her is Annika's superb recreation! The board will measure 18x12 inches :)

 Annika is making the various tokens for the U. I. board, and should have them done sometime this week. But again, awesome job to Annika for making the U. I. board look this great! :) 


As you may know, Dean is creating these truly awesome footprints for the patrol routes. I originally had dashed lines for the patrol routes, and Dean thought of the footprint idea, then it evolved into having the 4 different footprints. He provided me with a great pic to show you guys how it's coming along. This of course will be in the playthrough video coming soon I assure you! More on that in a second. 

But take a look at what he's got going on.....

 There is a few things missing from the dungeon board in this pic. The treasure chest spaces, a mining site and a few other things. These will be placed when the patrol routes have been implemented. 

So it's hard to see from that pic but there is 4 unique footprints. The patrol route die will have those images on it So as we have talked before, players that suffer from color blindness will be able to identify where a monster wants to move now that there is this system in place.  

And as you can see even from this pic, the patrol routes are very visible. I know there were a few people who were concerned about being able to see them. They are perfectly visible now. 


I am truly dying to get to this video already! I am totally in the clear this coming week, and I am going to get the revised content done this week so we can finally hang out and play Dungeon Crusade! I have been so ultra busy, I just couldn't get it all together.

But for right now, this week is ideal to be doing this. I'll have alot of free time this week to devote on getting stuff edited, printed and get rolling with it. Plus I'm getting a really great camera for this. I'll keep you posted throughout the week on my progress in the update comment section.


I mentioned this in the update comment section last week, but I would like to post it here also....

"A WIP (work in progress) OF CASTLE BLACKWOOD:  

So Shaun emailed me tonight with a WIP of the new dungeon board Castle Blackwood. LOL, I couldn't click my left mouse button quick enough to open the file!

So after I fell out of my chair from my first viewing of it, I got back in my chair and was just BLOWN AWAY. are not going to believe this dungeon board. I was beyond impressed. 

Surrounding the castle is snow, but you can still see the ground. The ground looks so awesome. The chambers are all in 3D! Yes, 3d walls. Even at this early stage, it looks incredible. Castle Blackwood has a much darker tone to it than the Origins dungeon board. Here is my thoughts after seeing this and thinking of the other dungeon boards.

I think it is going to be GREAT to play on the Origins dungeon board to get a retro vibe. As you know that board is very reminiscent of Heroquest and Warhammer Quest, but there's just enough uniqueness to make it belong in the Dungeon Crusade universe.  

But then you go to Castle Blackwood and the whole vibe and theme change to make it a brand new experience. A much more darker, and grittier dungeon environment for sure. 

I think you guys are going to flip your script when you see what Shaun created. The guy is just truly gifted in the world of art I believe.  

So prepare for a world debut video for Castle Blackwood and a fly over of everything that comprises this new dungeon board! :)"

So he should be finishing up that pretty soon. I'm telling you, wait until you see it!

So I think you see there is alot going on for sure. Just tons of Dungeon Crusade everywhere. I'll be in the update comment section later today to say HI! and see what's going on.

One thing I didn't get into this update, that I wanted to was side quests. Side quests are a little different then main quests in the game. Side quests are usually kill & clear type of quests, with some having bonuses in the form of gold for killing a monster with a certain racial trait. Undead, demonic, human, etc. There will be some variations in side quests though. 

OK everyone, I'm out as the clock on the wall reads 6:17 a.m. Wow! Nice sunrise coming up! LOL! 

I hope you enjoyed this update and all of this new content excites you even more for Dungeon Crusade! I hope everyone has a great day, and I'll be talking to you soon,,,take care...Rodger :) 

A bunch of monsters! New quest! New treasure chest cards! New power gem recipe!
over 7 years ago – Mon, Mar 20, 2017 at 12:59:56 AM

Hello everyone! :) Rodger here, and I hope everyone is doing great today! there alot going on with Dungeon Crusade! There is so much in the wheelhouse it's truly nuts. I'm going to get to that towards the end of the update and give you a list of what is happening.  


But before we get into this update, I would like to share a story with you about this weekend. I think most of you know i'm a huge dog lover. After all, we have Albus in the game, the heroes fetchhound.

Well this past Friday evening, my 10 year old son Jackson looked out his window and saw this furry dog run past. He came running up to me that he saw this dog! I live in Northeastern Ohio by the way, and it was about 24 degrees and snowing at this time. So I grabbed my keys and jumped into the car with Jackson to go find this dog.

It took us awhile to find him. When we spotted him, the poor dog was deep in these peoples backyard and one of his front paws was hung inside his choker chain. Mind you the snow was coming down. So I went up to him and got his paw free and got him back to the car. This had to be one of the most awesome, tame, unique dogs I have ever seen in my life. I have 3 dogs of my own.     

So we brought him home, dried him off, fed him and made him comfortable. LOL, I started calling him Wolfy. Soon, all 4 dogs were running around together. It was truly a beautiful chaos to behold. That night I was working on Dungeon Crusade and posting pics of Wolfy trying to find his owners. LOL, he just hung out with me in D.C. labs and just fell asleep in here. 

The next day, some truly awesome people were sharing my post on facebook and we found Wolfy's owners! Turns out his name is Smoke....but he will always be Wolfy to us. ;) 

So I added some pics for you to check out Wolfy, and I made a video when I was trying to find his owners. LOL, I figure all I talk about to you guys is Dungeon Crusade, so I thought I'd share this cool moment in my life with you. If I didn't find the owner's, I think I would have had a 4th dog. Talk about a charming and cute dog! 


 And here is the quick video if you would like to see him >>>

OK! Wolfy is back at home, all is good, so let's proceed with the update! 


 As always, if you missed last week's update, here is a link for you to check it out >>>


Wow! We have alot of new monsters this week for you. These monsters are of course from Cornerstone Creative Studios. The artist Joseph Arnold did the penciling work, Jesse Hansen provided the inking and Freddy Lopez did the coloring on the monsters you are about to see. 

Something interesting, and brings us that much closer to having the game done is all of the minion monsters and champion monsters have now been completed! This was ALOT of monsters guys. What you will be seeing now in the weeks to come is the rest of the heroes and the guardian monsters. The guardians are like the boss like monsters in the game. 


So we will start out with the minion monsters first for you. Minions are the monsters that roam throughout the dungeon, and can convert into a raiding minion in which they will attempt to escape the dungeon and raid the village, thus increasing the terror level by 1 on the village terror track. 

So let's take a look at the Goblin Footman. Here is the full poster of him, then his monster card...

 And the monster card.....


Here's a little secret about this guy. Originally he was going to be a Goblin Spearman. I changed it to be a Goblin Footman because as I said WAY before, I wanted to have very classic archetypes so you could find a suitable plastic miniature to use with Dungeon Crusade if you so desire. By calling him a Goblin Footman, you could basically find any Goblin plastic mini that has some sort of weapon it's holding. 

So next let's take a look at the Orc Siegebreaker. Warning!!! These monsters can raise the villages terror level pretty quickly if Rampage activates! 

Here is it's poster....

How is that for a shield! And here is it's monster card...


So notice Rampage? This is the normal difficulty one being shown. Besides the health, damage and higher warfare values going up on the expert and heroic Orc Siegebreaker, monster card, but the odds for Rampage to activate will also have a much higher chance to activate. 

To give you an idea, the heroic version of the Orc Siegebreaker will have Rampage activate on a result of 11-20. So there will be a 50/50 chance on it activating.

CHAMPION MONSTERS: you are going to see some serious monsters coming into this! These are by far some of the toughest champions in the game. I'll be showing the elite version this week, then next update the normal version for you.

Let's start first with the Death Knight! 

 And here is it's monster card for you....

 OUCH! Breath of Death can really hinder the heroes if it activates often! 

Now this one may be the most powerful level 4 champion there is. You would be well advised to have 3 heroes rallied before entering a chamber where a level 4 champion monster could be residing, as this could be one of them!

Meet the Enraged Troll! 

LOL, what a pleasant fellow right? ;) Well, have a look at his monster card....


FREAKING OUCH! That is one serious monster right there. Make sure to be stocked up on healing potions for sure before taking on an Enraged Troll. 

So there you have the completed minion and champion monsters! So there will be a total of 18 minions, (3 per unique group, 6 unique groups in total), and 56 champion monsters considering the normal and elite versions. 

So I hope you enjoyed all of the new monsters and a HUGE thanks to Joseph, Jesse and Freddy! Heroes & guardians will be up next!


We all love Dean's art I think I can safely say. So I asked him earlier in the week if he would use my rough draft on how the patrol routes are networked throughout  the dungeon, and make them look truly awesome and very visible for the player. 

He sent me an idea he had and I thought it was so brilliant! He created like little monster footprints instead of just a boring line! Take a look at what he has going on. 

Understand we have to add a drop shadow under the green patrol route in the Cesspool area as it really blends in quite a bit. We want to make sure gamer's can perfectly see where the patrol route runs. 

 I will promise you, we want these patrol routes to be perfectly clear for you to see while playing Dungeon Crusade. I'll have a even more fine tuned next update for you.


So yes! A brand new quest for you  to check out. This is a quest I wrote called, "A Beacon of Hope". One of the characters I created in the story is Father Jova. So this quest pertains to Father Jova asking the heroes for assistance. 

Have a look! 

 And of course the amazing Annika is creating all of the tokens for the game. Here is the Beacon of Light quest tokens....

 Tons of new quests on the way. I'll be introducing a new one soon that's actually a chain quest. When you play this scenario, the quests will all link together to form a story in a way, and the minions might be behaving a little differently. ;) 


So the most awesome and Epic Kez got a hold of me this week, and she got more of my prototype treasure chest cards done for the final game, and her vision of these and creativity is just top notch. Take a look at these...

 So these are some bad events that can happen from opening a treasure chest. Remember that not all treasure chests in Dungeon Crusade are full of riches and artifacts! Some of them can be trapped that can hinder your heroes. 

LOL, open at your own risk! I'll have the full cards for you next week when Kez finishes these up. Again, her art is just simply amazing. :) 


So another power gem recipe for you, Gem of Wrath. Of course you must buy a pickaxe from the village and find a mining site in the dungeon to mine. When you have the required precious stones to create what you would like, the blacksmith will create the power gem for you. 

So take a look at what a hero will need to craft a Gem of Wrath....

 So the recipe calls for 3 moonstone, 3 zultanite, 1 rubystone and 1 obsidian. Once you have those precious stones, the blacksmith can create this for you.

And here is the Power Gem card...

 This is a great power gem to craft early in the game and attach it to a common (white) weapon. There is actually one above this called "Gem of Greater Wrath". It adds +2 damage to a weapon, however it requires more moonstone, zultanite ruby stone and obsidian to be able to craft it.

Next update I'll have another power gem for you guys to check out. 


So guys I hope you liked this update. I really have been knuckling down on getting the revised content done for this new video playthrough. I just want to play this game already on camera!! We're getting there though.

I mentioned at the top of the update a huge list of what everyone is up to. There is alot that's going to be incoming. Such as...

-- Shaun I believe is finishing up the Castle Blackwood dungeon board. Expect an awesome video showing you everything about that.

-- Annika is creating the dungeon U.I. board. She sent me a WIP of it today, and again I have to ask...where does she get her creativity and true fantasy art from? It looks incredible!

 She asked me not to share it just yet, but next update it should be ready. It fits Dungeon Crusade so well.

-- Tom is finishing up the angels for the blessing deck. So those will be incoming very soon. He sent me the other ones in the form of a WIP, and they look incredible! 

-- I spoke to David Shearer on the phone last week about the next card backing he is doing which is the Secret Room card. He has alot of awesome ideas for this. I think we should see it in the upcoming update. 

-- Damien I believe should be finishing up the 4th and final game in the House of Chance which is The Adventures of Bravely the Knight. Hopefully next update that should be ready. Of course I will be doing a video on this  for you and seeing how it's played. VERY excited for this one in particular! 

-- Kez told me she will be finishing up all the treasure chest cards, so we can scratch that off the list. And of course I'll share some more of those cards with you. 

-- Next week you will be seeing between 2-4 heroes. Most def the Cleric and Barbarian will be finished.

OK everyone, I hope you liked this update. Maybe a little smaller than the last few, but some great stuff for sure. I'll tell you, if alot of that stuff i just listed gets done, there is going to be a MEGA Ultra update for sure. 

As always I will be in the update comment section tomorrow evening to see what's going on. Oh! That reminds me! 

I wrote some things i wanted you guys to see about the Dungeon Crusade rulebook. I'm taking this VERY seriously. If you can, go to the regular comment section and see what I had to say about it. It should be right on the top.

Have a great day everyone, talk to you soon...Rodger :)  

New monster! Tokens! Treasure Chest Cards! Hero Special Ability Cards! Secret Room update! New Quest!
over 7 years ago – Mon, Mar 13, 2017 at 01:24:16 AM

LOL, now try to post an update and pull out a Shadow Servant right off the bat! ;) 

Hello everyone! :) Rodger here, and I hope you guys are doing great and enjoying your weekend. It's nice to be here as always, and a fairly weekly update. LOL, I was up until 4:15 a.m. last week working on the update, so trying to get this in at an appropriate time this week for everyone.

That incredible monster art you see above was something Freddy Lopez created. I sent him a few images of what I envisioned for these Shadow Servants. And Freddy just truly blew my mind with this unique piece of art he created. Absolutely love that thing! ;)  

And of course if you want to rewind to last week and catch that update first, here is the link for you to do so...

So let's start off this update with a little 50 second reveal video I put together for you guys on a brand new level 4 monster, The Queen of the Blackhand. The Shadow Servant correlates with the Queen of the Blackhand in a way for her special ability...

Here is a great image from that video to check out...


I managed to get the normal version done as well as the elite version of the Queen of the Blackhand's monster card for you. As you probably know, the normal version of champion monsters have their origin stories I wrote for them. So let's take a look at these monster cards and go over a few things.




As you can see, the elite version has a chance to summon a Shadow Servant. If this is summoned, the highest damage from a single warfare roll for is absorbed by the Shadow Servant, thus protecting the Queen of the Blackhand.

Pro Crusader  tip #24: When exploring chambers where there could be the chance of a level 4 champion monster, especially a Queen of the Blackhand, have a torch lit!

 As you can see from the card, a lit torch will negate the special ability for the duration of combat!

Freddy has a bunch of new monsters that he is coloring at this very moment. Next week's update will see at least 3 new monsters, if not a few more. LOL, and no...there is no end in sight for the monsters! ;)


As you guys probably know, there is a terror track associated with the village. Every time a minion converts into a raiding minion, they head out of the dungeon to raid the village, thus raising the terror level by 1.

So I got with Annika over the past week and worked with her on make a bunch of new tokens. One of them is the Raid token...have a look at this most EPIC token she came up with! This girl is just plain out amazing with what she comes up with!

So of course in the monsters phase if a minion would convert from a vagrant minion into a raiding minion, you would place one of these tokens on it's monster card...


 We'll be getting back to more tokens that Annika did this past week in just a little bit!


So way back in a update, I showed you that I have all of the first 6 heroes special abilities created. To refresh your memory, here are a few of them for you ;)

Here is one of the Knight's special abilities....

 And here is one of the Archer's special abilities....

 So I got with Dean and we worked on a truly awesome design for you guys for the front of these special ability cards. We went through a few revisions, and Dean just kinda blew me away with what he created. This guy is just such an awesome gentleman to work with, and his art is just stunning. Take a look at what this man came up with! WOWSA! :O 


 I really don't know what to say about this's just kinda epic nuts awesome. All hail the DEAN! LOL! 

As we get the other heroes done here shortly, I will be sharing those backings for their special ability cards as well with you guys. 


So we are going to take a look at a quest I wrote called "Purifying the Cesspools." This is high level quest (level 3), and quite tough I must say.

Let's take a look at the quest card for it, and read the story....

Notice also that 4 minions will spawn after the solvents are poured into the pipe. But the interesting thing here is the heroes will not know exactly what quadrant they will show up in. It's sort of random every game, which I believe we all like. ;) 

Another thing to note is there is a good chance of encountering level 4 champion monsters while seeking out the solvents. Be prepared!

So here is the solvent token that Annika created for this quest....


It would be well advised to stock up on healing potions before starting out on this quest. Heavy combat for sure will ensue.  

There is quite a few quests I have to still put to the final quest cards, and more quest tokens Annika has made. I will have more quests for you next update. I hope you liked this one! It's a toughie for sure! ;) 


So Kez got a hold of me earlier this week and informed me she has been re-doing my prototype treasure chest cards and getting the final ones done for the game. Oh. Freaking. Wow. Man. I honestly did an "LOL" when i saw these. This is another one of those artists from another realm. Incredible art for sure. 

First let's take a look at the backing of the treasure chest cards that David Shearer created...

So let's see some of these treasure chest cards! We are going to see a few bad ones in this update. There is 10 bad treasure chests in Dungeon Crusade. 

We'll start with 2 good ones. The first one you may have seen a few updates ago, but the second one is the brand new artifact the Dawnstar Stone!



I hope you like those! Now...for the bad ones! Now I have to tell you about the tokens that are associated with these certain cards....

There are some treasure chest cards that have a token that is placed in the dungeon. There is a trapped treasure chest called Wall of Spikes, that has a token also. But what I wanted to do is leave these certain tokens blank. Of course have the art on them, but no text. Let's take a look at these cards and show you what I'm talking about...

 Here is the token for it....

 Here is another trapped treasure chest card for you, then going to say a few words about these....


 So first off..I love Kez! :)  I mean she just made these look absolutely stellar. And to think, there is tons more on the way! So KUDOS to Kez! :)

So here is what I'm going to say, and stand firmly on this because I have your guys best interest in mind.

I want to be descriptive on these cards and others. I mean when the tech writers get involved and want to reword things to make it better, that's of course fine. But I want to have all of the information on cards so you guys don't have to flip through the rulebook, get on your phones to look at BGG for clarification on something, whatever.

What led me to say this is the Swinging Pendulum trapped treasure chest card above. As you can see, I worded it very clearly so the player would know exactly how this works and how the mechanic works. 

So I hoped you liked this glimpse into the treasure chest cards. As I have said before, this deck is the ultimate in risk and reward. You could find mountains of gold, or something VERY bad within these treasure chests! ;) 


So I have teased these before, and they truly weren't final. But now i would like to share what the consumables will look like for the final game. 

I think you';ll enjoy this section. The way this stuff came together was pretty awesome, and it really only hit me today. 

So first let me post this chart for you. What is kind of cool to me is that Annika made the token backing you'll see, and our awesome artist friend Tom created the art months ago. I put Tom's art on Annika's token backing, and it looks incredibly awesome! Have a look!


But let's go further down the rabbit hole with this! (I think this will make sense to use that phrasing ;) )

I wanted to give you guys a glimpse of what this will all look like while playing Dungeon Crusade. So I cut out a piece of the village board Damien did, and added Annika's work and Tom's work to it....enjoy! :)

 OK....we can come out of the rabbit hole now. LOL, but wow right? It all just looks so beautiful, striking, unique, lush and very cohesive. I thought it was so cool to see these 3 artists art come together like this.  

So there you have the final consumables that your heroes can acquire in Dungeon Crusade!


So you saw last update that we revealed the Secret Room tokens and the lockpicking game mechanic in the game. I originally had it that during the seeding process of filling out the dungeon at the start of a game, that Secret Rooms just show up, and a hero could go there and attempt to pick the lock in hopes of finding a treasure room. 

Now all of that is still the same, except now the heroes have to "discover" the Secret Room and then can attempt to pick the lock of the door on the Secret Room. 

Take a look at this picture I put together for you that will explain it a little bit before we get into this. 

 I was discussing this with some folks over on the last updates comment section. So I'm going to paste what i said for you guys to check out. I think you'll agree this change keeps this game mechanic simple, but adds a little more immersion to Dungeon Crusade....

"Upon seeding the dungeon at the start of the game, as you know the scenario will dictate how many Secret Rooms will show up...usually 1-4. These are of course randomly placed every game to keep it fresh.  

So you will of course see the Secret Room tokens on the dungeon board, however, it has not been "discovered" by the heroes yet.  

The Secret Room tokens now have a few numbers on them. The first number is on the bottom left hand corner. The number is between 2-4. This is the number attempts the heroes have to "discover" the Secret Room.  

The other number is to the far right side bottom corner of the Secret Room token. This value is between 16-20. Here is how this works....  

When a hero enters into a quadrant where there is a Secret Room, he or she must stand adjacent to it. At this time, they can use one of their actions to attempt to discover the Secret Room.  

Let's say this Secret Room token add the values 3 and 18. What this means is there is 3 attempts to discover the Secret Room, and they must make a willpower check and meet or exceed 18 in order to discover the Secret Room.

On a success, they proceed to the lockpicking mechanic to see if they can pick the lock and find a treasure room.  

On a fail, they would have to place a token on the Secret Room chamber. This means one attempt has been made to discover the Secret Room. There would be 2 attempts left to discover this Secret Room. 

If they use all of their attempts, the Secret Room token would be flipped over to reveal the locked side. Thus, this Secret Room would be locked for the remainder of the game.  

I feel very good about this. It's not overly complex, it's fun and gives Dungeon Crusade that much more immersion. I hope you guys like the sound of this. This will be shown and discussed on the forthcoming update."

OK...I made a few pics for you guys also to see this change in action. Have a look...


 So to summarize all this. Yes, Secret Rooms will show up at the start of the game, but these are considered to be undiscovered by the heroes. They must be adjacent to a Secret Room and test willpower in order to discover it. 

I hope you guys like this small, but very cool change to the game. Not really a change maybe, but another small layer to the Secret Room game mechanic. As always, let me know what you guys think!

But know this. I like how this is right now. It does not over complicate the game, and keeps it simple. If you look at Dungeon Crusade as a whole, i hope you are seeing Dungeon Crusade isn't a hard game to learn at all. There is just so many facets to it, but i truly think these facets are fairly easy things. 

As I have said, I HATE complex games. A few years back, I learned how to play Mage Knight the board games. YIKES! That was way too complex for me. Very awesome game, and do enjoy it, but yeah..I usually stray from game such as that.


So if you remember, a few updates ago i posted the loot card backing David Shearer created for us. There were many comments that the certain parts of the card were WAY to bright or rather vibrant. I contacted him last week and asked to tweak the card for us. 

So here is the updated tweaked one to check out. As always, let me hear your guys comment on this. Do you feel it's good now? I also asked him to detail that skull in the center a little more. 

So take a look....


Here is the old one for reference....

 Here is the original pic for showing the front and back of a loot card...

 Here is the updated one with the newly revised loot card backing...

 So of course please chime in and tell us your thoughts on the tweaked loot card backing. I asked him to de-saturate the colors a little bit, but really tweak that on the legendary weapon, the orange part at the very top of the card.


So that is what's going on right now. This week I'm still trying to get what I have to get done for the new playthrough video. I swear we are going to get to this hell or high water! It's just we are all working on the game content to get most of this stuff done. 

But I'm going to most definitely set time aside to get to this, this coming week. Annika is going to be working on the dungeon U.I. board. I sent her the design doc for it, so she will be doing that. Damien is working on the Adventures of Bravely the Knight game for the House of Chance, and Jesse and company will be finishing up a bunch of monsters, plus working on more heroes for us. Shaun is working on the Castle Blackwood dungeon board, which might be close to being completed. And of course Kez is doing those incredible treasure chest cards. David Shearer has started work on the Secret Room card backing and Dean will be doing some stuff I have lined up for him. 

Whew! I was all out of typing breath with that one! I guess you can see everyone is busy on the game. 

Next week I can tell you for sure I will have a bunch of new monsters, new power gem recipes to share with you and more quests, and whatever else comes in next week. I'll of course keep you up to date on all DC related stuff.

OK everyone, I hope you enjoyed this update. I'll be in the update comment section as usual tomorrow to see what's going on. I hope you guys have a great evening/day, and I'll be talking to you soon...see you then!   Rodger :)

p.s. YES! I got the update done by 12:38 a.m.! Better than 4;15 a. m. right! ;) 


Secret Rooms! Quest Card reveal! Lock picking! Treasure Rooms! Torches! New Monster! New warfare icons! Much more!
over 7 years ago – Mon, Mar 06, 2017 at 08:05:35 PM


                                              THANK YOU - GROOVUS GAMES UNLIMITED

Now see up there ^^^^! LOL, now that's how to start a Dungeon Crusade weekly update with a freaking dungeon. and a treasure chest tipped over, and a skeleton on a throne, with an arrow in it's chest, and a rat on top of a skull with red eyes, and...and...well whatever else you see in that chamber! :) Welcome!

So hello everyone! I hope you guys are doing GREAT, and you can see already I am F-I-R-E-D up over here. So excited to show you so much new stuff for Dungeon Crusade! It was another ULTRA busy week for sure, but so much got done. We are just making great time with getting all of the final content done for the game. So,on with this update! :) 

And of course if you missed last weeks update, here is a link for you....


Now, some of you might have seen this already. But I went into the comment section earlier in the week, and saw some folks were talking about the old warfare icons on the monster card. And to be honest, they were not digging those. And THANK YOU for saying this! Listen, the way I see it is this is your guys game also. It's all of ours. So, I want you to be happy with the whole game. That prompted me to get a hold of Annika and ask her to design fresh new ones that matched the cards more better. I guess more cohesive.

So iwant to copy and paste what i said there in the comment section, then post a poster of the new ones Annika designed. I'll straight tell you now, she totally KILLED it as she does! They look incredible.

So, here is what I typed....

"<<<<< MID WEEK UPDATE >>>>> Hello all! :) Rodger here and I hope you guys are doing AWESOME out there.  

So I wanted to announce the great news for you. I caught some great comments from some backers that they thought the warfare icons on the monster card were not quite up to snuff with the rest of the card. 

So I went back and re-evaluated them and thought maybe you guys are right! That prompted me to message the most incredibly creative and talented Annika last night and explained what was going on, and I would like her to.  

We chatted today about it more and she got to work on brand new warfare icons for you for the monster cards. Within hours, she had sent me these brand new warfare icons for the monster card and they look simply incredible! 

These truly balance out the monster card and makes the card look truly epic and totally professional. I showed a few people close to the project what she created and they were pretty blown away. I truly believe fantasy art just runs in her veins or something. Her style and art fits Dungeon Crusade SO DARN WELL it's scary. 

I will be debuting these for you in the next weekly update this weekend. I'm shooting for Saturday actually to have this prepared for you. I'm very glad I caught those comments from the backers! 

As I have said many times, I truly consider you guys my extended family, and of course you guys are customers. Even besides pledging for the game, you have more things tied into this game if you think about it that I'm completely aware of. You are looking to immerse yourself in Dungeon Crusade. You want beautiful art to behold while playing. And of course have years of entertainment with Dungeon Crusade. 

I'm very conscious of all this. It boils down to customer service. I have pretty much done customer service all of my life in one way or another. 

Myself and Annika were very happy to get this accomplished for you, because we know you guys are going to be happy now that the game is that more polished and looking sharp for your enjoyment.  

The bottom line is whatever I/we can do for you guys, (within reason of course) we will do it for your satisfaction with Dungeon Crusade. When I started Groovus Games Unlimited last year, I came up with the slogan, "Quality & Quantity in game design". Those 2 things you rarely see in products nowadays. I hope to reinforce that slogan even more as time goes on.  

LOL, OK...that was a "From the heart moment from Rodger". Sometimes I just start typing without a filter on and say what I have to say. So sorry for being that long winded. But when I got something to say, i just say it.  

Also, I would like to share with you Annika's web site for you to take a look at her incredible art. She always tells me how happy she is being here with you guys, and she is committed to give you guys awesome art for the game.  

And ya'know, I may ask the other artists if I can put their site in the updates as well for you guys to take a look at. Ok everyone, I'm checking out and going to do some work on the game. 

So get ready for the new warfare icons on the monster cards this coming update! Talk to you soon...Rodger :) Annika's site >>>

Ok! Now we are all up to speed. Here is the new warfare icons for the monster cards....

 Now how is that for an upgrade!? Annika just did such an awesome job on these. I believe these fit the monster cards VERY well  indeed now. 

So why don't we bring out a few old friends and let you check out what the new warfare icons look like on their monster cards!




 So PLEASE let us know what you think of the new warfare icons that Annika designed. Total credit goes to her. She is the one who thought of the cool designs for them. :) 


And we have a new minion monster this week that joins the hierarchy of monsters in Dungeon Crusade. Of course this is from Cornerstone Creative Studios. Joseph Arnold did the awesome pencils for it, Jesse Hansen did the inking for it and Freddy Lopez did the coloring.  This is the Orc Archer, and there is just something about it i really like! 

So here is a small promo poster I put together for you guys, and you can see it's origins. 

 And here is it's monster card.....

 I really like that Orc Archer! I think those guys did such an awesome job on it, as they do with everything. 

Jesse told me today there is a BUNCH going to Freddy for coloring. We "possibly" will be seeing 4 new monsters next week if Freddy can manage to get them colored.  


Now here was a real pleasant surprise. You may know the incredible artist Kez is creating the final treasure chest cards for Dungeon Crusade. In a nutshell, the treasure chest cards are a true risk and reward type of thing. A hero could find tons of gold within these chests, maybe nothing, or very diabolic traps to greatly hinder the heroes, or they could find powerful artifacts. 

So she is recreating the traps on these cards based off my prototype ones at this time. I will be putting together the "good ones" for the game. Good ones meaning laying out the treasure chest cards with the treasure chest on it, the stacks of gold and assigning the gold values to these cards. 

But what blew my freaking mind this week was I asked Kez to create a variety of backgrounds so it always stays fresh when picking these cards when a hero finds a treasure chest.

Um.....take a look at these dungeon backgrounds she created!! :O Just wow Kez! These just look honestly AMAZING! :) Simply outstanding work! 

 I. Freaking. Love. These!!!! :) I wish KS didn't shrink these so much. You won't believe how lush they look at normal size. Ya'now what...I won't even mind drawing a treasure chest card that has the pendulum trap where it comes swinging down from the ceiling and possibly hits my hero! As long as I can look at this beautiful art! :) 

GREAT work Kez! I hope you guys like these also! 


So were are about to see more of Annika's incredible work for the torches in the game. Torches in the game can be bought in the village at the bazaar for the price of 200 gold. When a hero buys a torch, it is unlit of course. When a hero declares they are going to light it, they flip the token over to the lit side. While the torch stays active, that hero gains +2 to movement and can gain some advantages over certain monsters.

However, at the top of the upkeep phase any hero who has a lit torch must roll 1D12. On a result of 9-12, the torch goes out and must be turned back into the villages bazaar. 

Here is a cool little poster I put together for you....

  I hope you liked learning about torches in Dungeon Crusade! :) And of course, the awesome work of Annika for making the torch tokens look beautiful. 


So this is a pretty big one I think, and a very exciting one. And again, the art you are going to see was created by Annika. The quest card design, style and look I think is so perfect for Dungeon Crusade. And to be totally avow with you, this isn't the first version you are seeing. Me and Annika worked together for a good few days getting this card just perfect for all the information that it has to convey to the player. 

I'm going to go over these a little in depth with you so you totally understand these. When I created & developed this quest system for Dungeon Crusade, I wanted a system that would always surprise the player. Meaning that the monsters would always be different to a point. Each time you play a main quest, it will change just a bit. Levels of monsters (within a certain level range), and the types of monsters that show up.

In a way the quest system is like an MMORPG, but in a MMORPG, you pretty much know what monsters you'll run into for going into a certain zone In Dungeon Crusade, it's completely random & surprising what monsters you'll be facing, and I think that's what ALOT of us like in our games. That element of surprise. 

In addition, I will be doing a workshop video in the coming months explaining to you guys exactly how to design your own quests & scenarios. I'm going to release the exact quest cards and scenario pages for free for you guys to download and edit in your favorite program.    

So let's do this, let me post the first one, and I'll break it down for you on the different sections of the card and what it means. Here is the quest, "Tools of the Trade."

 OK first, I really like the way these quest cards came out. Annika did such an awesome job on the design of these. 

So starting on the top left, see that green crystal? This indicates you are attempting a level 1 quest. If that was yellow, that would be a level 2 quest. And finally red means it's a level 3 quest.

Here is a little chart for you to see what monsters to expect per level of quest...


 Of course the center banner tells you the name of the quest. Expect to see some chain quests that carry over from quest table to quest table.

The far right tell you the gold amount you will receive when turning the quest in, and the lifeforce you will receive by doing this good deed. Lifeforce is the equivalent of XP, but lifeforce has many different uses in Dungeon Crusade.

The top/middle section is where the stories I wrote go. Now, I really thought about these, and the perspective of telling the story. Know what I mean? I came up with telling the story as if I was in your home, and I was the DM/GM and reading the story to you. LOL, hopefully that makes sense. 

The objective section is just like plain talk telling you what's going on, and what you have to do to finish this particular quest. 

Now the setup is the real magic of the quest system . It is here, where the quest will change from game to game. For example, in the Tools of the Trade quest, it tells you to take the 3 quest item tokens, (tongs, hammer leather) and 4 blank item tokens. You will have a total of 7 right? You shuffle those and place them in the chambers of the quadrants that are listed. There will be exactly 7 chambers. This right here changes game to game. That's the one cool part of th quest system

The next part is quite interesting and the part I think you'll like the most about the quest system.  Notice it tells you to take (1) empty token, (7) level 1 monster tokens and (2) level 2 monster tokens. You will then place one in each chamber.

But I know what you're saying. "Wait! There are 7 chambers, and I have 10 monster tokens! I'll have 3 left!?" Exactly! See, you ARE NOT permitted to look at those monster tokens after shuffling. The 3 you have left are set aside and ARE NOT allowed to be viewed. Why? 

Because you would then have some idea of what monsters are in those chambers. See, if you flipped those 3 extras over and saw the (2) level 2 monster tokens, you would then know there are no level 2 monsters in those chambers. We want to be surprised when the heroes enter those chambers right? 

In the rulebook it will state this also. You are forbidden to look at the extra monster tokens after loading the chambers of the dungeon for main quests!  Remember that one Crusaders! ;) 

Hopefully you kind of got the quest system down, and are excited for this. Here is another one I wrote for the game called, "A Mother's Request".

 As you can see from this quest, the 2 chalice pieces will probably show up in different chambers from game to game, as will these monster tokens. 

If you are wondering about the empty token, that simply means the chamber was empty, no monster! :) Your heroes can breathe a sigh of relief for the moment! 

The quest items/tokens talked about in these quests can be seen in last week's update. Just click the link way at the top to go to last week's update. 

Closing out this section, I hope you liked the quest system for Dungeon Crusade. Now these are the main quest ones you were reading. Next week's update i will have some side quest ones. Side quests are mostly kill and clear type of ones. 

And lastly KUDOS to Annika on the awesome quest card design, and I have to personally thank her for working with me on the many revisions on these cards to get it right. I believe we were up to the 8th or 9th revision of this card, and we finally nailed it down.  


There is a process while setting up the game called "seeding the dungeon". This is where monsters, monsters associated with side quests and secret rooms are randomly placed through out the dungeon filling it out. In a sense, it's like a random dungeon generator. Everything changes from game to game to keep it fresh for you guys. 

Depending on the scenario, it will tell you to add usually 2-4 Secret Room tokens in for the seeding process. Before we go any further actually, let me show you the EPIC ans awesome looking Secret Room tokens....and you know who created these for us.....and no...not Santa Claus, I think I heard someone say that.

But the most incredible Annika Maar. LOL, I truly don't give this girl a break do I? ;) 

Um...take a look at these will ya! Just wow! So awesome. There is a little description on there to give you a head start on learning about these....

 And so you probably saw there is lockpicking in the game. We are getting to that. 

But behind the doors of a Secret Room, is a potential treasure room! But to gain entry into the Secret Room a hero must successfully pick the lock of the door. I think you guys are really going to enjoy the lock picking game mechanic I developed for this! :) 

Check out a little poster I created for this, and please...take note of the freaking, awesome token Annika made for the lock picking mechanic! Where does she get this creativity from!? 

 So let's do this...our archer hero just happens to be in front of a Secret Room...let's take a look....

 We see the archer has found a Secret Room! There could be a treasure room behind this door. 

First thing we have to do is take the 12 lock tokens and place them in a mug or cup....

Let's take a closer look at what a lock token exactly is....

 So let's reach into the mug and pull out a lock token for our archer and have her attempt to pick the lock of the Secret Room...

The archer will have 4 attempts to pick the lock. However, on her hero card she has a +1 to lockpicking! We will have actually 5 attempts!  


At this time we would take the red, blue and green D6 and roll them together. The archer can set successive rolls aside. Remember, me most meet or exceed the number shown on the lock pick token....

The archer rolls the 3 dice. A red 2, blue 4 and green 4. Nothing!


The archer rolls the 3 dice. A red 6, a blue 5 and a green 1. She would set the red 6 aside. She managed to pick part of the lock!


The archer rolls the blue and green D6. A blue 2, and a green 5. She meets the green 5 on the lockpick token! She may set that one aside now also. The lock is almost open!


The archer rolls the blue D6. A blue 1 comes up! 


The archer rolls the blue D6. A blue 4 is rolled! 

The archer was unsuccessful in picking the lock on the Secret Room! What we would do is flip that Secret Room token in the chamber over to the locked side. The lock is now broken, and the Secret Room is sealed for the rest of the game! 

 In Dungeon Crusade, you will receive 12 lock tokens with the game. Most of them will be in the middle for difficulty. There will be just a few easy ones, and a few very hard ones.

But let's move onto the next section here. Let's say our archer was successful and picked the lock of the Secret Room. She could find a Treasure Room! :)


When a hero successfully picks the lock of a Secret Room, that allows that hero to draw a card from the Secret Room deck in hopes of finding a treasure room. 

(David Shearer is in the process of creating the final Secret Room card backing. For this, I'm going to use my prototype one. The one David will be doing will NOT look like this. A piece of fresh art is being created for it. OK, I had to have that little disclaimer for you guys.) 

Ok, so the archer picked the lock of the Secret Room, so she would draw a card from the Secret Room deck....

 So let me explain...there is going to be 2 outcomes. Either she is going to find a beautiful treasure room, or a dark, damp, dismal empty treasure room. 

The art you are going to see is from our awesome friend Dean Spencer. I saw Dean's work a few weeks ago and reached out to him as it is EXACTLY the style I wanted for Dungeon Crusade. He has this very unique retro style art that I just simply can't get enough of, plus one of the nicest guys you'll ever meet! :)

So, she picks the lock of the Secret Room, and opens the massive dungeon doors and discovers....

She would then take 1200 gold! There will be many different types of amounts of gold. 200, 500, 600, 1000, 1200, 1500, 1800, 2000 and 2500 gold! ;)  Plus there will be cards that say you have found a piece of loot, or maybe 2 pieces of loot! You would then draw from the loot deck.

But, just as there is awesome loot to be found, there is a chance you could find one of these....

 A dark, dismal empty treasure room which of course holds nothing! The Secret Room deck is well balanced with both types of cards. I think players are going to really enjoy this facet of Dungeon Crusade. 

When I was talking with Dean about coming up with the art for this deck, I wanted to give players 2 different versions. This bright and awesome treasure room, and then this dark and dismal empty one. And Dean was the one who came up with the skeleton sitting on the throne with an arrow in it's chest, and I thought of the skull with the rat standing on top of it! Plus I told him, we need rats....every dungeon has rats! :)

As I get to know Dean even more, I found out he is 100% like us. Diehard for the older games and art style, and just loves all of it. Just an awesome edition to the Dungeon Crusade team, and just a totally incredibly nice person. Feel free to check out some of his awesome art. I'm sure you';ll be impressed with what you see there!

You may have seen this before, but Dean will be doing the traps for The Tomb of Kaladar dungeon board Damien is doing. Plus there may be a few other things Dean may be doing in the meantime. I for one would LOVE to see more of his art! :) 


So I hope you guys enjoyed this update this week. Damien is putting together the final game in the House of Chance right now which is The Adventures of Bravely the Knight. This past week we were discussing it alot. I think maybe 2 updates from now we will be seeing it, it could be sooner though. I'm personally waiting for that one! :)

David Shearer is adjusting those colors on the loot card backing we saw last week. I thought I'd have it today, but didn't get it back from him yet. Next update I should have that, and repost it for you guys to check out. 

I'll tell you in all honesty, it really felt like this past week this game is really coming together. If I had to pinpoint one thing, I think it was the quest card, and getting it nailed down. I really like the way it looks, it has a great flow to it for reading it and comprehending how the quests are setup. It really inspired me to create more quests for the game.

OK guys, clock on the wall is rapidly approaching 4 A.M. and I'm heading to bed. As always, let's chat it up a bit in the update comment section, let me hear what you got to say about everything. 

Oh, and I saw there were some comments about the Gem of Absorption from last week. I will be posting a updated Gem of Absorption card next update plus a few new recipes for you,  for new power gems! 

OK everyone, have a truly awesome day, and I will be talking to you soon....Rodger :) 


Loot card backing! Quest item tokens! Sneak Peek at Castle Blackwood! Much more!
over 7 years ago – Sun, Feb 26, 2017 at 11:57:12 PM


                                     THANK YOU  - GROOVUS GAMES UNLIMITED

A HUGE hello to everyone! :) Rodger here and I hope everyone is doing good out there and have had a great weekend. It;s always nice of you to join me for our weekly DC ritual and see what's new and what we are all up to.

Rest assured, you will see very many awesome things in this update my friends that might even SHOCK you! LOL, maybe, but I think you are in for a real treat for what is going on.

So let's start off with some very cool and awesome news. 2 new artists have joined the development team on Dungeon Crusade. One is a truly awesome, talented and creative gentleman named Dean Spencer. His art is truly spectacular. He has that kind of retro style which I just simply adore. We will be getting to what Dean will be doing in a little bit. I assure you, you'll love it and you'll see why I reached out to Dean. This guys art style is just tremendous and 110% professional. 

The other artist is a very charming, extremely imaginative, creative and plain out awesome young lady by the name of Annika Maar. Just days ago, I received a message via the facebook Dungeon Crusade page. It was from Annika and she was just  glowing about Dungeon Crusade and wanted to know if there was anything she could do to help. I took a look at her portfolio and was HIGHLY impressed and knew a few tasks she would just be so perfect at for the game. You will be seeing much of her work in this update, and I believe you will be glad also that Annika has joined us. 

OK...on with the update! And...our new section first of course ;).........

Here is a link to last week's update in case some folks missed it >>>


So we have a new champion monster for you. This most incredible piece was done by Freddy Lopez. Needless to say, you are about to be stunned right? ;) 

I created this monster called a "Primeval Regent". In the design doc I wrote up, I described this as an Egyptian type of monsters, very ancient looking. Freddy got to work on it and behold!!! The Primeval Regent!!! :) 

As you can see, this monsters origins is from The Temple of the Sun God located very far south in Avalon.

And I managed to get it's normal and elite monster card done. Here is the normal version with it's origin story I wrote for it... 


And here the elite monster card for the Primeval Regent. And check out it's 2 different special abilities! WHOA!!!! :O 


There was going to be a minion monster I was going to show, but we couldn't get it colored in time. Next update it will be here for you. And still, MANY more monsters are still on their way! :) Death Knight, Queen of the Blackhand, Enraged Troll and still more after those! 


Now, I have to say. I was going to wait until all 5 angels were done, but decided to let them be seen as they are being created, The Mr. Awesome Tom Feldmann is the one painting the angels for the game. There will be 5 angels in total, and there will be a few different types of angels per group. 

If you remember, when the heroes go back to the village for Celebration Day, they can visit the temple and receive a blessing. There is a chance an angel could appear and help them on their journey.  Here is the blessing card backing that David Shearer did a few months back for us...awesome design I must say!


And here is Tom's work in progress of a few angels. Please understand, these will be in beautiful full color. But just from these sketches, you can see how awesome and beautiful these are going to be....


 And here is another angel.....



Tom did want me to stress, these are a work in progress. Tom is shooting for mid march to have all 5 completed. He tells me he is taking his time on these, and this may be his best work ever! Tom is truly just an awesome guy. It's a true pleasure to have him along with us for Dungeon Crusade! :) 

So we are about to lead into the section about Annika. See, Tom and Annika are friends, so that's how she found out about Dungeon Crusade, and she came very highly recommended from Tom himself. 

I shared a pic or 2 with Tom of what you are about to see and he and I were beyond impressed! 


So when I met Annika, we really chatted for a good while about alot of things. Music, art, Dungeon Crusade, and I have to say she has just the best attitude and personality, and is just so happy to be able to lend her creativity and talent in the making of Dungeon Crusade. 

Now I'm going to be completely honest and avow with you guys. I asked her to create the many tokens for Dungeon Crusade. In particular the quest item tokens. I truly thought, well...these are just simple quest tokens...she'll do a good job at these. There just simple items for quests right....she WAY exceeded my expectations with her incredible imagination, creativity and talent!

I made some little poster boards for you to read some of the quests I wrote for the game. Take a look at what Annika! :)



 LOL, now how are those for quest items guys! I just LOVE them and that art style! :) And mind you, she got all of this done in 1 days time just about. I spoke to her also about doing some other work in the game. 

So I hope you like what you have seen from Annika. And of course by bringing her aboard, this will get the game done that much quicker, AND with beautiful art to boot! :) 

So welcome Annika! :) 


A few weeks ago, I was on one of the board gaming sites on facebook. I know it was late at night and I was about to go to bed. As I was just spinning my mouse wheel down looking at the different images, I hit the emergency break on my mouse wheel...because i saw this.....

 That art you are seeing belongs to the most incredible Dean Spencer. LOL, directly after immediately, I looked him up and was just blown away by his art. 

You see, the way my brain works for creating Dungeon Crusade is I have a mental image of what things should look like for the game. That image above that Dean  drew, is EXACTLY what I want for the trap cards for the dungeon board the Tomb of Kaladar. I mean, that style is it! I have brought him in to create the trap cards for the game plus a few other things he is working on now. 

Before we get into what he is doing right now, Dean is just an awesome guy. We have been chatting through email and I honestly believe he is the perfect artist to do some things for the game.

So I asked him to create something for us. It was almost ready for today, but we missed the mark. Next update you will see this. What he he painting is the secret room cards. If you remember, there will be a few secret rooms that pop up randomly in the dungeon. 

These secret rooms could be empty or be treasure rooms! But before a hero enters the chamber, they must attempt to pick the lock. I created that fun little mechanic in the game where you have to use the colored D6 dice in an attempt to pick the lock. 

So there will be 2 versions of the secret room cards. One backing will be a dark, damp dungeon room with a skeleton hanging on the wall, some rats meaning you didn't find a treasure room.

The other card  type will be a BRIGHT treasure room, with a glorious throne, a treasure chest spilling with riches all over the floor, gems on the floor. 

Here is a little sneak peek at that chamber. He is in the process of painting it in full color. But notice this style of art? This is what the trap cards will look like but on a worn parchment type of texture. 

 So I hope you like what you have seen from the art that Dean will supply for Dungeon Crusade. Of course David Shearer will be doing the backing for the secret room cards. 

It's truly a pleasure and an honor to have Dean along with us on Dungeon Crusade! :) 


So I have been dying to tell you guys this! This got nailed down earlier in the week. Right after this section you are going to be seeing Heroes vs. Monsters. Of course you know Damien created this and much of the game.

But when I saw Heroes vs. Monster (HvM), I honestly feel in love with that art style Damien created. That look of that mini dungeon he created just blew my mind out of the water. It's so retro, creative and unique it should be illegal.

So that got me thinking...what if....Damien created the Tomb of Kaladar, and I give him my original origins prototype dungeon board to reference, and give him a sketch of what I'm thinking for the layout for The Tomb of Kaladar? LOL, can you guys picture it!!??

So I asked him....LOL, OK I begged him to create it! Turns out I didn't have to beg him! He was totally willing to do it after he gets the last House of Chance game done, The Adventures of Bravely the Knight. I have to say, I think with the way he creates, this dungeon board is going to look EPIC as all get out. 

Now, I'm good at creating dungeon boards I believe, but I am NOWHERE near that guy. What I would like to do now is work on the last dungeon board The Cavern of Lost Souls. Meanwhile Damien will be doing the Tomb of Kaladar and Shaun will be doing Castle Blackwood. Talk about getting these dungeons knocked out super fast! 

So do me a favor, you know Damiens work. Comment, how do you feel about Damien doing that dungeon board? LOL, I assure you, you won't hurt my feelings! 

And speaking of dungeon boards....


So Shaun got a hold of me last week and has a close to finished version of the siege tile for Castle Blackwood done already! He though of something truly brilliant I must give him credit for. 

He thought of Castle Blackwood in a winter setting! I thought that was an incredible and unique idea! I told him to go for it! He also said he is hoping to have Castle Blackwood done by mid march. 

Here is the sneak peek at the siege tile. He did say he is going over it again to touch up and add a few more things....

 So a huge KUDOS to Shaun! What an incredible job thus far. I'm telling you, Castle Blackwood is going to look so dang EPIC! :) 

Shaun has his weekly stream on Twitch where he is creating all of the loot for the game. Feel free to stop over there and say HI! I try to get in there to hang out the whole time while he is working on stuff. The stream starts every Friday at 4 p.m. eastern standard time. and ends at 6 p.m. Here is a link for you >>>  


So you know Damien is creating the 4 House of chance games. I did a sneak peek last week on Heroes vs. Monsters. As I said earlier he just knocked the ball out of the park with this incredible retro design. Here is a few pics for you I put together, followed by the reveal video for your viewing enjoyment! ;) 




Also, those tokens that are pictured will NOT be that big! I just made them for the prototype game. The ones that will be in the final game will be thick cardboard of course, and about 1 inch round. They will be sized perfectly for the squares on the Heroes vs. Monster board.   

Have a look at the video I put together for you where I play Heroes vs. Monsters and explained just how it's played. LOL, I dare anyone to beat the level 8 challenge card! 


I hope you guys like the video! :) 


I also would like to share with you a brand new recipe card and power gem I created, a Gem of Absorption. Once created and put into armor, this gem will soak up to 1 damage from one source. 

So for example if a hero had this in their armor, and soloed a champion monster, and that monster hit the hero in all 3 phases, that hero could take 1 damage off EACH phase the monster would apply damage to the hero. ...


 And the power gem side....

 And I reached into the massive chest of loot today and pulled this one out for you guys. Another huge KUDOS to Shaun for the recreation of The Basher!  

 We will be seeing The Basher in the section below....


So David Shearer sent me this just a few days ago, then did some touch ups on it today. I really like what he did with the weapons going around like that. If you notice, the card has all of colors of the gear in the game.

 I noticed that it did that cropping thing, here is just the loot card backing....

 I personally really love this design. To me, it's of course very vibrant and colorful, But it has that feel, like what is going to come out of this deck! Junk? A blue item? A legendary piece of gear! I don't know, it just has a coolness to it.


So I hope you guys enjoyed this update this week. As you can see there is alot going on with getting Dungeon Crusade finished for all of us to enjoy. Me personally this coming week, I'll be finishing up the sketch for Tomb of Kaladar for Damien, and oh! Let me know what you guys think of Damien created that dungeon board. I think after you saw Heroes vs. Monsters, it would be in great hands for sure.

Aside from doing the sketch, I'm trying to knock out the revised content for this playthrough. LOL, I know, I keep saying it! But something pertaining to the game always comes up in which i have to do. We will get to it I promise as I'm dying to play this juggernaut on camera for everyone! 

Of course I'll be in here tomorrow to see what's going on, see what you guys have to say, chat about the game with you. Whatever you want! 

I hope all of you have a great week coming up, and look forward to talking with you. Take care and I'll be talking to you soon...Rodger :)