
Dungeon Crusade - Book I: Genesis of Evil

Created by Groovus Games Unlimited

A solo/co-op sandbox adventure awaits you in the land of Avalon. Explore, mine and craft! Slay monsters, level-up and find rare loot!

Latest Updates from Our Project:

All 60 unique quests are finished for the game! Reveal video of all quests plus images!! A look at quest tokens! Dungeon Crusade will be wrapping up this summer!
about 6 years ago – Thu, May 31, 2018 at 11:31:43 PM

Now see... that's how you properly start a Dungeon Crusade update. With a level 3 Father of the Faith with a couple of Shadow Servants! :) 

LOL, hello all! Rodger here and it's genuinely great to be here with you for our monthly update, and it's a great one, with some great news I believe. First off, I'm glad you're here, and I hope everyone is doing good and ready for summer. 

So let's get into this update, as I'm very excited to tell you guys the great news.


Here is a link to the last update that was dispatched. So if you're someone new to the Dungeon Crusade universe, or you want to catch up, you may want to backtrack and see all the updates I have dispatched before this one.


I want everyone to know that's reading this that if you see a delay in the updates check the comment section. I'm in there almost daily giving everyone play by play things that we are doing, what we're up to, what's getting completed, news and just everything Dungeon Crusade.

In any case, I just wanted everyone to know to check the comment section to see what's going on. Plus, if you go scroll through the comment sections history, you'll see a ton of great information I provide for everyone.


Here is a quick recap of the 4 quest posters from the last update for you to check out, plus a fifth one that was dispatched after the previous update...

The Rise of Red Widow
The Rise of Red Widow
Part Human, Mostly Beast
Part Human, Mostly Beast
The Tower of the Kings
The Tower of the Kings
Beast from the East
Beast from the East
Diary of a Madman
Diary of a Madman

I talked about this in the comment section a few days ago, but I have completed all 60 unique quests for Dungeon Crusade. I'm incredibly happy, excited and relieved to be able to say that. This was the last massive task for the game. 

I have said this a few times before, but now having all 60 of them done, I'm pleased and proud how all of these came out. Writing 60 unique quests was QUITE a task, but I love fantasy creative writing, especially quest design/crafting. I believe you'll find these very immersive and make the dungeon delving much more fun, inviting and exciting.

Before we talk any further, I would like to share with you the 60 quests for the game. Now, we have been talking about this in the comment section, and I want to keep the quests a surprise for you. So I don't think there's any harm or spoilers by sharing just the titles with you. I'm just very excited for these, and for you to experience and enjoy them all!

Here is a link to the reveal video that was dispatched a few days ago. You'll see a ton of monsters and heroes for the game within the video. Some monsters you may not have seen, and there is still more monsters that I couldn't fit into the video! Did I tell you there is a ton of monsters in this game? ;) 

The 60 quests are spread out over all four dungeon boards for the game. I put some monsters in some of the panels that might deal with a specific quest. I hope you enjoy the video!

The link for the video>>>

And since the quest panels were already created for the video, I thought I'd post them all here for you to see all 60 quests. 

And there are the 60 quests for Dungeon Crusade. Some of these lines I mentioned in the comment section, but all the quests for the game came out better than I ever imagined. I want you to know; I took my time on these, there was no rush job on any of them. 

There is just so much lore about the land of Avalon within the quests, locations, villages, points of interest, good and bad factions, monsters, many villagers and NPC's that your heroes will run into.  

Just the Tomb of Kaladar quests that deal with Alister Kaladar and characters that are introduced within these scenarios came out incredibly well. If you thought this game was big before, when you read the stories on the quest cards, it makes the land of Avalon feel alive and even more vast.  

The way I think about quests/scenarios in a fantasy dungeon crawl game is it's the glue/adhesive that joins the game together and makes it a "game." Sure, you can make an incredibly lush looking game. Think of that as the "icing." But the quests/scenarios is the "cake" that pulls it all together. LOL, I hope you got where I'm coming from.  

Another thing I want to briefly touch on I did when writing/crafting these quests was to convey a particular emotion or get a player to think after reading the stories. Like, paint a mental image of what's going on in Avalon to immerse the player more in the game experience. 

Bottom line is I wanted to give you guys every bit of my imagination and creativity so you'll have a great time playing.  


I thought it would be interesting for you to see just how much content is within these quests. Let me explain...  

The program I have been using to type up all the quests for the game gives me many different insights. It spits out many specific details about what's being written. The quest cards for the game measure 70x120 mm. (Tarot size). Here is what's on the quest cards...  


The front of the cards has the title of the quest and the story. The stories take up just about the whole front side of the card. And no worries, it's all formatted very nicely. :) I pulled the statistics for just the story side of a quest card. But all of them are about the same give or take a few values...  

- Characters/letters - 1,050
- Words - 187
- Sentences - 12
- Reading time - 42 seconds
- Speaking time - 1m 22s

So if we just take the words for this one quest, and multiply it by 60, that's 11220 words give or take a few depending on the quest(s). I hope you can see; there will be a lot to do in Dungeon Crusade.


The backside of a quest card has the title of the quest, along with the reward the heroes will get, (gold) and the amount of lifeforce they will receive.  

Below that area is the objective area. This section is where you find out precisely what your heroes must do to complete the quest. And towards the bottom of the card is the setup area. This tells you how to set up the quest for playing.  

So I hope you liked learning a little more about the quest cards and what they are all about and what they are comprised off. Since they are all complete, Charlene (our proofreader) will be giving them a once over and some other content. However, the program I'm using now has made her job much easier as it thoroughly checks everything that's written to make sure it looks and reads it's best, as in grammar, spelling, punctuation, use of passive voice, etc.

I wanted to have all 60 quest cards printed out to show you along with the scenario pages within this update, but I will be doing another update in mid-June to show you this content, and then another update at the end of June with the adventure cards for the Avalon Adventure board game. 


As of right now, the excellent artist Tom Feldmann who did all of the heroes special ability icons, and the dungeon backgrounds for the monster cards is finishing up the last of the quest item tokens. There isn't that many left to do. 

But I did want to share with you just a handful of quest items for the game. Half of the quest items here Annika painted, while Tom did the rest. I have a few more things to say about these, but here is a poster to show you how these came out...

What I wanted to say about all of these quest tokens is for those people out there who will be designing your own quests and scenarios to share with others, there will be a ton of interesting and different quest items to use for your creations. I have said many times; this is one of the biggest things I'm looking forward to. 

So within a few weeks, Tom will be wrapping up the last of the quest item tokens, then this part of the game will be complete. 


As of right now, I'm putting the few images on the scenario pages such as the character that starts off the scenario, what village the heroes are defending, and the flavor text for that particular scenario. To give you an idea of what it is, it's this. I believe I showed this in an update a few back...

This shouldn't take that long at all, as it's just adding a few images, and summing up in the flavor text what's going on in that particular village. I'm shooting for this weekend to be completed with this. 

At the same time, Charlene will be stopping over this weekend, so we can start going over all the text in the game. We'll start with the quest cards so I can get those to the print shop and get them printed out for this mid-June update along with the scenario pages which will be complete. 


- As you saw what I just said above, when I'm completed with the scenario pages, I will be getting on the very last bit of content for the game which is the adventure cards for the Avalon Adventure board game. These will not take nearly as long as the quest cards. Plus, I have my prototype cards to work off of so it will go pretty fast. 

At this point, all content for Dungeon Crusade has been produced, and we are done with that phase of it. 

- From there I will be starting on the revisions of the rulebook and working with a few artists to tie up some loose ends. Small issues, nothing too big or time-consuming. 

- At that point, I/we will be putting the game content on the digital templates and submitting them to the game company and start the process of receiving a proof copy of the game, and once fully approved mass production will commence followed by fulfillment.  

I want to mention here something I said in the comment section about shipping. When the game is off to the printers, we are going to talk to many fulfillment services. I was speaking to a gentleman at the USPS a few months ago, and I have talked to Ship Naked, Shipwire, Fulfillrite, and I plan on talking to more.  

I plan on getting Dungeon Crusade to everyone fast. I'm merely going to chat/speak to different companies and tell them first and foremost our backers want this game ASAP, and we need to accomplish this for them. 

We need to know approximately when this game will reach them, the sooner, the better, and some history of the company on prior fulfillment you have done for other KS projects.  

From there, we are going to see who can do it for us. As you know, I'll be keeping you guys in the loop for all of this, and the whole way. Once we start submitting the game files to Wingo Games, I'll be getting right on this, and I'll have a reasonable amount of time to focus on this and get it nailed down for us. Trust me; I'll get us good results on fulfillment.

I'm/we're shooting for the end of June the start of July to have everything done for the game. At that point, we will be placing all of the game content on the digital templates and preparing it for submission to Wingo Games for the printing process. 

The bottom line is this summer Dungeon Crusade will be wrapping up. There is just nothing else to do for the game besides what I mentioned. Maybe some final playtesting with other people which I would like to film for everyone and let them see as we talked about. 

But as you already know, I'll be keeping you in the loop for EVERY step we are at so you know exactly what's going on. 


I have to say again, those 60 quests for the game took some time to complete. With writing/crafting the quests, writing out the objective for that certain quest then typing up how to set up the quest took some serious time. I genuinely took my time on all of them so I could give you the very best. 

I believe you'll find all of them quite different from other quests in dungeon crawl games, plus there is pretty good variety to them, and of course, they offer great replay value. I'm very happy these are out of the way now. 

And from the bottom of my heart, I want to thank every one of you for the time, interest, patience, and support with Dungeon Crusade. This was just a vast & massive project for sure, but here we are at the end of it, and we did it. 

I'll be in the update comment section, of course, to see what's going on, and getting up early tomorrow to get busy on these scenario pages and get them knock them out. 

I hope you enjoyed this update, as I think I was pretty wordy. ;) But hopefully you see, there isn't that much left to do. Have a great night all, talk to you soon...Rodger :) 

Finishing up the 60 unique quests for the game, Interview about Dungeon Crusade and the little left to do for the game.
about 6 years ago – Sat, Apr 28, 2018 at 01:13:52 AM

Hello, all and Happy Friday! :) Rodger here, I hope everyone is doing great. I wanted to stop in here and say HI! and let everyone know what's going on with the game, and when the next mega-ultra Kickstarter update will be dispatched, and what little there is left to do for the game. 

So this is just a quick update for me to touch base with you, but some cool stuff to show you.


Here is a link to the last update that was dispatched. So if you're someone new to the Dungeon Crusade universe, or you want to catch up, you may want to backtrack and see all the updates I have dispatched before this one.


I want everyone to know that's reading this that if you see a delay in the updates check the comment section. I'm in there almost daily giving everyone play by play things that we are doing, what we're up to, what's getting completed, news and just everything Dungeon Crusade.

In any case, I just wanted everyone to know to check the comment section to see what's going on. Plus, if you go scroll through the comment sections history, you'll see a ton of great information I provide for everyone.


Presently, I'm finishing crafting/writing the last of the 60 unique quests in the game. I have mentioned a few times in the comment section that I'm very happy/proud of these, and I indeed think these may be the high point of the game.  

The setup stories I wrote are looking and reading great. They're not too long to become boring, and not too short to be not interesting. It's just the right size to immerse the player and tell a compelling story for what's going on for the quest.  

Throughout all of the quests, I have integrated just a ton of the lore of Avalon, the monsters, the locations, the people and the different factions of the land. I genuinely believe people are going to enjoy these. I loved writing these, and to me, one of the strongest points in the game. 

And when you couple these with all of the adventure cards from the Avalon Adventure board game, there is a ton of immersion in this game, even more than I thought there would be.

The reverse side of the quest cards has the objective and the setup of the quest. I have a great deal of the quest cards done already, and I'm in the process of finishing the rest up. This was the last huge task for the game and took some time to get these done, but the great news is, these are all almost complete.

I have created a few quest posters for you to check out here. I have been sharing these for the past few weeks on the official Dungeon Crusade facebook page.  

So when I finish up the last of these quests, we will be printing out all 60 quest cards, the scenario pages and do a huge update for you so you can take a look at how excellent these turned out. 

So here are these 4 posters thus far. And please understand, I want to keep these a secret. I want people to be surprised when they read these. So in these posters, you can get a hint of what's going on...


Here is a very challenging/fun chain quest I wrote called, "The Rise of Red Widow." Your heroes better be prepared for quite a battle, that leads up to a face-off between them, and the guardian monster Red Widow.


This quest deals with the Blackwood Prowlers, one of the many creatures in the game. I created many different and innovative quests for Dungeon Crusade, and most are new types of quests you may have never quite seen or played in a dungeon crawl game before. Some are VERY taxing and challenging, I assure. :) 


The Tower of Kings is a side quest the heroes will do for a minor faction in the game they will meet called, "The Kings of Avalon." These battle-hardened warriors live in the tower pictured in the poster and have sworn to protect the land and villages of Avalon against any threat that may bring harm.

However, they need the heroes assistance for something. The Kings of Avalon, are not kings, but instead, have taken the names of past kings in honor of them, and what they stood for. Their leader is known as King Joshua. These warriors wear archaic type armor with tattered red capes, to give you a visual of their appearance.   

There is another good faction in the game known as the Maidens of Witherbrook Forest. However, the heroes will meet some of the evil factions in the game and do battle with them. A few of them are the evil Blackhand Army, led by Lord Blackhand, and the evil religious cult known only as, "The Faith."


Here is a quest for the Cavern of Lost Souls dungeon board, "Beast from the East." This quest deals with the guardian monster Banevik, and a pretty cool story I crafted around Banevik and the small village of Briarwood.  

What's unique about the Cavern of Lost Souls dungeon board is when I designed it, I made this board partly an outdoor area with a lot of the exciting regions and some interior areas.  

Some of the areas you'll find are a small desolate village to the northwest called Briarwood, a suspended bridge (pictured) with an area called the Mystic falls, an area to the east called Raven's Cove, (that has a secret entrance into the cavern), a vast cavern, of course, a swamp area, Darkmoon Logging Camp, Dugan's excavation site, Red Widow's Lair, a creepy crypt called Crypt of the Betrayer, a small evil/weird dungeon that will lead to the advent of a new race of monsters in the expansion and still there are more areas.  

This dungeon feels very vast, but yet still measures the size of all the other dungeon boards in the game, which is 3 x 2 feet. I'm presently working on the quests for this board and had zero problems coming up with great quests for you to try out. This board is super rich for quest ideas and scenarios.

There will be one more of these quest posters which will be a quest for the Tomb of Kaladar. When these 60 quests are complete, one of the last things to do is the adventure cards for the Avalon Adventure board game. 

Closing out this section, seeing all of these 60 quests come together makes Dungeon Crusade an incredibly vast game. Of course, you can see all the content that makes it so huge, but it's these quests and all of the different types, variations, lore, characters, and stories that make this game a real juggernaut. 


A few weeks ago, an incredibly nice gentleman named Marc who works at Game Mountain got a hold of me as he had just learned about Dungeon Crusade. 

He had very nice things to say about the game and went as far as to pre-order a copy of the game. He then asked me if he could conduct an interview with me about the game and chat about various aspects of it. 

So we finally got together a few weekends ago and got it all finished, and it went live recently. So if you have a few minutes, take a look, and I hope you enjoy. :) I would genuinely like to thank Marc and the rest of the crew at Game Mountain for this excellent opportunity to discuss the game, and show off the stunning art that all of these incredible artists have created & produced for the game.  

Here is the link to the interview. >>>


So I just wanted to do a mini update for everyone here and say what's going on and where we are at. Once these quest cards are complete, (almost done) it's pretty much smooth sailing. 

But let me lay it all out here so we have a schedule we can follow together...

- As you have seen, I'm finishing up the quest cards. The most awesome artist Tom Feldmann is working with me on finishing up the last of the quest items for the game. I should be done with the rest of the quest cards fairly soon as there isn't that many left to do. 

- From there I'm putting the final adventure cards together for the Avalon Adventure board game. These will not nearly take that long to put together as the quest cards. Plus, I have all my prototype ones to work off of. These won't take that long all. Our tech writer Charlene will have went through all of this content at this point also, so this will be done.

- At this point, all of the content will have been created for the game. There is nothing left to make/produce. Dungeon Crusade is finished. From what I just said above, this will be done within the month of May.

- From here, I will be working on the revisions for the rulebook, however, sharing this with you guys here. I want you to read it, and tell me what you think. If there is something unclear in it, something you're unsure about, I want to revise it, so it reads very well and everything is clearly understood.

However, I believe I'm very acclimated to penning a great rulebook, so I think I'll be giving you a pretty solid read. But of course, I want you guys to tell me from your viewpoint how it all looks.

- While we are working on the rulebook revisions, we will be tieing up some loose ends in the game. These are very small things that won't take that long to get ironed out.

Example. A Skeletal Archer missing a bowstring, naming the mining sites, etc.

- From this point, we will be working on getting the game content on the digital templates to submit to Wingo games. From there, Wingo will be sending out the proof copy of Dungeon Crusade for us to thoroughly and carefully review. 

- Once we give them the green light, mass production will begin, followed by fulfillment. 

That's a pretty solid outline of what has to be done, but it's not that much at all, especially for the game content part of it. 

I said this before, but more than ever now, Dungeon Crusade is like 3-4 board games, and a few expansions rolled into one mega, colossal dungeon crawl universe type of game. I'm uber excited and elated to get this done to the printers and into your hands. 

And, I'll say it again. I think the quests are going to be a solid point of the game. And if you consider this. 60 unique quests, 3 different monster difficulty levels, 6 scenario difficulty levels, and 3 game modes for each scenario, this is going to take awhile to get through this game and it offers a ton of replayability with so many random factors in the game. 

And before I head off to work on these final quest cards for the night, yes, Dungeon Crusade was delayed by some months. But looking at the size of this game, and everything I had to put together on my own, I think we did an exceptional job considering the massive size of the game to get it done within this timeframe.

But as I have said, I/we have learned MUCH in this process and the expansion and the next game we will be working on WILL NOT be delayed. It's just not going to happen. I/we will be applying the knowledge we learned from doing Dungeon Crusade for all future projects and get the games to you in a rapid and timely manner. 

Oh, the last thing is some of the backers were sounding off in the comment section about the special edition content they received and how they are enjoying that huge cloth map of Avalon. I managed to get that scratched off the list, and I'm happy you guys have all of that and dig it! :) 

OK all, I'm off to work on these final quest cards. I hope everyone has a great weekend, and as usual, I'll be in the update comment section over the weekend. 

Have a great night all, talk to you very soon...Rodger :) 

ULTRA MEGA UPDATE! All tokens revealed! Scenario cover reveal! Quest cards revealed! Scenario page revealed! All recipe, crafting & mining cards revealed! All hero cards and special ability cards revealed! All 160 monster and creature cards revealed!
over 6 years ago – Thu, Mar 22, 2018 at 12:37:50 AM

Hello all! :) I hope everyone is doing great as always.'s been awhile. It feels great to be here and to post another significant Dungeon Crusade update for everyone and to get you up to speed about so much that has come together. I have seriously been on task getting much of this game completed.  

The important aspect of this update Is that I feel it shows you the tremendous progress that has been made for wrapping up this game. From the last update until now, I think you'll be impressed on just how much of this game has come together. 

From the last update until now, we have put together some of the final content in the game for everyone to take a look at. Putting this content together took a considerable amount of time, but it all looks so incredible. This was needed of course for the new playthrough video and to show you this game has greatly progressed and what to expect upon receiving your certain edition. 

So without further ado, let's get this update started! :) 


Here is a link to the last update that was dispatched.  So if you're someone new to the Dungeon Crusade universe, or you want to catch up,  you may want to backtrack and see all the updates I have dispatched before this one.

Here is a link for you >>>


I just want everyone to know that's reading this that if you see a delay in the updates check the comment section. I'm in there almost daily giving everyone play by play things that we are doing, what we're up to, what's getting completed, news and just everything Dungeon Crusade.  

In any case, I just wanted everyone to know to check the comment section to see what's going on. In these days of putting the final game content together, I'm in there almost daily for everyone. Plus, if you go scroll through the comment sections history,  you'll see a ton of great information I provide for everyone.


I would like to say first that when I put these videos together for you, it's my break away from working on the game for a bit, to recalibrate a little, and to show you the progress that's being made towards completion. That's important to me and gives backers, and people that are pledging for the game peace of mind that myself and others are getting this done for you.

I would like to share with you is this latest video series called the evolution of Dungeon Crusade. Within this video series, I go over a considerable amount of final content for the game, show an example of the quest system, quest cards, all 4 of the House of Chance games, the reveal of the fairly creative & innovative scenario page, many of the tokens in the game, the mining & crafting system plus so much more.     

Besides the Avalon Adventure board game, you'll see everything that comprises Dungeon Crusade. But most importantly to me, this video series, in particular, shows the tremendous amount of progress that has been made, and that we are getting to the end of the development cycle.  

So when you have some time, take a look at some of the videos and enjoy. :) This will be the last video series for a while, as there are so many videos now on the companies YouTube channel that gives everyone a great insight into the Dungeon Crusade universe. The next video series will be the brand new playthrough of an entire game of Dungeon Crusade.

With that, there isn't that much left to complete for the game. It's mostly the final quests/quest cards for the game, the Avalon Adventure board game and tieing up some loose ends on some other content. This is presently what I'm working on. 

Here is a link to the video series >>>

The following content within this update can be found within the video series with full description. 


I'm happy to announce that just about all the tokens in Dungeon Crusade have been printed out and assembled. The only ones that are not fully complete are the various quest item tokens for main quests in the game. However, a good amount of these are finished, and some are awaiting to be printed out and assembled. 

These are the majority of tokens you will be using in the game while playing Dungeon Crusade. The only other ones that are not being shown are the many quest item tokens for main quests in the game.  

I did include one of the quest item token backings for you to have a look at. There are a few other types of tokens for the Avalon Adventure board game not pictured. 

All of these tokens were printed and assembled in-house, so this is prototype content. The art is, of course, all final.  

Something I wanted to make mention of is it is highly recommended to get one of those plastic storage compartments for all the various tokens shown in the pics. Amazon has tons of different ones, and some are incredibly cheap with free shipping.

I will make sure to include more pics of the quest item tokens for main quests so you can have a look at them. I go over many of these tokens in that video series above. 


I have to say; this is a fun little game mechanic in Dungeon Crusade. :) And I must say, there were a few people that had a misconception that crates appear this way in the game! They do not. 

During the seeding process at setup, there is a system I created where crates randomly are placed within chambers of the dungeon. You will always see seven random crates per game. You will never see the same setup of crates twice. 

When a hero enters a chamber, they can decide whether or not to smash a crate open. But watch out! Some crates have less than desirable things within them! There are many different things inside the crates of Dungeon Crusade for your heroes to find. 

Within that video series above, I speak about the crate system plus many other tokens such as mystery chamber tokens, lockpick tokens, and secret room tokens.


I'm also happy to announce that all of the recipe, mining & crafting cards for the game are fully completed, been printed out and assembled. There are 136 mining cards in the game and 54 recipe cards for creating various power gems for sockets in much of the gear in the game. 

When I started creating/developing Dungeon Crusade years ago, I wanted to give fellow gamers and people a multitude of ways to build/spec out their heroes in the game. If you saw the last update, you saw there are 193 unique pieces of gear in Dungeon Crusade. Much of the gear has sockets for power gems.

Every game, there will be eight potential mining sites the heroes can find. This is entirely random from game to game.  

However, there are only four real mining sites that can be found. Heroes have to explore, or rather scout out the four real mining sites. Once they find a mining site, they can begin mining provided they have a pickaxe. The blacksmith in the village sells pickaxes. 

Once they have mined some minerals and precious stones, they can send Albus back to the village with these for the blacksmith to craft power gems that plug into sockets on various weapons and gear. These power gems can give bonuses to warfare types and provide some significant effects for many other things. There are 18 different "recipes" for creating different power gems in Dungeon Crusade.

Again, in that video series, I discuss this facet of the game for people.



Here are the 13 heroes for Dungeon Crusade along with all of their hero cards, special ability cards, their retro cardboard miniature and their starting weapon. Heroes in Dungeon Crusade can and ascend to level 3 while exploring the many dungeons, crypts, ruins, and towers scattered across Avalon.    

Just what is shown here in these promo posters was a massive task to complete for the final game. But getting all of this squared away has brought us a significant step towards completion and wrapping this game up for everyone.  

As I mentioned before, I took a great deal of time on creating and developing the special abilities for all the heroes to make sure each hero had at least one special ability that was unique to them to use.


I would like to say, this content right here you are seeing, took an incredibly enormous amount of time to create for the game. 

From the fantastic artists painting all of them, and especially me putting all of the values and text on these cards, the graphic design, balancing these monsters, creating all of their special abilities, placing the art on the cards, working on the size, coloring, sharpness, etc...

This is just one of the reasons Dungeon Crusade has taken some time to create. But I hope this proves I'm on this game every day bringing it to completion for all of us.

When I set out to create/develop Dungeon Crusade, I wanted to populate the land of Avalon's dungeons, towers, crypts and ruins with a genuinely colossal cast of creatures and monsters for players heroes to do battle with  You'll always find new monsters and creatures to do battle with.  

The divisions of monsters in Dungeon Crusade consist of minions, champions, and guardians. 

The lowest monsters are of course the minions, This group of monsters ranges from level 1 to 3, and traverse throughout the corridors of the dungeon.  

The next division of monsters are the champion monsters. These monsters lurk in the chambers of the dungeon. Champion monsters range in level from 1 to 4 and come in 2 variations. Normal and elites. Normal champion monsters have the origin stories I wrote for them, while the elite version has deadly special abilities.  

The last group is the guardian monsters of the dungeon. Consider these like the bosses of the game. These deadly foes stalk the corridors of the dungeon attempting to eradicate the heroes.

And remember normal difficulty monsters ship with the game. There are expert and heroic versions of these monsters in the form of new monster decks.  

Within that evolution of Dungeon Crusade video series, I go over a few of these monsters for you. 


Here is a look at the cover art for the scenario book. This is, of course, part of the map of Avalon I used, and I believe this is very appropriate for the cover of the scenario book.

I added some effects to give the map/cover a sort of archaic/vintage look to it. You'll see I included four different versions of this cover for you. On each version, you'll notice that the "camera" is pulled back more to give you a higher look at the map. 

What I would like you guys to do is vote on each cover and hear your thoughts on it. Each version is labeled A, B, C, and D. 

Have a look! :) 





Truth be told, I like all the covers and could live with any of for the four. But as I have said in the past, with Groovus Games Unlimited backers are part of the evolution of the game, and have a voice on some of the things in the game. 

But please sound off in the comment section and let us know what you think of these four covers. :) 


Here is the layout for the top half of the scenario page. Take a look at this; then I'll explain a little bit about it for you...

So to the left is a monster from the game. In the center is the name of the scenario and the number of the scenario. The area to the right is the village that the heroes are defending for that scenario. Below the defending village, that is a character from the story of Dungeon Crusade I wrote that provides the setup story, or rather some flavor text for the player. 

From scenario to scenario, you will notice that the monster in the top lefthand corner will change, along with what village the heroes are defending, along with the character that will show up that provides the heroes with information. 

The great thing about this specific section is the system I created for it. It is very easy & quick to change out these various assets to put together the different scenarios for the game, thus getting the game done quickly and efficiently. 


I first want to thank, the most remarkable and incredible artist Kezrek Laczin. I gave Kez my prototype design of the scenario page layout, and she did such an outstanding job recreating it professionally for the final game. Thank you so much, Kez! :) I love the small icons! ;)   

This part of the game is what I'm pleased about and excited to give to people for them to play around with. I put a lot of thought and creativity in designing this aspect of the game so people would have genuinely an unlimited amount of ways to play just one scenario.

I don't think you have ever seen anything quite like this is a fantasy dungeon crawl game. To me, this is like something you would see in a PC RPG. 

Take a look at this, and let's discuss it...

So as the poster says, there are six different difficulty settings and three different game modes for players to try out while playing Dungeon Crusade. 

Let's discuss them a bit here...

The six difficulties are...  
-- Novice
-- Easy 
-- Normal
-- Hard
-- Expert
-- Master

There are also those different panels. Heroes starting gold, blacksmith inventory, bazaar inventory, village terror level, raid difficulty, guardian spawn track, guardians per quest table and minion population. 

The seeding panel is used to populate the dungeon after quests have been set up. 

Here are the three different game modes...


This one is pretty straightforward. If you look at the scenario page, all of the columns are labeled with the different difficulties. So say we picked normal difficulty...

We would refer to each panel on the page,  go down each column marked normal and set the game up as instructed. 

It's as simple as that. 


In this game mode, a player can tweak everything on the different panels except the seeding area. 

15 different things can be tweaked/set over the six different difficulty settings.  A player can create a custom difficulty to their liking, and create new challenges for themselves from game to game.


Lol, watch out would be Crusaders! This is indeed only for the most courageous and bold at heart! 

If you notice, there are images of D6's above everything in the different panels. What a player can do is roll a D6 for each different setting within a panel and let fate decide what your heroes will have to deal with for the forthcoming game. 

This game mode can truly create an almost unlimited amount of ways to play Dungeon Crusade. 

But say you don't want a game this extreme, no problem! Instead of a D6, use a D3. By doing this, you'll still generate a random setting, but it won't be as harsh or unforgiving as what could come up from using a D6. 

Also pictured are some of the final quest cards for the game and some of the quest tokens. 

In closing out this section, I wasn't about to give people just a scenario book, and one difficulty. I have always said, I was out to break the mold of the fantasy dungeon crawl genre, and with the advent of a scenario page/layout like this, I think we have done this. 

There is almost an endless amount of ways to play and enjoy Dungeon Crusade, and give people so many options to create the game to their personal liking and challenge.


I hope you everyone enjoyed this quite massive update and showed how hard and diligently I'm working to get this game wrapped up for all of us. From the last update until now, every day for me has been in the "Crusade Zone," and working diligently working towards completion. I hope this update shows people there's not much left to do for the game.

What we have to finish up is the final quest cards, which I'm presently working on, the Avalon Adventure board game, that's just typing up the final adventure cards, tieing up some small loose ends and finally putting all of the content onto the digital templates if you will for the game company for the printing process. 

So there is serious light at the end of the tunnel with getting all of this content I showed you within this update completed. Considering the size and scope of this game, I think we have done an excellent and impressive job bringing it to completion. 

As always, I will be keeping everyone in the loop every step of the way where we are at, what's done and what's getting done as I have always done. I made a very sincere commitment to everyone here on Kickstarter, and we will see this through to the end. There isn't that much left to do, and I hope I conveyed this to you throughout all these updates, and what I post in the comment section almost daily. 

And if you get a chance, please check out that evolution of Dungeon Crusade series. There is so much great information for you in there and discussion about the game. 

Keep your eyes peeled. I will be doing a session report video showing you the start of a game of Dungeon Crusade while I'm doing some final playtesting tonight after I finish up a few quest cards. I'll post the link in this comment section. I think you'll like to see the start of a game, and what happens and what you do. 

OK, everyone, I hope you have a great night. I'll be in the update comment section, so I'll be talking to you very soon. See you then....Rodger :) 

ULTRA, Mega Dungeon Crusade update! 2 new minions! Box art done! Encounter cards done! Tavern Tasks cards done! 193 loot cards done! Trap cards done! Albus and hero card done! Blessing cards done! Treasure chest cards done! Damage tokens done!
over 6 years ago – Thu, Feb 08, 2018 at 12:01:28 AM


The box image above is not the final box.  I did a mockup of a box for the Dungeon Crusade Christmas Extravaganza video program to show off the amazing box art that Freddy painted based off my design doc for what I envisioned for the box art. 

The final image of the box art is within this update. The size of the Dungeon Crusade box you will receive will be 15 x 13 x 3 1/2 inches. That is straight from the game company.  


Hello everyone! :) Rodger here and I hope everyone is doing great today and having a good week.

It has been a super busy last few months as I have said in that update from a few days ago. I'm very happy to say that so much of the game has come together. I have been working on a ton of final content for the game, and have managed to get those 2 videos done for you, the Dungeon Crusade Christmas Extravaganza one, and the new video series that was just in that update a few days ago.

Like I said in that update, one of the biggest and longest tasks for the game has come together. I managed to get all of the 193 unique pieces of loot done for the game. Besides writing those 109 special abilities for the 12 heroes, this was one of the biggest and time consuming tasks to get finalized. What took the longest was putting all the art on the final cards, adjusting it, adjusting colors, sharpening it, etc, But I'm happy to say all of it looks incredible and it's all done. 


Much of the game has come together over the past 2 months, and it's sort of spread out between those 2 videos. So what I would like to accomplish with this huge update is post all of the images, pics, promo posters from those videos into this update so you can enjoy seeing all of that final content in one place. 

So let's get this started! :) 


Here is a link to the last update for you that was just dispatched a few days ago. You don't have to go back and look at that one, as it will be the same as what's within this update. 


However what I have been doing for awhile now is linking all of the updates together, so it will keep going back to previous ones for people to reference. So if you're someone new to the Dungeon Crusade universe, you may want to back track and see all the updates I have dispatched to get you up to speed.  

Here is the link for you >>>


I just want everyone that's reading this, if you see a delay in the updates, check the comment section. I'm in there almost daily giving everyone play by play things that we are doing, what we're up to, what's getting completed, news and just everything Dungeon Crusade.

In any case, I just wanted everyone to know to check the comment section to see what's going on. In these days of putting the final game content together, I'm in there almost daily for everyone. Plus, if you go scroll through the comment sections history for the past month, you'll see a ton of great information for you.


I also wanted to put these 2 last videos I dispatched recently within this update for anyone looking at it so they would have an easy way of finding them. There is almost 5 hours of straight Dungeon Crusade combining the 2. 

This video has a run time of 1 hour and 37 minutes. It's wall to wall Dungeon Crusade, so prepare thyself! In this video, this is only 30% - 35% of the game..yes, it's quite on the girthy side.

Here is a link to the playlist >>>

Here is the most recent one that is a 3+ hour introduction to the Dungeon Crusade universe.

Within this video you'll see the full reveal of the 193 pieces of unique loot for Dungeon Crusade, then it goes into some discussion on it, followed by a small demo of the game where I play a few turns to show you just some of what Dungeon Crusade has to offer.

I kept it simple for this, as I would like to get people acclimated to the game, and this is a great introduction to watch before watching the full playthrough video coming later in February.

In the new playthrough I will be just playing a game straight forward, and there won't be time to talk about some of the facets of the game. So this series will really get you up to speed on what's going on with Dungeon Crusade, so you will be better prepared and have a great understanding of the full playthrough when it is dispatched on You Tube.

I hope you enjoy this video series on Dungeon Crusade! Just remember some things are not shown within this small demonstration of the game. Such as mining & crafting, secret room discovery, mystery chambers, lockpicking, the Avalon Adventure board game and a few other things.

Here is the link for you >>>


So first up I wanted to show the final damage markers for Dungeon Crusade. These are of course placed on the monster cards as the heroes are inflicting damage upon them in combat.

These were produced in my production room, but this is a great indication of what the damage tokens will look like for the final game.

The most awesome & creative artist Annika Maar created the design for these and they look beyond perfect! She has done many of the tokens for Dungeon Crusade as you know, plus quite a few other things. Outstanding job once again Annika! :)



Another deck for the game complete! The treasure chest deck was another aspect of Dungeon Crusade I was super passionate about & got very creative with.

I wanted to give fellow gamer's and people yet another thrilling & exciting aspect of playing Dungeon Crusade with the treasure chest deck.  

In developing this deck, I wanted it to be true risk & reward type of thing. Sure...your heroes maybe will find some gold, maybe an empty chest. Your heroes may even find a few very rare artifacts that were lost long ago.  


They could find somethings that are REALLY not to pleasant within these archaic chests that should have been left alone.  

LOL, I got UBER creative and imaginative with the treasure chests in Dungeon Crusade. I think people are going to have an awesome time just considering whether they want their heroes to lift the lid of these chests. ;) 

Some of the things that could happen...oh wow...I'll leave it at that. ;)

I worked with the most awesome & outstanding artist Kezrek Laczin on the creation of the final treasure chest cards. She did an ASTOUNDING job on all of the art for these, and I greatly thank her! :)

I mentioned in another update I worked with the amazing David Shearer on the treasure chest card backing. Stellar work David!

The dungeon board pictured is the Ancient Ruins dungeon board, created by the awesome Shaun Ellis. Thank you Shaun, awesome work as well!


Another deck for the game complete! There are going to be times in the game where your hero can receive a blessing.

Sometimes, your heroes prayers won't be heard.... But other times, a beautiful angel will watch over your hero and grant them special bonuses to help them on their perilous journey. There are many different types of angels in Dungeon Crusade.

This incredible art you are seeing for the angels was created by the artist Freddy Lopez. I gave him some very basic outlines for what I envisioned for these angels, like a stained glass window behind each angel, but truthfully, Freddy just ran with it, and let his incredible creativity shine through. The angels of Dungeon Crusade are just superb & beautiful.  

This stunning backing of the Blessing cards was created by the uber talented artist David Shearer. David created just about all the card backings for the game, and wait until you see them all together. It will be a real visual treat to behold while playing Dungeon Crusade.


Another deck complete for the game! Within a turn of Dungeon Crusade, there is a phase called the Encounter phase. And quite simply, you draw a card from the Encounter deck.  

When drawing from the Encounter deck you will discover 1 of 4 types of cards. An interlude card, an environment card, an event card or a challenge card. The 4 different types are color coded for you.  

Out of all of the cards for the game I created/developed, these were my most favorite ones to write for people. I got very creative & imaginative with every single one of them. I think players are going to have a really great time in the encounter phase, and be very surprised on what can happen from drawing these cards. Challenge cards are seriously fun! ;)  

But I went a step further for fellow gamer's and people to immerse them more in the Dungeon Crusade experience. We brought in an awesome friend and artist early in the project named Camron Browne. I explained to Camron, I didn't just want text on the encounter cards. Because just having text would be monumentally lame for the game experience I'm trying to provide for people and gamer's.  

I asked him to create unique art for EVERY SINGLE unique encounter card. There is over 80 encounters by the way in the game. I wanted to give people a visual representation of the encounter that was happening. It was alot of work, but it was worth it to give people an awesome immersive experience.  

So thank you to Camron and KUDOS! Outstanding work! :) And of course the truly awesomely talented artist David Shearer created this card backing you're seeing, along with several other card backings for the game. I think what he came up with for the encounter backing is a perfect image for this deck. 

THANK YOU David! Awesome work....again! :) And please understand...encounters in Dungeon Crusade are not bad! Well, some are, but there are alot of great things that can happen with your heroes.


So let explain what is going on here. I wanted to do something for all you guys for Christmas. We're all working hard on this game, and trying to get it done for everyone. In playtesting, I thought the game needed a few more minions to round out the experience for you. 

Minion monsters are the ones that lurk throughout the dungeon while your heroes are trying to complete their quests, and can possibly raid the village, thus raising the terror level. 

As you know, we are doing a massive expansion for Dungeon Crusade later this year after we wrap up the game. I have a TON of monsters I would like to put in the game for you. I felt VERY strongly about these 2 minions that are in the game now. I pulled these 2 from the expansion to include in the base game for you. Blackwood Prowlers and Shadow Dwellers. 

When I was designing the dungeon board Castle Blackwood way back earlier this year, there is an area of the board called the Somber Forest. I started thinking about this area and what would be within this forest. Pretty rapidly, I developed a creature called a Blackwood Prowler.

These are massive wolves that reside within the Somber Forest that were at one time tame creatures, but have been tainted by "someone" who has hung heavy chains around their necks with an amulet called a Bloodmoon Amulet.  

If these amulets activate, the warfare values of a Blackwood Prowler increases, making them more deadly on attacks and more tougher for your heroes to land a hit in combat. 

The Blackwood Prowler is also very fast. It's the fastest minion in the game. It rolls 1D6 for movement and adds +5 to the result. I wanted that one monster when it spawns into the dungeon people would know it's about to get serious!

I worked with the most awesome and talented artist Freddy Lopez to bring the Blackwood Prowler into Dungeon Crusade. I gave him a rough design doc for what I was envisioning, but as Freddy always does, took it and injected his own creativity into the design and the result is one of the most awesome minions in the game. KUDOS Freddy! :) 
So here ya the Blackwood Prowler! 

And here they are in action.....


The next minion is the Shadow Dweller. A hero must approach these monsters with great care. These monsters lurk in the deepest parts of ruins, crypts and dungeons of Avalon.  

Have a look at a Shadow Dweller! 

A Shadow Dweller has an ability where it can shoot a web, thus immobilizing a hero in place! A hero must spend in action in an attempt to break free from the web. While a hero is webbed, they may only defend, and may not use any type of special ability.

Here is a poster of a bunch of Shadow Dwellers in the most appropriate place within the Ancient Ruins. ;) 

I worked with the most awesome and talented artist Freddy Lopez for bringing the Shadow Dweller into the game. I gave him an idea for what I was envisioning for this monster, and as Freddy always does, took what I envisioned and injected his own creativity into the design. Thank you again Freddy!

So closing out this section, you will receive 24 minions with Dungeon Crusade. 8 unique minions, with 3 each within their group. The 8 unique minions are Skeletal Grunt, Cultist of Zul, Orc Archer, Orc Siegebreaker, Wraith, Goblin footman, Blackwood Prowler and Shadow Dweller minions. 

I feel super content with these minions, and I feel these really round out this group perfectly with such a diverse cast. Each one or group rather has unique special abilities,


Could there possibly be a cure to reverse this effect on Kyra Jandar?
Could there possibly be a cure to reverse this effect on Kyra Jandar?




This image for the box art is something I have had in my head for 20+ years. I worked with the creative and incredibly talented artist Freddy Lopez to bring this box art to life. I was very particular about many things in this scene, and Freddy managed to pull it off. Just stunning work Freddy! :) 

 I wanted to give fellow gamer's and people a truly amazing box art cover that depicts this "Dungeon Crusade" the heroes are on. Breaking the door of the dungeon down in the dead of the night, and just total chaos breaks loose. Also, since Dungeon Crusade is retro inspired, Freddy really pulled a very retro inspired cover together. 

Here is a short video for the box art I put together for you. It zooms in on it so you can get a great look at it, and the side panels of the box. I think the side panels have a very simple, but elegant look to them. When we get to the back of the box design, I'll of course be sharing that with you. I have a very awesome idea for this!

Here is the link to that video: >>>


And here we have the 12 backers who did the create a hero for Dungeon Crusade. I want to say, it was a serious pleasure and honor to work with these guys and in all honesty, they did a tremendous job. 

As most of you know, I offered these packages for free, there was no cost associated with these. I just wanted it to be an awesome & pure experience with these backers and let their creativity and imagination shine without some stupid price tag on it. My feeling was they're already pledging for the game, and I didn't want additional funds for something so cool like this. 

And as I said, any other games we do under Groovus Games Unlimited, these types of things will always be free for our backers. 

And I have to say, I'm sorry I didn't have the time to do all the backstories on the posters. I have been so ultra busy putting the game together, I just didn't have the time. However, the backstories these backers wrote will be on the back of the level 1 hero cards. So as we get those finalized, I will be sharing those in an update. So they are coming for everyone to read. 

So without further are the heroes!
















Again, awesome job guys! You really brought an identity and uniqueness with the names and backstories you crafted. This is EXACTLY what I wanted to do...make backers part of the evolution of Dungeon Crusade, and we did it! 

Closing this section out, I went back and tweaked this video a bit. Here is the updated Age of Heroes video revisited in case you didn't see it. 

Here is the link for you. >>>


I wanted to share a few of these with you as this is pretty close to final content for the game. I shared a few of them in the past updates, so here is a few more to check out. 

So have a look at Sir Brennus Caderyn and Ennwyn Shadowleaf....



Oh! As a side not, you'll notice in alot of these posters within this update the currency in Dungeon Crusade. The coins were created by Annika. I really find those coins to be beyond perfect for dungeon Crusade! ;) Great job Annika. 


Another deck is completed for the game!  In Dungeon Crusade, your heroes will have main quests and side quests of course they need to complete. But something I implemented for the game when creating it was Tavern Tasks. Take a look at the promo poster. These turned out incredibly awesome! 

Tavern Tasks are small mini quests given by some of the characters of the story I wrote for Dungeon Crusade. These type of quests are available at the start of a game if your heroes visit the tavern in the village.

These tasks are completely optional for your heroes to complete. But completing a Tavern Task has some good rewards. Gold, lifeforce and possibly a piece of free loot.

And we really have to talk about and thank a few artists for their incredible work on these. The stunning David Shearer created the backing of these cards, and all I said to him was I would like a setting within a tavern like area. And as he does, created this fantastic looking backing! LOL, Notice in the back left, the one guy laughing away. I thought that was a great touch. Thank you David! :)

The task side of the card was created by the most awesome Annika Maar. I gave Annika a list of the characters we needed for these, and she really brought them to life with her dazzling art style.

It was a really cool feeling to see these characters I created for the story now have an image associated with them. I just gave her very brief descriptions for each one, and let her work her magic. These characters are so perfect in every way. KUDOS and thank you Annika! :)


Another deck is complete for the game! Before we get into this, I created this promo poster awhile ago, but I would like to share it again. LOL, in creating this poster, I was sort of going for a 1970's retro grindhouse movie poster. I think it looks pretty good. :) 

Out of the 4 dungeons for Dungeon Crusade, The Tomb of Kaladar is by far the hardest & deadliest one out of the bunch.

When I designed this dungeon, I poured a ton of imagination and creativity into it, to give fellow dungeon crawlers something like they have never quite experienced before. Besides the traps scattered throughout this dungeon, heroes must make it through environmental hazards that the evil wizard Kaladar has put in place. A very fun but deadly dungeon for sure! ;)

But about these traps, I had a certain look I wanted for the art on these cards. I wanted something very retro inspired, since the Tomb of Kaladar is very retro in appearance thanks to the awesome paint job by the most incredible artist Damien Mammoliti.  

Last year I was on one of the groups on facebook scrolling through all of these different posts. And to my surprise, an outstanding & talented artist named Dean Spencer posted the art style I was envisioning in my head for the trap cards for this dungeon board! It could not have been more perfect.  

I messaged him and explained about the game and what we were going for, and I really wanted his art in Dungeon Crusade. So from there we worked on the trap cards together for the Tomb of Kaladar..

Here is another promo poster for the trap cards.....

I think your in for a real treat when we debut all of Dean's trap card art for the game, and I assure you, we created ALOT of traps for you and your heroes. ;)

 I would really like to thank Dean for everything he has done. We have become really good friends over this project and look forward to more projects with him in the near future. :)


I would like to introduce you to the heroes fetch hound, Albus! Albus is the heroes link to the village while the heroes are within the dungeons, crypts, ruins and towers of Avalon completing quests for whatever village they may be assisting.

 Albus can be sent back to retrieve gear, weapons, torches, potions and a few other useful things to aid the heroes on their perilous journey.

Here are some promo posters for you to check out with Albus in the village retrieving some gear and items for the heroes.....





 Albus can be sent back to retrieve gear, weapons, torches, potions and a few other useful things to aid the heroes on their perilous journey. 

Before the "Dark Age" consumed Avalon, the land was beautiful, peaceful and very serene. Dogs were a very integral part of everyday life and were used in many different ways.  

Besides being pets to villagers, some dogs would accompany hunter's on hunting expeditions, some dogs were trained to be fetch hounds. These fetch hounds would be used to run supplies to neighboring villages or even aid people in distress or in need of help. Miners would rely on fetch hounds to take precious stones and minerals back to a village blacksmith.  

Albus was born in the village of Salemport and comes from a champion bloodline known for their courage, strength and speed. 

When the Dark Age consumed Avalon, Albus was chosen to accompany the heroes on their perilous journey and assist them with bringing various items to aid them in combating the evil they would be confronting.  

And do not worry! Albus can never be hurt, maimed or killed. Monsters simply ignore him. Albus can obtain level 3 in the game which makes him run faster and able to carry more items to the heroes.  

I really have to thank some of these awesome artists for their astounding work you're seeing on these promo posters. I gave my prototype village board to the most incredible artist Damien Mammoliti for him to recreate it professionally for the final game. What can you say! His art style and the final village board is beyond belief. It's another thing in the game I'm just dazzled by! THANK YOU Damien! ;)  

As you know, the gear, or rather loot you're seeing was created by the awesome duo of Shaun Ellis and Kezrek Laczin. We reveled all of the loot a few days ago, and now seeing it on the village board it looks stellar! Outstanding job guys!  

The potion tokens were created by the amazing artist Tom Feldmann. Thank you so much Tom, they look beyond perfect! 

The torch token, lit and unlit was created by the war creative and talented Annika Maar. Thank you as well Annika! Great job :)  

And wow...LOL...let's talk about Albus. First off, the most awesome Freddy Lopez created him for the final game, and I have to thank Freddy for not killing me! ;) I was so particular about how I wanted Albus to look, like very overly critical. Just his stance, the armor he's wearing, etc. Freddy went to great lengths to make Albus look so perfect. Truly Freddy, THANK YOU so much. Your art is just out of this world. :)


"Hear ye! Hear ye! All Crusaders of Avalon, for the most honorable King Groovus approaches with swords, bows, crossbows, staffs, daggers, scepters, maces, warhammers, axes, armor, gloves, bracers, boots, helmets, shields, charms, rings, necklaces, pauldrons, amulets, cloaks and much more loot for thou and your heroes to vanquish the monsters & creatures of the land of Avalon with!"

LOL!  So here is the 193 pieces of unique loot for Dungeon Crusade. No matter what edition you pledged for, you will receive all of the loot that's being shown. And before we go any further, I wanted to say, as you can probably guess, I'm a massive and passionate dungeon crawl fanatic. I simply love these games. I've played these types of games since I was a kid til now and just can't get enough of them.  

Before I go any further, let me post all of these pics for you to look over..... 























 OK! I'm back! When I set out years ago creating/developing Dungeon Crusade, one thing that was paramount to me was to give fellow gamers and people a MASSIVE amount of loot that they can discover while playing and equip their heroes with.

A huge loot deck in any dungeon crawl game is quintessential. But with Dungeon Crusade, I took it to the way extreme for everyone, as in the amount of it, but also the quality and balancing of the whole deck.

There is truly an unlimited amount of ways for players to build and spec out their heroes in Dungeon Crusade as they see fit.

Also, if you notice at the very bottom of these cards, there is some flavor text. I wrote 193 unique pieces of flavor text for each piece of loot, and some of it has the origins of where the loot came from in Avalon, or some lore behind it. It was just my way to immerse the player even more in Dungeon Crusade,

I seriously must thank a few of these incredible artists I worked with in these final loot designs. I supplied my prototype loot cards to the most awesome Shaun Ellis & Kezrek Laczin.

From there, those 2 created the final art you are seeing for these cards. The pictures don't do them justice, Shaun and Kezrek's art is so stunning and fits so perfectly within the Dungeon Crusade universe.

At the very end of the loot development cycle, I asked Freddy Lopez to create 6 pieces of starting gear for the 6 expansion heroes. And even though it';s starting gear, it looks so outstanding!

So a huge THANK YOU to Shaun, Kezrek & Freddy. I think everyone is going to enjoy beholding your incredible art while playing. :)


I said this in the update a few days ago, but I thought everyone would like to know the facts on this one. 

I was conversing with my production manager at the game company about how long in fact the whole process will take to manufacture Dungeon Crusade once we submit all the files to them.  

I took this directly from the email....  

"After we get all the correct files from you. It takes around 2 weeks to get the prototypes ready. Then after the sample is approved. We will need at least 35 days for mass production. We will be on rest On 9th, February and we will be back into office around 26th, February. "  

So there you have it straight from the game company. So as you see they will be off for CNY, and that will give us some great time to further wrap up the game and get it to a completed status. 

I mentioned this in the comment section, but I wanted everyone to see this as I always want to keep you guys up to date on everything we are doing. :)

How to build an awesome & inexpensive tabletop for board gaming:

I have been meaning to share this with you guys!  I want to show you how to build a great looking and inexpensive tabletop for all your board game needs.

I have been doing these for years now, and you'll see how I did the one I use for Dungeon Crusade. Some people expressed an interest on how I built mine, so I wanted to take the time to finally show everyone how to do this.

As you know, our hobby of board gaming includes some mega huge games, so I hope this helps you create a tabletop that will accommodate all of your board game needs and possibly Dungeon Crusade. 

If you have any questions about how to do this, just let me know. I'll be happy to help you out.

Here is the link for you. >>>


WHEW!!! How was that for an update? I hope you guys enjoyed all that and I hope it reinforces my undying commitment to kickstarter, you guys, people pledging for the game and just anybody looking forward to this. 

We are doing this game right. I know how many people are looking forward to Dungeon Crusade, and I will never quite until it is on your home and on your quite mammoth table. 

I said this in the comment section a few days ago. Speaking very candidly, my life is Dungeon Crusade and everything it entails, you guys and my family of course. Like, I can't derail from this game, or from the creation process. From the time I wake up, until I go to sleep, my mind is always thinking what is next to complete for the game, what goals do I need to achieve today for the game, etc.

I really want to wrap this up ASAP because there is more I want to show you guys for games. You know about the expansion coming for Dungeon Crusade after we wrap this up. Freddy is really excited for this. He has told me he has many ideas for monsters and creatures to add into the expansion. Plus, there is "something" coming later in the year that I am VERY amped up about. I just want to show the gang here something and see what you think. :) 

I truly feel at home here on kickstarter and it's just an incredible platform to share my creativity & imagination with so many people and hopefully give them something they will enjoy over the years. 

So before I go, here's what we have to do. There isn't that much left. I'm working with Annika on the scenario page. I'm so thrilled to show this to you guys! I have really came up with a very original and innovative way for scenarios, where they will have different difficulty levels and a mode that you can select that randomizes some certain things. It's going to provide people with always keeping the scenario fresh no matter how many times you play it. I think people are going to love this actually. 

Besides that, we have to finish up some quests, and the very last thing is the Avalon Adventure board game. We are really getting to the end of this very long development cycle.  

Before I go, I wanted to say here what I have said in the comment section. If I would have known, we would be going into 2018 with Dungeon Crusade, I would have just said it way back. We really discussed it and thought we could achieve having it completed. Especially how I work on things. Whatever it is, I'm on it until the task is completed. I never quit, and I never do anything half baked.   

In retrospect, this was seriously a massive undertaking. Truly...just huge. But the good news is, we are nearing the end, and I do welcome it to finally get this game to you. The way I work on Dungeon Crusade is I never have taken a day off, ever. I'm on the game for hours every single day because I love working on it, playtesting it and chatting with you guys about it, and showing you these ultra mega updates. As I said, I made a serious commitment, and I'm undying to the end. 

But let me say, I think I'm a pretty good problem solver. One huge thing about kickstarter is many people complain about games being delayed. I want to solve this problem for the next game Groovus Games Unlimited does, and those there after. 

We learned alot from this experience, and we are going to make it better next time. Experience is the best teacher I believe, and of course you better yourself and learn. 

I want to thank ALL of you for your patience and understanding. You guys truly mean alot to me, and I promise you, this will be worth the wait. WE ALL did something incredible here with creating Dungeon Crusade. :) 

OK all, I'll be in the comment section of course hanging out to see what's going on. I hope everyone has a great day, talk to you soon...Rodger :) 

p.s. Oh! Here...I think you guys will enjoy this. ;) >>>>


The evolution of Dungeon Crusade. A 3 hour video series of final content for the game.
over 6 years ago – Sun, Feb 04, 2018 at 09:08:02 PM


Hello everyone! :) Rodger here and I hope everyone is doing great out there. has been a super busy last few months. I'm incredibly happy to say that SO MUCH of the game has come together. I have diligently been working on a ton of final content for the game.

Recently one of the biggest and longest tasks for the game has come together. I managed to get all of the 193 unique pieces of loot done for the game. Besides writing those 109 special abilities for the 12 heroes, this was one of the biggest tasks. It wasn't the creativity part of it at all, it was the time consuming task of putting all the art on the final cards, adjusting it, adjusting colors, sharpening it, etc, But I'm happy to say, all of it looks incredible. 

Don't believe me!? LOL, just watch and see what this video holds within. I believe the loot could steal the show. The first part of the video series is dedicated to all the loot. 

But so much is done for the game now as you are going to see. We are really at the 5% mark for things left to complete for the game. 



Here is a link to the last update for you. If you didn't check it out yet, check that one first, then come back to this one. This was the Dungeon Crusade Christmas Extravaganza video program that talks and shows even more final content for the game. 

So with this new 3+ hour video on Dungeon Crusade, and that one, there is just alot of good information and a look at final content for the game. Here is a link to the past one for you. 



I just want everyone that's reading this, if you see a delay in the updates, check the comment section. I'm in there almost daily giving everyone play by play things that we are doing, what we're up to, news and just everything Dungeon Crusade.

In any case, I just wanted everyone to know to check the comment section to see what's going on. In these days of putting the final game content together, I'm in there almost daily for everyone. Plus, if you go scroll through the comment sections history for the past month, you'll see a ton of great information for you.

Introduction to the 3+ hours of this video series:

So below is a link to the introduction to the 3+ hour video series you. Within it is the full reveal of the 193 pieces of unique loot for Dungeon Crusade, then goes into some discussion on it, followed by a small demo of the game where I play a few turns to show you just some of what Dungeon Crusade has to offer.

 I kept it simple for this, as I would like to get people acclimated to the game, and this is a great introduction to watch before watching the full playthrough video coming later in February.

In the new playthrough I will be just playing a game straight forward, and there won't be time to talk about some of the facets of the game. So this series will really get you up to speed on what's going on with Dungeon Crusade, so you will be better prepared and have a great understanding of the full playthrough when it is dispatched on You Tube.

I hope you enjoy this video series on Dungeon Crusade! Just remember some things are not shown within this small demonstration of the game. Such as mining & crafting, secret room discovery, mystery chambers, lockpicking, the Avalon Adventure board game and a few other things.

This kind of stuff will pop up in the new playthrough video and won't need that much explaining. So in this video series I just wanted to touch on the basics for you, and get everyone up to speed. 

 I hope you enjoy this video series! By me dispatching this now, it will give me time to post EVERYTHING we have gotten accomplished in the past 2 months, and there is ALOT in this next update coming soon, as in within this coming week. But I'm sure this video series will keep you engaged and I think you're going to find it very enjoyable. I seriously LOVED playing it and didn't want to quit. 

Here is the link for you to the playlist. >>>


I did want to share this now with you however. The image you're seeing is the box art for Dungeon Crusade. I have had that image in my head for 20+ years.

I worked with the most awesome, creative and incredibly talented artist Freddy Lopez to bring this box art to life. I was incredibly particular about many things in this scene, and Freddy managed to pull it off. Just stunning work Freddy! :)

I have to say a massive THANK YOU and Kudos to Freddy! Not only did he surpass what I was envisioning, but he injected some of his own creativity and ideas into this image and created a fantasy masterpiece for the Dungeon Crusade box.

Here is a small video I did awhile back so you can see what the top and sides look like. When the time comes, we'll be revealing what the back will look like, as I have a great idea of what to do with it. 

Here is the link for you >>>>


I thought everyone would like to know the facts on this one. I was conversing with my production manager at the game company about how long in fact the whole process will take to manufacture Dungeon Crusade once we submit all the files to them.

I took this directly from the email....

"After we get all the correct files from you. It takes around 2 weeks to get the prototypes ready. Then after the sample is approved. We will need at least 35 days for mass production. We will be on rest On 9th, February and we will be back into office around 26th, February. "

So there you have it straight from the game company. So as you see they will be off for CNY, and that will give us some great time to further wrap up the game and get it to a completed status. I mentioned this in the comment section, but I wanted everyone to see this as I always want to keep you guys up to date on everything we are doing. :) 


So guys, I will be back with a mega, ultra update as I usually do. I just want everyone to know I had to really kick out all of that final content over the past few months for the game. This is really all I have been doing, and doing some stuff with the family. But besides them, you guys and Dungeon Crusade are priority number 1. We are so close to the finish line. 

Also, browse through the comments if you like. I'm in there pretty much daily telling everyone what's going on. 

But I believe after seeing this 3+ hour Dungeon Crusade video series you are going to see what I have been doing. ;) This took awhile to put this all together, but wow!! I was having such a great time playing! The new playthrough is not far off, and really, this was like a mini playthrough you'll be seeing. I really hope you enjoy it! 

OK all, time to hit the hay. Tomorrow I will be continuing the proper update where there will be loads of pics with final content for you to check out. OH!! That's what I wanted to mention. Our tech writer Charlene will be going over everything towards the end of February if there is corrections to be made. So just know there is a final step of proofreading and checking everything before it's called completely done.

Have a great day all, I'll be back super soon. Talk to you then, Rodger :) 



LOL! I couldn't resist! Here is some pics of the final loot for the game. :) And BTW,'s all in there for you...swords, bows, crossbows, staffs, daggers, scepters, maces, warhammers, axes, armor, gloves, bracers, boots, helmets, shields, charms, rings, necklaces, pauldrons, amulets, cloaks and much more. 

I have a condition called "DungeonCrawlitis". I'm on 2 swigs of elixir a day. The clerics at the temple say I'm getting better. Nah....I'm just a loot junkie... ;)