
Dungeon Crusade - Book I: Genesis of Evil

Created by Groovus Games Unlimited

A solo/co-op sandbox adventure awaits you in the land of Avalon. Explore, mine and craft! Slay monsters, level-up and find rare loot!

Latest Updates from Our Project:

The full reveal of the new dungeon board Castle Blackwood! Mystery chambers have been added! Plus more!
about 7 years ago – Mon, Apr 24, 2017 at 01:08:19 AM

Hello everyone!!! :) And wait, wait and wait! Let's start this awesome update off with the official Castle Blackwood poster for your viewing entertainment! 

The 2nd of 4 dungeon boards for Dungeon Crusade!
The 2nd of 4 dungeon boards for Dungeon Crusade!

How do you like that!? Man, I am F-I-R-E-D up beyond belief! I want to say first, a huge KUDOS to Shaun Ellis for this most incredible work he has done on Castle Blackwood. The only thing I can take credit for is the design and layout of the castle, but put the spotlight totally on that cat! The attention to detail is just epic nuts! This dungeon board has to be seen in person though, it's just amazing to look at.  

Here is the layout for the castle for you to reference....

And hey...let's go totally nutso crazy and post the Origins board so we can see both of them! LOL! 


The 1st of 4 dungeon boards for Dungeon Crusade!
The 1st of 4 dungeon boards for Dungeon Crusade!

And I have to say after seeing both of these together, I really like the variety so far. We have a dungeon board that is a tip of the hat to games like Heroquest and Warhammer Quest, but still enough uniqueness to make it truly part of the Dungeon Crusade universe, 

And now with Castle Blackwood we have an awesome dungeon board that is kind of gloomy and dramatic and along the lines of Dark Souls, but so very unique for a dungeon crawl type of game. 

There is going to be a few changes to the Origins board that I did with Castle Blackwood, but we will get to that in a bit. But as always....


Here is the link for last week's update in case you missed it. :)


So here is a pretty epic trailer I put together for you guys. It clocks in at over 6 minutes for the reveal of Castle Blackwood. So feel free to watch this first, then check out the all of the pics I took for you of different parts of Castle Blackwood.....

So check out a great deal of pics I got for you. And make note of something. You'll notice on the Castle Blackwood board, there are these colored banners on the chambers. I came up with this idea and I really like it. It for one makes the board look pretty classy, and I think it will help players know what chambers are in what quadrants.

So say in Hall of Honor, all the chambers within that quadrant have a parchment colored banner that says Hall of Honor. In the quadrant King's Burial chambers, all the chambers there have a red banner that says King's Burial chambers, etc. 

What I'm going to do is do this on the Origins board, and of course the other 2 dungeon boards. Also, this is my collection of the Reaper miniatures I put together from that list I compiled for you guys. If someone needs the list again, let me know and I'll post it for you. OK! Enough of my chatter! Go have some fun checking out Castle Blackwood! 


















And WHEW! That was alot of Castle Blackwood! I hope you enjoyed the pics! Last week and all this weekend it was all about getting this board ready to show you guys. I just wanted it to look really nice for you. :) 

This coming week I have to layout the rough patrol routes on it and a few other things for Dean to work his magic adding the footprint patrol routes to it. So this should take me a few days to get this knocked out. 

Before we move on to the next section I wanted to mention we have 2 other dungeon boards of course. These should both be done at the same time just about. Damien will be working on the Tomb of Kaladar board, while Shaun does the Cavern of Lost Souls. This will greatly speed up getting this game done. 


If you remember awhile ago. I showed you guys the monster tokens. These are the tokens that go into the chambers of the dungeon where champion monsters reside that safeguard quest items the heroes need to retrieve.

These tokens had skulls on them, and they would look more evil and menacing as the level of the monster went up. They looked awesome of course, but I wanted just something more unique for Dungeon Crusade.

I asked Annika what she thought of for these monster tokens. She came up with a pretty awesome idea/system for this. LOL, I have said it before, if Annika would get cut, I think she would bleed fantasy everywhere! 

Take a look at the new monster tokens Annika came up with. If you notice, at level 1 it's just a skeleton, but as the level of the monsters goes up, the monsters look more intense and are tougher. The other tokens pictured are of course other tokens Annika has made...



If you go back up to the pics of Castle Blackwood, these tokens are sprinkled through out it. I think these look GREAT on the board, and they just feel very "Dungeon Crusadey" for lack of a better term. So awesome job Annika! :) 


What dungeon would not be complete without some uncharted areas of the dungeon where heroes have NO idea what lurks within certain chambers? Mystery chambers have been added! ;) The awesome token you are going to see was created know who right? LOL, do I have to say it? Annika. :) Awesome job! 

So let me explain about mystery chambers, and I think you are going to love this. During the seeding process at setup, the scenario may say to drop 3 mystery tokens into the mug/bag. These tokens have this image on both sides....

These of course will show up randomly every game in different areas of the dungeon. When a hero(es) enter this chamber, they are going to reach into a mug/bag and pull out one mystery chamber token. These have the image above on one side, and many possible things on the other....take a look...LOL, you're going to love this! 

What do mystery chambers hold? Loot? Gold? Crates? Empty? Low level monsters? High level monsters? The heroes will never know until they enter these chambers and find out!
What do mystery chambers hold? Loot? Gold? Crates? Empty? Low level monsters? High level monsters? The heroes will never know until they enter these chambers and find out!

 Only the bravest of heroes dare enter a mystery chamber to see what could be inside. There is no lockpicking, or anything. And of course you can rally heroes together and storm a mystery chamber. 

I think players, solo and co-op people are going to have a hoot with this game mechanic. There is actually a Tavern Task quest card that deals with mystery chambers. A villager who is studying the dungeons of Avalon asks the heroes to venture into at least 2 mystery chambers and report their findings to him. If they do so, they will receive a huge reward.

Tavern Tasks are optional to complete. You do not have to complete these. These are more like incentives. At the start of a game, you randomly take one from the deck. You may not trade it in and get another! 

Lastly, there is something to consider about mystery chambers. Say level 1 heroes enter a mystery chamber, and a level 4 champion resides in that chamber! EEK!

You have the most SLIGHTEST chance on beating this monster IF it is a normal difficulty one. And I'm talking you have a 2%-4% to beat a level 4 champion elite at level 1. Of course you will most likely evade out of that chamber leaving that level 4 inside. And what does that do? It puts an incantation token on the incantation track, thus moving it one step closer of placing a hex on the village.  

So there you go guys..mystery chambers! And that is not all the tokens being shown! I have to keep some stuff hidden right? ;) 


 So yes! :) Bravely is on his way! Damien just blew my freaking mind people. You won't believe how awesome this game came out.  He sent me the final board, but we are shifting some of the chambers in the dungeon around a bit that Bravely will be going into, and I want to do a little more playtesting on it before we debut it.

If you notice on that poster I put together, there is actually a coin slot for gold, like in an old arcade game. When I do the reveal trailer for the game, you'll see why I added this when I play the game for everyone. It's a very cool feature. LOL, total risk and reward in the house of chance! 


This past week and weekend was very busy for sure. But as you can see, we got alot accomplished. As I said earlier in the update, I'll be taking the next few days to get the patrol routes into Castle Blackwood and the hide values on the chambers plus everything else and prepare it for Dean. 

Once this is done, we are going to get busy on the last 2 dungeon boards. With Shaun doing one, and Damien doing the other, this is going to get done in no time at all. 

I hope by mid week I will return on getting the revised content for this new playthrough video for everyone. More than ever now I'm just dying to do this already! Also, a new camera will be used for this playthrough. I used my old one for the filming of Castle Blackwood, but it's time to retire that one and get a really decent one for everything here on out.

I hope you guys really enjoyed this update! It was alot of work for the new dungeon board getting it ready, but I think it was worth it, and I hope it excites you more for Dungeon Crusade. Trust me, tons of new stuff on the way. Oh..I'll leave you with this one....

So Freddy got a hold of me yesterday and said take a was a rough draft of Dreadthorn the undead bone dragon, a guardian monster for the game! After I picked my jaw up from hitting the floor, I told Freddy, even at this stage, this may be one of the most epic things I have ever seen you create. That is no exaggeration everyone, it looked freaking outstanding! I think next week we will be revealing this for you. ;) It should be done. 

OK, I'll be in the update comment section tomorrow, and I think i have a few comments to address from last week. Sorry everyone, just busy getting this game done for us! 

Have a great day all, talk to you soon...Rodger :) 


HAPPY EASTER TO EVERYONE! :) Castle Blackwood is complete! New monster to show! Updated currency!
about 7 years ago – Mon, Apr 17, 2017 at 01:00:51 AM

 And a huge HELLO to everyone! :) I hope everyone is doing great this evening! And I speak for everyone on the development team for Dungeon Crusade and we all hope you guys had a great day and an awesome Easter with your family & friends! :) 

This week & weekend was truly busy for me and a few others. So this might be a lite update, but some cool stuff for you for sure.

I have gotten MUCH done for the revised content for the new playthrough, and the prototype game. If you remember, this prototype game is pretty much the "bible" for the final game. Once all the changes are in place in the prototype game, it's just a matter of moving it over to the final files to send off to the game company for printing. 

This coming week I truly hope to finish up the rest of it. I'm ready to get the game and myself back in the camera's eye and do this entire playthrough video for everyone. 


 And as we always do, here is the link for last week's update for you in case you missed it....


I have to say, it was so nice hearing from you guys last week. :) Some people I haven't ever heard from even. I like when you guys give me your 2 cents. 

Now, before I said I was really undecided between both of those coin types. I saw alot of people liked version 1 simply because the value was perfectly clear. Version 2 was really awesome, but the values were quite blurry. 

Freddy took version #2 and cleaned up the values so they look perfectly clear now. I would have to say, version #2 is my favorite now. So if you would, take a look, and sound off in the update comment section! :) 


 I had to shrink the coins a bit on version 2, so they are even a bit more clear. 


One big thing I got finished this week was the final look of the Secret Room cards. These cards are used if the heroes discover a secret room, and successfully pick the lock. There are 2 outcomes. Either the hero finds a treasure room, or they find an empty treasure room. Dean Spencer created the 2 different treasure rooms, and David Shearer created the card backing. 

These will be used in the new playthrough video. Have a look at a few of them! All cards in the final game will have rounded corners for you.






 The secret room deck is very well balanced with a good amount of treasure rooms and just a handful of empty treasure rooms. Please don't come crying to us if you only pick empty treasure rooms....Dungeon Crusade is whimsical! (That's for you Richard ;) ) 


So there was a Father of the Faith monster created already. but I asked Freddy for him to personally remake it for the game. Freddy created the 3 other monsters for the Faith group, and they looked awesome and very cohesive. The original Father of the Faith had a very different art style to it, and just didn't fit this group at all. 

So take a look at all of the Faith members now in this poster I put together. I'm am beyond satisfied how this group looks now, and I hope you guys like it as well!

 I just saw this may be too small for some to see, so I put together these poster panels so you can see them much better...






The Faith is an evil cult that will be opposing the valiant heroes in Dungeon Crusade. I created a few evil factions that the heroes will run into while traveling across Avalon, exploring within the dungeons of the land, and during the quests they will undertake. The Faith believes they will be ushering in a new epoch of Avalon's history, and are bent on destroying the land with malevolent & wicked tactics to achieve this. What a charming bunch right?

And here is the new Father of the Faith monster card. There is of course normal champion monsters and elites, the elite is being shown...

 So just to recap, all of the minion monster and champion monsters are now complete. We will now start to debut the guardian monsters of the game. Basically they are like the boss monsters of the game, and can reach level 4 in rank! Freddy will be creating all of these, and the first one you can expect to see is Dreadthron, the undead dragon. Dreadthorns miniature will take up about 3 spaces on the dungeon board, and be about 5 inches in height I'm picturing. As soon as we get it done, we will be sharing it with you! :) 


 And yes!!! Shaun has completed the new dungeon board, Castle Blackwood! :) And just looks INCREDIBLE! He did just an awesome job on it.  I asked him to make just some very small changes to it, just a few more walls in a few certain quadrants, and asked him to add a statue of an angel in the Royal Graveyard (north), as it is integral to a few quests. 

Let me say first The Origins dungeon board was made to pay homage to some of those awesome dungeon crawl games from years ago. Heroquest and Warhammer Quest to name a few, but also enough uniqueness to make it belong in the Dungeon Crusade universe. And as you have seen, the Origins board was fairly vibrant and colorful.

Castle Blackwood is WAY different. It really has a Dark Souls'ish feel to it, if you're familiar with the video game. The colors are muted, and the whole dungeon board is much more dreary and serious in tone. I think everyone is going to love this dungeon board! KUDOS to Shaun for some truly outstanding work!

But what I want to do is a full world debut trailer for you guys next weekend to show it off. I should have this done for next update, and I will have a ton of pics showing off many of the quadrants for you. Oh and all of the chambers are in 3D! ;) 

So that leaves just the 2 remaining dungeons, The Tomb of Kaladar and The Cavern of Lost Souls. As soon as Damien is done with The Adventures of Bravely the Knight house of chance game, he will be starting that, and of course Shaun will be doing the Cavern of Lost Souls board. We should get these done pretty quickly I believe.

So stay tuned for the debut of Castle Blackwood! Trust me! You're going to love this one! 


So there is alot in the pipeline right now as you saw from what was mentioned from above. We are getting to work on the guardian monsters, Damien is close to finished for the Adventures of Bravely the Knight house of chance game and we will be seeing Castle Blackwood in all it's glory next update.

Some other stuff worth mentioning is David Shearer has started work on the next card backing which will be the Celebration Day Gift cards, and myself and Annika are going to be creating more quest tokens for the game.

But something I asked Annika to assist me with is the scenario page layout, or rather the graphic design of it. I have the one I created way back during that playthrough I showed, and it lays out all of the information the player needs to setup a game to play.

But I want a very epic looking scenario page for everyone that is very clear, concise and has beautiful visuals. And remember there will be a blank template scenario page available for a free download, so people can create their own scenarios to share with others, along with the quest cards. So we want this to look great. Annika did an incredible job on the quest card, so it's only fitting she uses her mystical and fantasy powers to conjure up a awesome scenario page! 

Another thing is I will be working with Dean on the trap cards for the Tomb of Kaladar dungeon board. I simply LOVE his line art. It was exactly the look I wanted for these trap cards.   

To give you an idea, here is one of the first pieces of art for the trap cards we will be working on. LOL, I can't tell you what this trap will do, but it's not good I assure you! This mirror may change a little bit if Dean wants it to look a little different. But man, do I love his art style! 

I'm picturing the trap cards on a old parchment type of texture, with a thin border around the card. So traps are on their way! Beware!!!!! ;)

OK everyone, I hope you liked this update. A little on the lite side, but some cool stuff for sure. The game is really coming together very nicely I believe, and quite briskly considering the size and scope of Dungeon Crusade. I'll be in here tomorrow to see what's going on in the update comment section. Again, I hope everyone had a great Easter today.  

Have a great day everyone, and I'll be talking to you soon! Take care, Rodger :) 

Heroes cards! Choose your currency! Dungeon board update! Secret Door card reveal! A bunch of new tokens!
about 7 years ago – Mon, Apr 10, 2017 at 12:39:42 AM

Hello to everyone out there! Rodger here and I hope everyone is doing great, and had a great weekend. So we are back on track with the weekly update! :) 

WHEW! Last weekend and the week before was just massive overload. But that's good though, because it means we are getting that much closer to completion. I personally have been working like crazy tweaking the stats on the various cards, and still getting ready for this new playthrough video. But all of us are making progress and moving forward. 
So let's get on with this update, as there is alot to show you this weekend...

But first as always: 


 Here is the link for last week's update for you in case you missed it...


So this is what we wanted to do last week, so let's do this now! Here is all of the heroes, their level 1 hero cards and their special ability cards done of course by the most awesome Dean Spencer. 

Also, I have not shown this to anyone yet. You are going to see Albus's hero card. Now what I did was chop up a heroes card, to design the layout for Albus's hero card. What you see will go to Shaun, for him to recreate it professionally, and adding icons that will be cohesive to the heroes icons. So the icons you will see on Albu's hero card ARE NOT final, but to give Shaun an idea of what kind of icons to make for his hero card. 

At the end, I'll explain what his icons mean on his card....OK, massive content incoming in 3....2....1....
























So that is what I wanted to show last week, and finally got to do it. I wanted you to see all of the first 6 heroes with their hero cards, and special ability cards.  

So about Albus's  hero card, this is the first time I'm showing it anywhere. LOL, I still have to send it to Shaun for him to clean it up and create the final icons on the right side of the card. 

So you see Albus's hero card doesn't have a health bar. You may probably know, Albus can never be hurt, maimed or killed. Monsters simply ignore him. 

So let's go over those icons on the right, remember, placeholder stuff being shown..

The one at the very top is consumables. At level 1, he can only carry 3 of them at one time. Consumables are potions and torches.  

The one below it with the paw is how fast he can move. He has a base movement of 6 plus a roll of a D6. LOL, he can move pretty fast at level 1! 

The next icon is how much gear he can carry at once. This would include pickaxes for mining.

The last icon is how much gold he can carry at once. 

Notice at the bottom of his hero card, it has the lifeforce globe, On Celebration day, you can level Albus up for 6 lifeforce! When he levels up, he can run faster, can carry more and is stronger. Albus can obtain level 3 in the game. 

So I hope you liked seeing all of the heroes and their various cards, and enjoyed seeing and learning more about Albus! :)


So a few updates ago, we talked much about the Secret Room mechanic in the game. David Shearer is of course painting all of the card backings in the game. 

The Secret Room card backing truly looks so awesome and fitting. It was very cool how this came together, as it went through a few revisions, but David Shearer  deserves some high praise for this incredible piece of art.

 So check out the Secret Room card!

 And just to refresh your memory, a hero has to discover the secret room, and then attempt to pick the lock to gain entry into the secret room. 

Once the lock is picked, there will be 2 outcomes. Either the hero has found a treasure room, or an empty treasure room. Let's take another look at the awesome art Dean Spencer provided for these treasure rooms.....

 There is going to be a huge range of gold amounts a hero can find in these treasure rooms, along with possible long forgotten gear! 

 But, you could also find nada......

I really think Dean's art goes very well with David's front of the card. 

So the Secret Room game content is all finished at this point. Another thing to knock of the list. I believe David will be starting the Celebration Day gift card next. 


So as you have seen, Dean has been working on implementing the patrol route system into the Origins dungeon board with the footprint idea he came up with. He managed to get the whole board done, and this of course will be used in the playthrough video. 

But we were speaking earlier this week, and i asked him for his help with something. As you know, minions in the game start out as vagrant minions. They roam the halls of the dungeon randomly, until they convert into a raiding minion. At that time they head out of the dungeon to raid the village.

So I asked him for help on coming up with something more then a red arrow. That's what i was using up until now. So Dean came up with a blood trail arrow. When he messaged me about it, I honestly was unsure how it would look. 

After I saw it, I thought it was really perfect! So here is the image he supplied me with, but I added in some doors for you. Take a look!


These arrows are used for telling the player which route the minions will be using to escape the dungeon. I have to say, I think the footprints and arrows look very cohesive with everything else on the dungeon board. And of course these footprints and red arrows will be carried over to the other dungeon boards. 

Also, here is a great close up of the footprints Dean came up with. These images will be on the patrol route die that will come with the game...

 So a huge KUDOS to Dean! :) Outstanding work my friend! Also, notice on that board there is a greenish token that says treasure chest. We are getting to that and what Annika made in the next section. 


So Annika has been quite busy with creating a huge amount of tokens for the game. I think your going to really dig these quite a bit. 

Let's start of with the Elder Globe tokens. When you start a new quest table, the Elder Globe is red, signifying there is evil in the dungeon. When the heroes complete all of the quests for that quest table, the Elder Globe turns green, meaning the evil has been eradicated. 

Here is a little poster I put together for you to check out....


LOL, I already know what you're thinking...those Elder Globes look incredible. I seriously asked her a question last week. I asked Annika if you get cut, do you bleed fantasy or something??!!  Her fantasy art is just freaking incredible to say the least. 

She also has made the books for the quests tables. When you take the quests cards, you place the book tokens on the quest table on the U.I. board depending on how many main quests and side quests you have. 

As the heroes complete quests, (main or side ones) you flip the book over to the closed side that says cleared. 

I put together a picture for you of the quest tables and the book tokens so you can see what i mean....

 Notice on quest table one the books are open. Main quests are red, side quests are blue, and the kill the guardian ones are green. Notice the Elder Globe is red, meaning all quests have not been completed....

Now, let's take a look later in the game where the heroes have completed all of the quests on quest table 1....

 Notice the books are closed now, meaning all quests have been completed, and the Elder Globe can be flipped to the green side. The heroes would now be on their way to the village for Celebration Day! 

Here is one last pic for you....


And of course these tokens Annika painted look truly superb! 

Another token she got done was the Treasure Chest tokens. These tokens will be placed on the dungeon board where there is a ghosting of this token indicating where these go. There are 10 treasure chest tokens per dungeon board. 

When a hero lands on this, they can use one of their actions to draw from the Treasure Chest deck and see what these ancient chests hold. But beware! You already have seen what could be in these chests! The ultimate in risk & reward! Here is a close up of the token for you...



Another thing we work on was the incantation tokens. These tokens are used when a hero or heroes exit a chamber without defeating a champion monster that resides within the chamber. That monster starts an incantation. At that time you would place a token on the incantation track. This track is of course on the dungeon U.I. board....

 After placing the token, you would set that monster aside, and take the 2 matching incantation tokens, and place one on that monster card, and one in the chamber where it resided. That way you remember what monster is in what chamber, when the heroes go and try to defeat it. 

 And as that says, if the incantation track ever gets filled, a hex is placed over the village. LOL, you do not want this to happen Crusaders!!! ;) And this little poster only has 4 showing, but you will receive 8 with the game. Marked I, II, III and IV. 

So many more tokens coming from Annika for sure in the form of quest tokens. But all of the tokens are finished for the dungeon U.I. board so we are another step on getting Dungeon Crusade finished! ;) 


So we have another vote for you guys. What ever you select, or rather the majority selects, we will put this in the game. So let me tell you what's going on....

First off, the currency, (coins) in the game are going to be cardboard to keep the retro vibe. So a few months ago, I showed you some coins that Tay created. I really like these! For sure very Dungeon "Crusadey" for lack of a better term. 

But when Annika was making the dungeon U. I. board, I saw she had added some of her own designed gold coins to the board, just to give it some flavor. I really loved these! I thought they looked very fantasy, and just had a way cool look to them. 

So I asked her to create a set for us to take a look at. So what I'm doing here is posting a poster of each one. I want you guys to decide which currency, or rather coins you would like in the game. 

And let me say, both of these designs are truly awesome. I think i like them both the same. So you will see version #1 and version #2. Cast your vote, let's hear what you have to say on which currency makes it into the game....




 So let's talk it out as we do, and see which one makes the cut! 


And Damien sent me a VERY close to final  version of the 4th and final House of chance game "The Adventures of Bravely the Knight". The only thing missing is the monsters from the various chambers, some of the various events in the chambers and the 2 portal spaces. I was going to show it, but thought it would be good to save it so you can see it totally completed. It looks VERY retro and awesome! Hopefully next week it will be completed. 

Also, I think Shaun may be close to being finished with the castle Blackwood dungeon board. And we will be doing a world debut trailer and the whole 9 yards for you guys on it. I'm telling you, you won't believe it when you see it. I have to get with him tomorrow to pass of that rough draft of the Albus hero card and I'll ask him about it. 

Freddy is redoing a monster for us. He has done all of the monsters in that evil faction known as The Faith, but didn't do the Father of the Faith monster. I asked him to recreate it, so it looks more cohesive to the other monsters in The Faith he has done. This one is going to look MUCH more aggressive and evil for sure. I think you are going to love the results. ;) We should have that completed for the next update. 

Lastly, I am putting the axe to the grind and getting this content finished up for the playthrough. It has been so busy, I have been dividing my time up. But i think this coming week I'll have a great opportunity to get a huge amount of work done on it. 

So a pretty good update I believe, and I'm so glad it's back on track! Last week I was so angry at myself for not having all of this in there. But we were truly so busy with many things. I just always like to put a great update together for you guys, and see everything that's going on. 

OK, I'm actually done at a respectful time for once! LOL, no 4 A.M. this night! ;) But I hope you guys enjoyed this update, and of course I'll be in the update comment section tomorrow to see what's going on, and of course to see what people are saying about which currency they like.

I hope everyone has a good night, and a great day tomorrow.  Take care, and I'll be talking to you soon...Rodger :) 

Part II of the weekly update: The Age of Heroes (hero reveal) trailer!
over 7 years ago – Tue, Apr 04, 2017 at 12:00:57 AM

Hello everyone and good evening! :) Rodger here, and as promised here is the full reveal trailer entitled, "The Age of Heroes!" This shows all 6 of the iconic heroes and the heroes trusty fetchhound Albus. 

So let me post this and explain what I would like to do. I would REALLY like you guys to watch the video first, before scrolling down to see the heroes on their posters. 


I hope you guys truly enjoy it! It took really a long time to make, but I wanted to make sure it was perfect for you. 



And again, here is the link for last week's update for you....


I hope you guys liked the Age of Heroes reveal video. All of the incredible monster and hero art you saw in that video was created by Freddy, and truly showcases what he has brought to Dungeon Crusade. 

 I created all of the design docs on how I envisioned the monsters and heroes to look, and Freddy used his talent, creativity and imagination to create his own unique vision on what they should look like. Truly awesome how by working together, we achieved these outstanding results.  

As a side note, I told Freddy to create the wizard however he sees fit, and I did not want to see it until it was done.  I think the wizard hero looks outstanding!

So here are all of the posters for you to check out the heroes for yourself....I reposted the ones from last week, so you could see all of them together....








And there you go! The first 6 heroes, and Albus for Dungeon Crusade! :) I hope you guys like how they turned out, and what I said about the Rogue made sense from last week's update. 

And to be honest with you, the trailer took a super long time to get completed, and Freddy had just got the wizard done a few hours ago. I couldn't get the wizard to Dean in time for him to put the wizard's special ability cards together. My only excuse is, we all have been really busy! 

What I would like to do is this. Right now it's almost 2 A.M. All of the content I was going to post this update, I'm going to move for this coming weekend's update for you. That way, I'll have a head start on it, plus whatever else comes in I can show you. 

I really want to get back to working on the revised content for the rest of this week,  so we can proceed with this new playthrough video already. 

But just as I said in part I of this update,  David Shearer is almost done with the secret room card backing, Annika has created more token art, Shaun is close to finished with the Castle Blackwood dungeon board, Dean has finished the Origins dungeon board with the new footprint patrol routes I found out today  and Damien should have The Adventures of Bravely the Knight house of chance game done maybe by next update.

So please forgive me for this being disjointed this week. It was truly hectic for sure! But I'm glad we got to show you guys the first 6 heroes for the game and Albus this week. And next update, we will have all of the level 1 hero cards and special ability cards for you to check out, plus tons more.

Let me know what you think of them in the update comment section. I'll be in here of course tomorrow with you. OK, I'm off to catch some MUCH needed Z's! I hope you guys liked the Age of Heroes reveal trailer, and have a great day! Talk to you soon...Rodger :) 


Part I of the weekly Dungeon Crusade update....
over 7 years ago – Sun, Apr 02, 2017 at 09:09:20 PM

Hello to everyone out there and good evening! :) Rodger here, and I hope everyone is doing great tonight and had a fun weekend. 

Before we get into this, here is a link to last week's update for you...

So this is something a little different for sure, a 2 part update. This past week has been really busy around here. For me, I have been working on the updated content and putting that together for this new playthrough video.

Another thing is myself and Freddy have been really getting these new heroes ready for the game. Freddy has just done a truly awesome job on these. We are so very excited for you to see them! If you thought the ones from last week were incredible, wait until you see these next 4. 

These 4 that you will be seeing will complete the first "iconic" heroes. The 6 iconic heroes are the knight, the archer, the wizard, the rogue, the cleric and the barbarian. And of course the heroes fetchhound Albus. 

After these, we will be getting to work on the 6 expansion heroes. So let me explain about tonight's update....

As I said, we all have been busy. But alot got accomplished last week. David Shearer is almost done with the secret room card backing, Annika has created more token art, Shaun is close to finished with the Castle Blackwood dungeon board and Damien should have The Adventures of Bravely the Knight house of chance game done maybe by next update. 

Freddy needed just a little more time to finish up the wizard. So tonight he is working on that, and will provide it to me tomorrow for part II of the update, (the BIG one), and for the full reveal trailer for the heroes which I'm working on right now. I think you are going to love it, and it will be promoting the game for us as well.

So for part I of this update, I would like to share with you the "mystery" pics that have been floating around on the facebook Dungeon Crusade page and my page for the new heroes. So let's get on with it! :) 







LOL, how do you like them! :) This bunch really turned out quite outstanding. I'm truly sorry we couldn't get the wizard done in time for the update, but no rush job here. We want these heroes to look perfect for you guys, and that they will be.

So I hope this builds up your anticipation for tomorrow nights reveal video and seeing them along with the other content we'll be showing. I'm going to get back to working on the trailer and working on a few other game things this evening. 

I hope you enjoyed this little sneak peek tonight, and of course I will return tomorrow with everything. 

Feel free to leave some comments tonight if you want. I'll jump back on here if I can and see what's going on. 

Have a great night all, and I'll be talking to you very soon!....Rodger :)