
Dungeon Crusade - Book I: Genesis of Evil

Created by Groovus Games Unlimited

A solo/co-op sandbox adventure awaits you in the land of Avalon. Explore, mine and craft! Slay monsters, level-up and find rare loot!

Latest Updates from Our Project:

A new quest is available! 2 new traps! The 2nd angel! Battle tokens! Tomb of Kaladar is done! (rough draft)
about 7 years ago – Mon, May 29, 2017 at 09:55:27 PM

A huge HELLO to everyone out there! :) Rodger here and I hope everyone is having a great weekend, and hopefully your off work tomorrow to enjoy the day off on Memorial day.  

So check it out, let's get right into this update because I am F-I-R-E-D up with some truly epic awesome news from all fronts....and as usual...

Here is a link for last week's update for anyone who may have missed it....


Let me tell you...I'm super happy and excited! I finished the Tomb of Kaladar dungeon board! :) Damien received it a few days ago and has already started working on the recreation of it. Guys..I'm AMPED for this dungeon board...I mean, I'm printing my rough draft out as I'm wanting to play on it! And of course this board must be playtested! 

Now, I hope you guys know me by now to know I'm very humble about stuff. I love all the comments people say, but I'm like..let's just get this thing done already! :) But, I'm going to say some stuff about the Tomb of Kaladar dungeon board....

I think this is one of the most creative, unique, innovative dungeon boards we have seen in a long time. I REALLY poured some serious creativity and imagination into this design for all of us to enjoy. I can honestly say this is completely different to the other 3 dungeon boards. It's going to be quite deadly, but very fun! I want to say SO MUCH! But it will be worth the wait when everything is completed for it.  There is alot of creative content being poured into this one dungeon board by alot of us. 

I think this board achieved alot that I was personally striving for. I think there is a strong resemblance to my original origins board, the one from kickstarter. It pays homage to my all time favorite game the 1980's Dungeonquest, And something that "may" break the mold of what fun a dungeon crawl game can be in a bold, fresh and innovative way.  And with Damien's epic awesome art style, the trap card art done by Dean, and the gameplay mechanics that are associated with this dungeon, I think we are all going to have a blast with it, and have some CRAZY stories of the things that happen to the heroes inside the Tomb of Kaladar. :)

LOL, when I was chatting with Damien and sent him the board I said, "So how long before it's done? 2, 3 days?"  He assured he would work on it diligently, but he said he wants to take his time with it, which I totally agree. We don't want to rush this board. But he said he was devoting the month of June to it. And you know I created the whole board already, so that's fully done. I may ask him to put up a wall here and there, and take a few down if something comes up during playtesting, but I'm pretty acclimated to creating dungeons now, and quite the perfectionist. But bottom line,  it's a very solid design right now.  

He assured me he would be updating me on it quite frequently, so when i hear something, I will of course forward it to you guys in the comment section.


So yes! 2 new traps for this dungeon board. Of course Dean Spencer created the awesome art for these traps. I described the images I wanted him to create for these 2 traps. When I saw what he drew, I was just blown away! :O I mean these look freaking incredible!

So I have something to say about these traps, and the flavor text or rather setup stories I wrote for these and the others....

I guess first off, these traps are kind of different, and I purposely created them this way. Just the way I want to come across to the player when they are reading them. I'm going to be writing them as if I'm the DM and reading this to the player if that makes sense. I think it's a unique approach, and I really like this. I think as a creator, it's my duty and job to go the extra mile and do things a bit different and provide the backers with a unique gaming experience while playing Dungeon Crusade. So i hope you like the sound of that. :) 

OK, on with the trap cards!



 LOL, and I know what people are saying..."What's this to be continued crap!" I have to keep these under wraps for now. I'm sorry! As I said, there is alot of stuff integrated into the Tomb of Kaladar, and if I spill the beans, it will ruin some of the surprise. Trust me, it will be worth the wait! ;) 

MUCH more traps on the way! I have so many of them, I may need someone to tell me to stop already! 


If you remember months ago, I showed you these things called battle phase tokens. I thought they looked pretty good, but i envisioned something different for them, something round with a different image for these. 

So I was working with Annika on these, and wow...she did it again! She came up with a stellar design for the battle tokens your heroes will be using in combat. Let's take a look at these and I'll give you the details on them....


LOL, I'll tell you...Annika just has fantasy blood or something. I just love the design of these. The only thing we changed was the background color, it was green, and I asked her to change it to red, just more warlike looking being red. And I asked for a more "evil" looking skull. But I think what she created looks totally retro and outstanding! KUDOS to Annika! 

So battle tokens are used in combat situations in the game when your heroes are fighting the many creatures & monsters that inhabit the dungeons, ruins, tombs and crypts of Avalon!

You know there are 3 phases of combat. When a hero attacks, you simply place a battle token on the chosen weapon that hero will be attacking with for that round of combat.

But beware! You know there are 6 different types of warfare in the land of Avalon. Picking the right weapon for a hero to attack a certain monster with is the key to defeating these foul creatures & monsters in Dungeon Crusade! ;)

So i hope you guys totally dig the new battle tokens. And I'm going have these in the size you are seeing. I don't want some little pipsqueak 25 mm token for battle tokens! We want thick, big BATTLE TOKENS! :) So I'm going talk with the game company on a few options i'm thinking about. 

And speaking of the game company.....


So I have had a few very nice emails from a few awesome backers, and of course this has been talked about in the comment section. 

I'm happy to announce I followed through for you guys and talked to the most awesome guy at the game company and this can happen! Cardboard miniatures will be cut to their shape. They did say we have to provide the cut lines. This should be no biggie at all.  

So some small news, but great news I believe! 


So here is the 2nd angel to check out,...the Angel of Swiftness! Have a look and we'll discuss it a bit...


And here is her card. Understand, there are a few different types of angels within each group...take a look and I'll explain....

So you know the heroes can pay 200 gold at the temple and take one blessing card. They are not permitted to reveal the blessing until they return to the dungeon. Blessings come in the form of angels. and they can aid them in their perilous journeys in the dungeons of Avalon.

But there are a few different type in each group. For example, the angel of swiftness above gives a +2 to movement. There is another angel of swiftness that will give a hero a +1 to movement. So all of the angels have different rewards and benefits. 
The most amazing Freddy Lopez created the angel you are seeing. I pictured these angels as young females in some glorious, angelic armor with a beautiful stained glass window in the background.

What Freddy created & envisioned is just epic awesome.  I love how he injects his own personal creativity and imagination in painting these.  Thank you Freddy! Awesome job:) 


 So wait! Because I know what people are thinking. We are trying to secure more of these cloth maps for more people. We will be receiving the first batch in mid June for the 5 special edition backers. But there is plans after Dungeon Crusade is off to the printers to get more of these maps, and MUCH more other things in the works.

This is the updated map of Avalon you are seeing with the Tomb of Kaladar, Cavern of Lost Souls and Castle Blackwood. I would like to thank a truly AWESOME backer named Lucas for making this happen . 

These maps measure 39x39 inches....have a look! :)








So do not worry Crusaders! We will work it out getting more of these maps for you. I'll keep you updated on these, 


About a week ago, I was working on the game and inspiration hit me for a pretty awesome and unique quest for the game. I got a hold of Annika and asked her to create 4 quest items, but with the pictures of 4 young women on them. 

Since you are getting acclimated with the game, you know I created this evil cult called The Faith. Well there is a level one monster called Sister of the Faith, and wrote a origin story awhile ago for her of course. 

I thought of a quest where 4 young girls have been abducted from the village of Witherbrook, and taken into the Ancient Ruins to be converted into a Sister of the Faith.  But here's the catch....

When the heroes do find one of the girls, they have to see if she has been converted. If she has been, you have to draw from the level 1 champion monster deck and fight the first Sister of the Faith you find! Remember, there are normal versions and elite versions of champion monsters.

And you can tell by this quest the girls will always be randomly placed in different chambers each time you play, like all of the quest items in main quests of the game. You will never quite know where quest items will be!

Have a look at the quest card, followed by the 4 girls quest tokens the most charming and talented Annika created for us...Hey! That one girl looks kinda familiar! ;) 



Meet Annika, Cynthia, Lyra and Marleen....

 Save their souls Crusaders! LOL, and here is a look at a normal and elite Sister of the Faith so you know what you will be up against. We haven't seen these in awhile....




I hope you liked that quest. I think is a really fun and sort of tough one. Because if you think about it, you have to fight one champion monster, and if you find a girl and she's converted, you have to fight another champion monster! I did tell you I LOVE hard games right? ;) 


So I hope you enjoyed this update, so you can see there is alot going on. So you know, I'm already working on the last dungeon board for Shaun to paint, The Cavern of Lost Souls. That's going to take me about 1-2 weeks to finish up. then Shaun will begin to recreate that, and we are done with all the dungeon boards. 

So this coming week I'm going to put the pedal to the floor and work on getting this completed for us. I know David Shearer is working on finishing up the Celebration Day gift card backing. He sent me a few drafts and looked pretty awesome. So that will be in the next update I'm thinking. 

I think Freddy will be debuting the 3rd angel for the blessing deck by next update. So we are all truly getting alot accomplished. I was ultra busy this week getting the Tomb of Kaladar done and all of this stuff in this update and a few other things. LOL, always busy and on the run, but I love it! 

OK everyone, I'm signing off, I'll get into the update comment section later to see what's going on. I hope everyone has a great memorial day today! 

OH!! I totally forgot this a few weeks ago. I had pics of the updated and final version of The Adventures of Bravely the Knight board for you!  I'll close out with that for you to check out.

OK, have a great day everyone, talk to you soon...Rodger :) 


Here is a link to the video for it in case you missed it.....




2 new trap cards! First angel for the Blessing deck! Castle Blackwood quest! Tomb of Kaladar update!
about 7 years ago – Mon, May 22, 2017 at 01:19:21 AM

A massive THANK YOU to the most awesome Freddy Lopez for painting the Black Rock Viper! This snake will be referenced much in the game, especially in the Avalon Adventure board game. I did a VERY quick design doc on what I had envisioned for it, and as he does so well, Freddy created it, and injected his own creativity and imagination into it! :) Love it! Well, I mean I do like it, but I wouldn't want to get bitten by a freaking Black Rock Viper! 

OK now, Hello everyone! :) I hope everyone is doing great out there, and had an awesome fun filled weekend. Personally I had a very good weekend. I actually got out of DC labs for a few hours with the family on Saturday evening and saw the new ALIEN: Covenant movie. I thought it was pretty good...better than 3 and 4 for sure! But still the first and second rule supreme in my book. 

But one HUGE thing that I got accomplished this week was almost completing the Tomb of Kaladar! I'm so fired up for this dungeon board! We'll get to that after the new stuff and last week's update. 

So as always! >>>> 

 So let's start this off as we do with a link for last week's update for anyone who may have missed it....

 Here is the link for you >>>>


Ok, so everyone knows I'm super fired up for the Tomb of Kaladar board! So here is a look at 2 new traps for that board in particular. Well, the one is one i showed a few weeks back, but it's been reworded a bit, and another big change.

First off, the most awesome & amazing artist Dean Spencer created these outstanding images for these trap cards. And to my surprise created the very lush card itself that go with them! I really love those worn edges. Just a very retro and strong design for sure. 

So let's have a look! 




So let me start by saying that the text on these cards is not final. One of the tech writers that's assisting me was not available for the weekend. But of course, EVERYTHING will be looked at. So these read pretty well I believe, but know it's not final ;) 

And by the way, Dean is a very fantasy minded person. He will be creating a few traps of his own for Tomb of Kaladar! :) LOL, he will not match my "diabolicalness" for trap creation! But I'm really looking forward on seeing what he's got to offer to the Tomb of Kaladar. 

TONS of more traps on the way! 


So I wanted to share with you a very tiny glimpse of the Tomb of Kaladar. Please keep in mind, what you are seeing is the just the rough/prototype work I created for the design of the board. It does have an old school RPG charm and look to it I believe. The chamber pictured is known as the Seance Chamber, and this is 6 x 6 inches...the entire Tomb of Kaladar dungeon board measures 36 x 24 inches like all of the other dungeon boards in Dungeon Crusade.

Damien of course will be getting the whole blueprint/design of Tomb of Kaladar so he can get to recreating and painting it for us. I truly believe what he is going to create is going to be quite epic. :) 

I wrote a small story about this evil, malevolent and mad wizard named Kaladar that was exiled from the village of Mystvale in Avalon. He took up residency within an ancient tomb west of Mystvale and spent his days practicing in the darkest of magics, constructing diabolical traps for any hero foolish enough to enter his tomb, and capturing villagers of Mystvale and bringing them back to the tomb for....well....just bad things let's'll see when this dungeon board is revealed. ;)

So take a look! 

 And here is a very small section of the dungeon board....


The Tomb of Kaladar dungeon board I truly believe is going to be quite innovative & unique, and truly break some new ground in the dungeon crawl genre. There is just so many areas of the dungeon that are really unique. I'll keep it a surprise until Damien is finished painting it. ;) But prepare for something truly fun, deadly & different dungeon crawl fans! :)


So as you may have read in prior updates, Freddy is taking care of and painting the 5 angels for the blessing deck. I pictured these angels as young females in "angelic" armor with a beautiful stained glass background, What Freddy created & envisioned WAY exceeded my expectations. He did an outstanding job on this one, and I can already tell the other ones are going to look just as good. KUDOS to Freddy! :)

So take a look at the Angel of Healing, then I'll mention a few other things about the angels in Dungeon Crusade....



So WOWSA right! I based this final design off my prototype angel blessing card. Freddy created all of the assets for the card, and I put it all together. He did such an awesome job with everything that makes these cards up. 

So there will be 5 different angels in the game, and a few varieties of each one. For example this angel is known as the Angel of Healing. This angel fully restore a hero's health. There will be other Angels of healing that may give 10 health back, or even 8. So count on seeing many different angels in the game.  

Next update I will have the bad blessing card, or rather the cards that tell you your prayers have went unheard.  I'm calling these despair cards. Instead of a beautiful angel, there is a very dark and gloomy cloud and some fairly sad things I have written for these cards. LOL, yes, they are total downers!! But it means all the much more when you do finally receive an angel! One of the other angels is the Angel of Vengeance. If blessed with that one, she will add a +1 or a +2 damage to all successful warfare rolls! 

So we will be showing more angels as the updates roll on. 


So I wrote this quest a few weeks back called The Eternal Curse, and it's one that goes extremely well with Castle Blackwood. But this one in particular is a chain quest. Meaning there are 3 parts to it. 

Have a look at part I for The Eternal Curse! 


I worked with Annika on the creation for the quest items for this quest, and you already know what's up when Annika creates fantasy stuff ;) Have a glance at these quest items!


I'm really excited for this quest! It will go on for 3 parts. Next update I will have part II for you to check out. So as the saying goes.....

To be continued........;) 


This was a sort of small update, but truly guys I have been kickin' massive butt getting the Tomb of Kaladar ready for Damien to paint.  And again, you just have no idea what's going on with this dungeon board! It's just going to be such a innovative dungeon board to play on. It's going to be hard for sure, but loads of fun and quite "whimsical" ;) 

I'm going to be finishing up this tomorrow I believe, then passing it off to Damien to get painting, then I'm getting right into the Cavern of Lost Souls dungeon board to finish up for Shaun to start painting. Once I get these out of the way, ALOT of time will be freed up so i can get to this new playthrough video and wrap up alot of the stuff for the game. 

Oh, I spoke to David Shearer a few nights ago. Just another awesome person and great friend. He is working on the celebration day card backing and the trap card backing. I may have both of them? Maybe next update. If not 2 then one for sure. 

Of course Freddy is on the rest of the angels for us, and Shaun and Kez are just about finished up with the loot for the game. I think there is about 6 pieces of Fabled gear that has to be finalized, and 2 junk pieces of loot. 

And of course Dean and I are working on the trap cards for the Tomb of Kaladar. And also Annika will be passing off in the next few days new battle phase tokens for us. I wanted her to create these for the game. If you remember, you use these and place them on a weapon a hero will be attacking with in combat and what phase they will be attacking in. These are going to be perfectly round, and about the size of a quarter, maybe a little bigger. Of course I'll have those next update for you to check out. 

And please forgive my delay getting into the comment section last week! I was really knee deep in the Tomb of Kaladar doing construction. But I will be in here of course tomorrow to see what's going on. 

OK guys, I hope you liked this update, and have a great day tomorrow and great week coming up. I'll be talking to you tomorrow, take care! ....Rodger :)

p.s. Don't get bit by a Black Rock Viper just wouldn't be good......especially on a Monday :/ 

Celebration Day gift cards! 2 new guardians have risen! New cardboard miniatures of the guardians! New locations in Avalon!
about 7 years ago – Mon, May 15, 2017 at 10:47:46 PM

Hello everyone and I hope everyone is doing great on this Monday. And I know...LOL, I'm a bit delayed with the update. I was just explaining on the comment section that this week i was super busy on the layout/design/blueprint whatever you want to call it for The Tomb of Kaladar for Damien to start painting for us. 

I got very focused and passionate about this dungeon board guys. The Tomb of Kaladar is nothing like the other dungeon boards in the game, and I truly feel, there is nothing like this dungeon board I have ever seen. I just LOVED creating this dungeon board for us! :) It will be most definitely be one of the most fun, tough and unique dungeons I believe. LOL, I never pat myself on the back, but this one time, I think I may be so bold as to do so. ;)  I'm just super excited for this board. 

And before we get into this update, I speak for everyone on the development team in saying we hope all mom's out there had a great Mother's Day yesterday. Mom's are truly the unsung heroes. They do so much for us, and put up with so much from us! :p So I/we hope all mom's had a great day yesterday. 

 So let's start off as we usually do with a link for last week's update for anyone who might have missed it....  

 Here is the link for you >>>>


OK! So first up, as you may know there are a few key points in the game where the heroes return to the village for Celebration Day. This is when the heroes complete their quests on a certain quest table and head back to the village.

The villagers will gather together and give the heroes one Celebration Day gift, thanking them for their heroic deeds. Here are just some of the cards/gifts your heroes could receive! Of course you shuffle the deck, and take the top card....

"WHAT!!!?? I just saved your village and all  I get is a lousy thank you!!??" LOL! ;)
"WHAT!!!?? I just saved your village and all I get is a lousy thank you!!??" LOL! ;)

 The image in back is part of the village board Damien painted, and of course you guys probably know that art style for the celebration day cards and who created it right? The most awesome and talented Annika Maar painted those for us. I supplied her with my prototype design, and she took it and created this outstanding design. Love these cards!! 

Oh, in case you are wondering...if you draw the Elderberry Juice or Harvest Bread gift cards, each hero will receive a token for whatever they drew.  These tokens go in their backpack and can be consumed at anytime. 

Elderberry Juice restores 4 health and 4 essence, while Harvest bread restores 2 health and 2 essence. These tokens are of course discarded after a hero consumes them. 


OK, so there are 2 new guardians to debut this week, and 4 guardian cardboard miniatures to show everyone. So let's show the cardboard miniatures first, then the 2 new guardian monsters cards. 

Keep in mind that there are 8 guardian monsters in the game. So we have 4 down, 4 to go, Guardians can also obtain level 4 in the game. Each time a guardian levels up, they of course gain bigger stats and their special abilities change and get more fierce. At level 1, all guardians have their origin stories on their monster cards. At level 2, they start gaining special abilities. 

OK! On to the cardboard miniatures! Oh, keep something in mind. I'm always tweaking these cardboard miniatures. Horrus is a tad too big for my taste, so he is being reduced just a bit. The one that is shown below is the bigger one. So there is an updated one that is a bit better scaled. 

Enjoy! I put their promo poster first to check them out in all their evil glory! :) 


A very awesome shape for Nafarion's cardboard miniature.
A very awesome shape for Nafarion's cardboard miniature.



Dreadthorn! The biggest cardboard miniature in the game!
Dreadthorn! The biggest cardboard miniature in the game!





The Horrus cardboard miniature shown is a little too big in scale. There is a new slightly more scaled down version.
The Horrus cardboard miniature shown is a little too big in scale. There is a new slightly more scaled down version.


So there you have 4 of the 8 guardian cardboard miniatures! Dreadthorn, Horrus and Razorfang were all painted by the most awesome and incredible Freddy Lopez. When I pass off my design docs for monsters/heroes to Freddy, we really have a great chemistry I believe. I pretty much tell him what I envision, and he injects his own creativity and imagination into the design which i really love. He did just an epic awesome job on these guardians. :) 

Please note something about these cardboard miniatures! When a hero is adjacent to them, that is a legal attack of course. So the background also counts as part of the monster is on it. And I'll say this even more now, Dungeon Crusade plays very well with these cardboard miniatures, and the preferred way to play. I am still going to pursue plastic miniatures after we wrap this game up, this WILL happen.

But truly, in playtesting with these cardboard miniatures and those Reaper minis, I honestly like the cardboard miniatures the most for various reasons. Jusy my 2 cents guys! :)

And closing out this section I'm receiving the exact plastic bases from the supply house today you will be receiving with the game. I think you are going to like these. They are 20mm round, and the slot where you place the cardboard miniature is what I call a low profile one. Meaning it's very short, so it won't cover up much of the heroes/monsters feet area. I'll take some pics, and get them in the next update.  


So check out a few of these guardians monster cards. LOL, yes...these things are deadly! I shared this following info on the Dungeon Crusade facebook page, and thought i'd share this here for people who may not know...

When I was developing/creating Dungeon Crusade, I created these guardian monsters and wrote origin stories for all of them, where they came from in the land of Avalon and gave them these unique and colorful names. Heroes in the game can reach level 3, while guardians can obtain level 4. VERY tough indeed to slay a level 4 guardian! (Pssst!...PRO TIP: Rally 3 heroes together to take them down! ) Guardians in Dungeon Crusade are like boss like monsters. 

OK! Here are the monster cards! Enjoy!




 In the coming week's we will be releasing more of the guardians of course, and more of the guardian monster cards at various levels. 


So I'm really excited about this and really wanting to share it with you! As you know, there are 4 dungeon boards for Dungeon Crusade....

There is the Origins board, Castle Blackwood, Tomb of Kaladar and Cavern of Lost Souls. 

The Origins board is now known as The Ancient Ruins. So no more calling it the origins dungeon board. It's the Ancient Ruins. I have encrypted this update with brainwashing technology. You will always think this was called the Ancient Ruins...I hope this worked..I bought this technology off Craigslist. LOL, You got the picture, right? ;) 

So here is why. Remember the Avalon adventure board game right? You will receive that if you pledged for the Crusader or Master of the Realm edition of Dungeon Crusade. In this game, you travel around the map of Avalon recovering the 3 runes that are placed randomly every game to shatter the curse on the dungeon doors before playing Dungeon Crusade. 

There are 50 locations in Avalon. Dungeons, crypts, villages, forests,  ruins, towers, etc. You draw adventure cards depending on where your heroes have traveled to in Avalon. 

So finally getting to this, I worked with Damien this weekend on him implementing these dungeon boards, or rather locations onto the map of Avalon! So when your heroes visit these locations on the map, the adventure cards will talk about and make references to areas within these dungeons. LOL, guys..I totally go for immersive gameplay!   

Let's take a look at some of these new awesome locations you'll experience in the Avalon adventure board game! :) 


The Ancient Ruins (Origins dungeon board)
The Ancient Ruins (Origins dungeon board)





So I hope everyone enjoyed that little update to our land of Avalon! And just wow...Damien Mammoliti is just freaking amazing, and what an awesome person to boot. 

Let me tell you...I asked him for the Cavern of Lost Souls, I envision a earthen huge skull, the mouth open for the entrance and torches by the opening...he just created EXACTLY what I had envisioned! KUDOS to Damien. 

So the map of Avalon is final now, and I hope you like it. I'm probably going to do an updated video showing it off now. So "if", there is a huge expansion planned for Dungeon Crusade, the dungeon boards will be lifted from this map of Avalon. 


Whew...I think that was alot, and I hope you liked it. For this week, I'm getting The Tomb of Kaladar dungeon board finished for Damien to paint, then moving right onto completing the Cavern of Lost Souls for Shaun to paint. This will GREATLY speed up the process of getting this juggernaut wrapped up. 

Of course everyone else will be completing tasks getting the game moving along to completion. I can tell you before Freddy finishes the 4 remaining guardians, he will be doing the 5 angels for the blessing deck so we can knock that out. 

The very awesome news I have though is starting at the start of June, I'm devoting the next 3 months to wrapping this game up. The only thing on my plate is family, you guys and Dungeon Crusade. I have nothing else going on, and this time is what we need to get the game to the game company for printing. We really are making great progress though. 

So yes, it will be delayed slightly but I would much rather that then to rush something like this. This is going to be a great gaming experience for all of us, and I want this to be as polished and perfect as I can make it for everyone to fully enjoy. We are getting there guys! Everyday, something gets finished for the game bringing us one step closer to completion. :) 

OK, I will be back tonight to hang out for a bit, and I have some comments I must get to on the comment section for some people. Have a great Monday everyone! Again, sorry for the delay for the update, I hope you enjoyed this one! Talk to you very soon...Rodger :) 


A new quest for Castle Blackwood! Cardboard miniatures for Dungeon Crusade! And what's in the pipeline we are working on...
about 7 years ago – Mon, May 08, 2017 at 01:14:54 AM

Hello to everyone out there! Rodger here and I hope everyone had a great weekend. It has been pretty busy as usual around here. So there is a few cool things this update, and there is MUCH in the pipeline for things we will be seeing 

So let's start off as we usually do with a link for last week's update for anyone who might have missed it....


OK, a couple of pretty cool videos for you this week. Some backers asked me if I could make a sort of stripped down video of a tour of Castle Blackwood. I couldn't get to it last update, but I did manage to get it done for you guys this update. 


So here is a link for you of a quick tour of Castle Blackwood with commentary. I hope you enjoy!

This is one of the things in the pipeline, Dean will be adding in the patrol routes as soon as I get the rough draft done where these will run through out the board, then the other points of interest on the board will be added...mining sites, treasure chest spaces, chambers that have crates, etc. 


Besides everything else I'm working on with Dungeon Crusade,  I have been writing and developing quests for the various dungeon boards in the game. This one in particular deals with Castle Blackwood. 

In this quest, the heroes have been tracked down in the villages tavern one evening by a couple high ranking officers from the Avalon Valiant Army...take a look! The DC logo will not be on the final quest card of course ;) 

And of course Annika designed the war treaty tokens for us. Have a look! And as always, awesome work Annika! :)


 I hope you enjoyed that one, and many more on the way. If there is one thing for certain, it's Castle Blackwood is very rich in quest and scenario ideas. And remember the crystals at the top means it's a level 1 quest, yellow is a level 2 quest and finally red is a level 3 quest.

And if I didn't mention it before, heroes are free to do any quests they would like to do. So level 1 heroes could potentially start a level 3 quest...LOL, I don't think they would last that long, but that option is always there if you choose to do so.   


OK, I have alot to say about this topic in particular. So first, let me explain. The cardboard miniatures you are seeing are not the final design. I created these in my small production room on my own. I wanted to find a great look/style for these that would go great with the game, and something I could show the game company and say, "This is how I would like them designed". 

I went through a few versions of what the cardboard miniatures would look like and this one really stuck with me. I think these look really classy, unique, colorful and just go with the dungeon boards very nicely. Plus, you guys know I love retro things, and Dungeon Crusade is very retro inspired. So I think these just go perfectly with trying to achieve that.

I liked these so much, I made a video for everyone to check out. I wasn't going to, but I would rather just talk to everyone then type what I wanted to say. Have a look at the video, and I hope you enjoy it!  

As I have said before, after Dungeon Crusade ships, I would like to pursue creating plastic miniatures for the game, as i know there are many people that would enjoy these. But truth be told, I honestly prefer the cardboard miniatures. LOL, call me crazy, but it's what I like! :) 

I took a bunch of pics for everyone to check out. Also, as I stated before, I created these in my production room The game company is going to of course make them flawlessly for us, as a die will be cutting them making them perfectly accurate.  Take a look! :) 

And of course, the art seen on these cardboard miniatures is exactly the same art on the hero and monster cards. ;) 










So there you go, the "possible" cardboard miniatures for Dungeon Crusade. Next update, we will be seeing the cardboard miniatures of the guardian monsters  that are done for the game....Nafarion, Dreadthorn and Razorfang. There are 8 guardian monster in the game BTW. ;) 


So as i have mentioned, there is alot of stuff being worked on that you will be seeing next week, and the following weeks. I'd like to point some out for you....

---TRAPS FOR THE TOMB OF KALADAR: I have been talking to Dean about these, as he is the artist who will be providing that awesome line art for all of the traps. 

--- CELEBRATION DAY GIFT CARDS: Next update, we will be seeing the final card design for these. I have been talking to Annika, and we are in the midst of doing these in this upcoming week. These will be done for the next update for you guys to check out. 

--- THE ANGELS OF DUNGEON CRUSADE:  I have been working with Freddy on the 5 angels that will be in the blessing deck. If you remember, when the heroes go to the village for Celebration Day, they may purchase 1 blessing. They may not reveal it until they are back in the dungeon however, and there is a chance an angel has joined them to aid them in a certain way...increased damage, healing, a boost in speed, etc. 

I'm really excited for these, as Freddy is really inspired to create these. I came with a really good design I envisioned for these where it would have an angel, and the background would be a stained glass window. The angel you are seeing below was created by our awesome friend Tom, and I added this stained glass background to it. 

 And here again is the card backing for the blessing deck.....

But Freddy will be creating 5 different types of angels with a stained glass background he will be making. We will see these in a few weeks from now.  But i wanted to share the image above with you to get an idea of what these will sort of look like. 

--- THE TOMB OF KALADAR DUNGEON BOARD:  I shared this in the comment section, and i would like to share this here with everyone....

"So I have started the blueprint/layout/design for the Tomb of Kaladar. This dungeon board is really going to be very different from the others, and really do something like we haven't seen in a dungeon crawl game I think.

This will be a very tough board for sure, and there is going to be a innovative and unique way the traps will come about in the dungeon.

I'm working very closely with Dean on creating the traps for this dungeon board. These traps are going to be heavily integrated into this dungeon board and make references to different areas of the dungeon. LOL, I don't want to say any more! I really want to surprise you with this!

Damien is of course painting this, and he is really fired up to paint this dungeon. Needless to say, we are going to see something incredible with this dungeon board."

This is something that I would like to finish this coming week, and pass of to Damien to get working on, as i know he is excited to create this.

--- THE HIDDEN CAVERN OF LOST SOULS:  This is the other thing i shared in the comment section, that I would like to share here with everyone....

"As soon as I'm done with the layout of The Tomb of Kaladar, (which won't take long at all), I will be finishing up the design/blueprint/layout of this dungeon board for Shaun to paint. I'm really excited for this one also!

Without saying too much, the siege tile of this dungeon board will be a heavily wooded area with a few swamp locations. It will lead to this hidden cavern that was just recently being excavated. But deep within this cavern will be a long lost civilization that lived within this cavern....and...that's all I can say right now!

OK, and maybe a waterfall or 2 that has a hidden passage behind it! LOL, I have SO MUCH planned for this dungeon board. I think you are going to like what this will lead to."

So I would like to get these finished up and to each of these artists to get to work on. With these dungeon boards completed, this would be a massive step on getting Dungeon Crusade finished up. 

--- THE GUARDIAN RAZORFANG: Freddy provided me early last week with an AWESOME rough sketch of Razorfang! It looked pretty incredible to say the least. He was super busy this weekend, and came down with something. So he was unable to get Razorfang done this weekend. But above all, I just told him to take it easy, and of course we would have loved to see it this update, but just to take care of himself and we'll just get it next update. And i hope he is feeling better! :) 


I hope you everyone liked this update with what was shown, especially the cardboard miniatures, LOL, I'll say it again, I love them! I'm VERY eager on what you guys have to say about them. 

Also you can see our plan laid out and what we will be accomplishing in the near future. I sort of like that "In the pipeline" thing...I think I'll be adding that in here and there so you know what we are working on, and what you can look forward on seeing coming up. 

OK, as usual I'll be in the update comment section and the regular comment section to see what's going on with everyone and discuss whatever you like. I hope you guys have a great night/day, and I'll be talking to you soon....take care, Rodger :) 

p.s. Oh!!! I wanted to share this with everyone! 

As you know, I did this create a hero thing when the campaign launched, and I'm REALLY happy I did this. There was no charge for this, you just had to be lucky enough to snag one of the hero packages. What create a hero is, a backer gets to name the hero for the package they got, write a backstory for the hero, and their name would appear on the back of the level 1 hero card, along with a small backstory they wrote about this hero. 

It's just an awesome experience to just do this for people with no up charge for it. People told me to put a price tag on it, I totally refused to do that. I wanted people to use their creativity and imagination and not be charged for doing so. 

I asked this backer, 1soni who had gotten the ranger create a hero package if I could share the story he wrote about this character that he named Kane Redfeather. I was highly impressed by his creative writing. Take a look at his story. The long version of the backstory will be on the Dungeon Crusade web site with the other people who had gotten a create a hero package. He had also received the map of Avalon, and makes references to some of the locations in Avalon in his story. AWESOME job 1soni! :) 

"Kane Redfeather - The Dragon's of the Crags

This being the true history of how Kane Redfeather entered into the Fight against Evil:
Kane Redfeather - Clan Rigthet - Shadow Legion

The third day of Spring in the 12th reign of the Thane-

My wife's time was near but the Thane had ordered my scouting unit to accompany the mighty War-Mage Fudor Frostgrave on an expedition to the deadly Crags near the Ruins of Ra'Shal in the far southeast of the known world. I could have left it to my lieutenants, but I am a man of my word, so I left our stead to lead the expedition. Word had come to our Thane that the mighty Clan of Dragonclaw had fallen victim to the siren call of a lair of Black Dragons.

The Thane commanded the Royal Mage Fudor Frostgrave to investigate and my scouts to guide him. The Thane had also ordered an escort of Rune Guards to which I argued that ours was a mission of speed and stealth and the Rune Guards would be of little use. But the ways of the Crown are a mystery to me, and so we departed for the Mountains with the Guard. Four days we traveled on a mission that would have taken but two if not for the Guard in tow.

When we stopped in Stonefeld for mountain supplies we chanced to meet the famed Liege Axeman, Isengard Wyrmslasher. Isengard had spent his life in the shadow of the Crags and knew all of its paths and caves. He agreed to travel with us to the Ruins of Ra'Shal in the valley of Sylvain. Within days we had navigated the trails and had found a spire that overlooked the Dragons caves in the Crags.

The scene below made my blood boil. A flight of dragons nested throughout a nameless village. The people looked dazed has they worked at the commands of the Wyrms without rest or succor. Isengard raged that we should attack for he also saw people he recognized from his Clan. We consulted the mage who squatted down and threw his casting bones.

Hurriedly he eyed the signs and quickly grabbed them back up, ordering that we depart with all haste. Isengard liked not the order but lead us down the path straight away. Minutes later a strange piercing cry warned us that we had been discovered. Isengard quickened his pace and turn sharply down a crevasse. As the crevasse narrowed, the first wyrm dove at our squad. "Under the belly is the safest place" Isengard shouted. "It can't burn you if it can't see you and the underbelly is soft enough that your weapons will do damage".

And like that Isengard was off. Bounding over the boulders and around the stony mounds, seeming to bounce off the very walls of the crevasse. Fudor shouted for me to hold, but I ignored him as I screamed like a banshee trying to follow my brother.

The mighty drake answered me with his bellows. My archers formed on me and I realized that my duty was here to protect the mage. The Mage dropped his travel pack and quickly removed a small wooden box. I had seen him with that box every night. He would remove it in the dark of night, and set it to be near at hand before he slept. I thought it to be a gift from some fine lady or a brother mage.

Now he removed the top to reveal a box of dust and a small vial of clear liquid. With a small scoop, he quickly measured nine small piles of the dust and carefully removed the stopper from the clear liquid. It ran slower than water but formed perfectly round drops has he applied 3 to each small mound of dust and emptying the vial. Another of the large drakes made for the mage as the Rune guard formed its famed shield wall. Suddenly the earth trembled and 9 mud elementals sprang from the earth.

The mage started a chant and his arms moved strangely as the elementals moved to interpose themselves before the wyrm and our forces. The acid of the drake made little progress against the them as my archers fired volley after volley into the maul of death. Time after time the dragons charged our position but the crevasse my brother Isengard had brought us to, forced them to approach in single file and hampered their wing strikes. But the battle was telling. Just has the last wyrm approached, the mage collapsed quickly followed by the mud elementals.

With a roar, a great Black dragon sensed victory and lunged at us. His attack would have ripped us asunder had the shield wall not charged. As it was, three of the guard fell in the defense of the mage, Forser, brother to the mighty Varnu, Baton of the 3rd Legion, died after the battle but not before lodging his pike in the heart of the black wyrm. With the last of the mighty dragons dead, I checked the mage. His collapse was due to the strain of controlling so many elementals.

He is expected to be back to full strength in a few days. Isengard's body was found further down the crevasse, his ax broken, and the haft in the eye of a mature female wyrm. He had used the blade to dislodge a stone cascade that had trapped and killed 3 of the evil serpents. He and the guards were buried in a Cahokia mound (stone grave) on the side of the Black Crag overlooking the valley of Sylvain.

I send his ax to be placed with honor in the Hall of Valhi. We celebrated and happily headed home. I had completed my vow to our Thane and our losses had been few. We separated from the remaining guard and traveled without care to our village. What greeted me should not be repeated. Foul creatures of the underworld had struck my village during the night. The entire village was destroyed. My cherished wife and newborn son were not to be found.

I have asked the Thane to release me from my vow of service. I am a man of my word. I shall find my beloved and child. I will destroy those who did this to my clansmen. This I vow. This is my mission.

By my mark - Kane Redfeather"

A new Guardian rises! The Adventures of Bravely the Knight revealed! Trap card!
about 7 years ago – Mon, May 01, 2017 at 08:39:05 PM

(Hey Rodger here, I am so sorry for the delay on the update. We have a new internet service provider in our area and there has been massive issues with them, and the video for The Adventures of Bravely the Knight took FOREVER to upload! This is the reason for the delay. I deeply apologize about this! Please don't pelt me with D20's! ;) ) 

Hello everyone! Rodger here and I hope everyone is doing great and had a good weekend. Last week was another very busy week for me personally and of course getting things done for the game, and lining up more tasks to work on for all of us.

There is a quest for the new dungeon board Castle Blackwood I wanted to share with you guys, but I was running late today and couldn't get it into this update, but next update it will be in here you everyone to check out.

So let's get right to this weekend's update. But first .....


 Here is the link for last week's update in case you missed it. :)


And yes! We have another guardian for you this update! This is one of the 8 guardian monsters for the game, this one is known as Dreadthorn! Here is a poster I put together for you guys....

And here is a very quick reveal trailer for your viewing entertainment ;) ...

In creating Dungeon Crusade, I developed these guardian monsters much like a boss like monster. They all have origin stories, along with unique names and versed in different warfare types and special abilities.

The most incredible Freddy Lopez created Dreadthorn for the game, and we worked together on a truly awesome looking monster that the heroes will have a very hard rough taking down!

Guardians in Dungeon Crusade can reach level 4, and at level 4 they become VERY powerful. At level 1, they have no special abilities just yet, but they have their origin stories instead. Have a look at when Dreadthorn reaches level 2 in the game....



LOL, I assure you at level 4, Dreadthron will be a tough one to contend with. The next guardian we will be working on and you will be seeing is Razorfang. 


And yes!!! :) The full reveal of The Adventures of Bravely the Knight! Damien just absolutely killed this! A huge KUDOS to him for his outstanding work! Just all of these house of chance games look so incredible with however he does that retro, aged look.

Let me put up the poster for you to check out....

 And as promised here is the full reveal video and this will close out the House of Chance video series. Within the video you'll see me play an entire game, and I won't spoil it if Bravely made it through the dungeon. ;) 

Please note something, the board shown in the reveal section is the final board. The board I'm playing on was the one before the final one. Very little was changed. I basically asked Damien to switch a few chambers around that worked better I found out through playtesting, and there was a poison chamber I had him change/create into a spiked floor chamber instead. Same outcome though, Bravely takes 1 damage if he lands on it. There was already a poison chamber in the game. 


Here is some more pics for you, and I will have the revised board next update, it really only changed in that one chamber that now has spikes, and a few switcharoos of the chambers....





This game is truly a real hoot to play. I had a great deal of fun playtesting it! And I wanted to give you guys a small upgrade to The Adventures of Bravely the Knight game. You'll notice the Bravely hero card and the cardboard miniature. I'm going to include that with this game so you will have it. I created that miniature on my own, but the one with the game will differ slightly of course.


So I was thinking on how to fit this in, so here seems like the best place. So let's start with cardboard miniatures. 

I said above that I created that Bravely cardboard miniature. For my first cardboard miniature, that came out surprisingly good! In the production room I have here, I brought some of my tools in from where I do prop work. I used my Dremel and a certain bit for it to get those results. So what i am going to do is create all of the heroes, minions and guardians in this fashion and use those in the playthrough. 

I can get these done very fast, so expect to see some cardboard miniatures next update. :) 

Now about plastic miniatures. So here's the deal, and I am VERY driven to do this. Dungeon Crusade WILL have plastic miniatures. I said this in the update comment a few days ago, and i would like to share it here with everyone.....


So here it is, there is a vast amount of people, who would really love plastic miniatures for Dungeon Crusade. Although I truly envision the game with cardboard miniatures,
I also would love to have a set of plastic miniatures for the game. This game truly deserves them.

The game company we are partnered with can produce these with no problem at all. We are going to find a 3D artist that can look at the monsters and heroes, and create 3D files of these for the game company, and produce plastic miniatures for the game and people.

Now this won't happen until the game is done, and the files are sent to the game company. But I want you to know, I'm totally driven to provide these for people, and we will do this. I have learned alot about this process, and I think we will be in an excellent position to make this happen for everyone. But again, after this game is totally taken care of, plastic miniatures is what I'm going to be shooting for."

OK, I'm back. So pretty much directly after immediately when this game is sent to the printers, I'm getting on this. There is no reason why we can't make this happen, and it will happen for Dungeon Crusade, I assure of this. For right now though, we must stay on track and get the game done for all of us. I just wanted you guys to know, hell or high water, (excuse my french), I'm going to make this happen! :) 


As you may know, Damien will be painting the Tomb of Kaladar for us. I'm working on the design/blueprint for him and should have it to him this week for him to get started on. Shortly after that, I will be giving Shaun the layout for The Cavern of Lost Souls for him to get started on. 

But as you may know, The Tomb of Kaladar is the only dungeon to have a dedicated trap deck, and will play slightly different than the other boards. I have a very innovative and unique way the traps are going to come about for you. ;) 

So the trap card backing is awaiting to be created, I would like to share with you a trap from this dungeon board. As you may know, I wrote a story about the mad evil wizard Kaladar, and how he was exiled from the village of Mystvale. He spent his days constructing various deadly traps to scatter around his dungeon for anyone bold enough to enter his home and final resting place! ;)

 The trap cards got bumped up just a little to the size of 3.50 x 2.25 inches. I wanted to make sure there was enough room for Dean's awesome art, and for my storytelling for you.  I will share this one and a few others with you, but I want to keep some of them a secret to surprise you! Have a look.....

 LOL, yes, I'm wordy guys, and I'm sorry! I believe it is my duty to give you a game that is truly immersive, and draw you into the experience. 

When I do my creative writing thing, I write as if I am a DM and I'm reading this to you. In any case, I hope you like this trap card, and do not worry! SO MANY more I have in store for you! Muhahahaha!!!....Ha...Ha....(cough ...cough).


I hope you liked this update guys, and there is SO MUCH going on right now! Alot of things are being worked on to get this juggernaut done for all of us. As I said before, something gets done everyday for the may be something small, or sometimes something big, but we are making great progress. 

I will be in the update comment section tonight to see what's going on. I'm so sorry for the delay on the update. Internet is not perfected, at least in northeast Ohio! 

Have a great day guys, and I'll be talking to you soon....Rodger :)